not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

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I have been working for the same company for almost 4 years and I have only received 2 raises. The first was because minimum wage increased so they gave me a 25 cent raise and the second one was because they decided we can pay for our own medical and so they gave a us a 60 cent raise to barely cover the extra medical deductible. I have received employee of the month numerous times and I have been told my everyone I do an excellent job and yet they refuse to give me a raise when I know for a fact that the person here before me was making more than I do in less time. They talked about finally giving me a raise and a promotion a few months back but that fell through cause they decided to not hire anyone for the position after my coworker left. And just recently again I had a second coworker leave and thought I could get moved up and yet they decided to move a guy who has only been here for 90 days! I like my job and the environment but the lack of pay as well as lack of promotions is killing me.
In the current job economy, your best bet is to start shopping around for another job. Employers have decided that as expensive as the hiring process is, it's cheaper than giving people raises - most people will hang around forever with few small raises, rather than actually go job hunting, so in the long run it's cheaper to not give raises.


It is 2011 and there are still people who think that smoking makes them look cool... and they are over the age of 14.

I am mindboggled.


and actual rant, holy shit I am having a bad night at work. The campground is full of the proverbial "not happy campers". We have a huge group who do not believe that rules apply to them, lack of supplies and reservation errors. It is just a big shit pile. I want to go hoooome.
Added at: 20:47
On the plus side the guy I work with who is suffering through this with me just brought me a shot of tequila. I think my tongue is numb.
Compared to my shift last night, that's a good night.

Crew of magazine sellers have been shooting up all week. Wind up at same bar with gas line crew staying a couple doors down and a girl from *another* room upstairs from them.

Cut to an hour or so later back at hotel. Argument between magazine crew and gas crew ensues over girl and missing cell phone. Argument turns into brawl. I hear the mayhem in the background when guy call saying "they're beating up my friend!" I call 911. When the dust settles, 2 arrested, charges pending on others. Everyone in groups involved in fight tossed from hotel. No refunds for nights left on reservations.

A couple hours *later*, the arrested guys post bail and come looking for refund. Still drunk and busted up. I say no. Guy looks like he's about to come over the desk at me. All he's gonna get out of me is, "you need to leave. NOW." I have to tell his buddy to get the guy and leave.

Right before my night is done, the boss of the magazine crew storms in demanding refunds and claiming that what I did was against the law and he's gonna sic lawyers on us. I tell him He's going to have to go higher than me because I had my orders. Doesn't care that they were already warned about any police response concerning them.

It's all out of my hands now. :p


1/16th of an inch. forgot to factor in one little part and 1/16th of a goddam inch is going to make me rip up a days work and redo it with a shim in place so that the step will clear properly.
Wimpy kids piss me off.

My wife gave me the third degree today because I was making fun of my nephew (her sister's kid) for not being able to ride a bike or jump rope. He's 7 years old! He's ridden his bike like once ever. Cripes when I was his age, all I did was ride my bike around the neighborhood. I remember the girls would play double-dutch at like warp speed. All this kid does is sit on his little ass all day and play video games. He loves hockey. He loves watching the game. But he's terrified to learn how to skate. And I get yelled at if I try to push him.

The kids were later playing with water balloons in the backyard. He got smacked right in the face with a water balloon and started bawling, with my sister-in-law swooping in to save him. I swear that kid is so friggin coddled that he's a big chicken. I got yelled at again when I told him to grab a water balloon and smack his cousin (my kid) right back.

I get so pissed off with over coddling and wimpy kids. I've always been a firm believer that they need to explore around and get dirty and get scraped up. And, yeah, kids need to be pushed to do something sometimes. I can understand if they absolutely hate something after a while, but geez if a kid tries to ride his bike ONCE, tell him to get his ass back on the horse and try again. That's how you learn. That's how you deal with shit later in life.
That was my middle brother (on the bike thing). I was riding a bike at 4. My youngest brother was riding his even earlier, but my middle brother was almost 10 before we forced him to learn to ride his fucking bike.

Today, while doing yard work, I vomited because of the sheer number of mosquitoes that managed to cram themselves into my mouth and down my throat at once. This is the worst plague of mosquitoes I've ever seen in my life and I grew up in a fucking swamp. When I was driving out into the country to a call one evening I saw pillars of swarms of mosquitoes going 30-40 feet into the air. For 20 straight minutes in this field I was driving by. Countless swarms of these things.
That's the one thing I do NOT miss about Alaska, all the fucking mosquitoes. I remember as a kid they sold t-shirts with a picture of a mosquito on it with the phrase "Alaska State Bird" underneath it.


Tonight was another bad night at work. A ten year old girl was, as the report says, inappropriately touched by a 15 year old boy. It's a really crappy situation. We ended up with a county sheriff and a bia officer in the park along with our ranger. I don't know what all is getting figured out because I had to leave.
There are kids everywhere at the park. The parents feel way to safe in my opinion. They just let their children run all over they don't know who they are with or what they are doing. I wish it were safer but it isn't. Poor kids.
That's the one thing I do NOT miss about Alaska, all the fucking mosquitoes. I remember as a kid they sold t-shirts with a picture of a mosquito on it with the phrase "Alaska State Bird" underneath it.
Yeah, from what I've heard or have been hearing we're getting mosquitoes of this plagueatude because Alberta's been in basically a drought for more than a decade. It snowed so much this last winter and has rained so much this spring that we're getting the better part of 15 years worth of dormant bugs all going apeshit at once. It has been, and I'm not trying to exaggerate, a fucking nightmare.
I'm in Saskatoon and the news is reporting that the number of mosquitoes is 12 times the 5-year average for this time of year.

I'm glad I work indoors.
I'm glad here in the U.S. we spray deadly chemicals through the air every summer, not at all concerned for what effect that may have in the long run, so long as it kills those blood-sucking little fuckers.
I suspect that humans who pay attention to other humans and watch the consequences of their mistakes have an evolutionary advantage over those that don't have any particular interest in the unfortunate actions of others.

So it's probably instinctual to a large degree.
My parents, especially my mom, have been giving me conflicting guilt trips for months. Today's been particularly bad, tears became involved.


Staff member
Aw, sorry dude. :\

I'm really glad I'm almost done being a hostess. It's an easy job except for my coworkers. Every server has a sob story for me to explain why they either shouldn't have to take more tables or why they should have more than anyone else. At first, I was sympathetic, but now I realize I was just being manipulated. I've learned to respond with, "We all have problems; go talk to a manager if you don't like how I do my job." It's getting easier, but I wish they'd catch on and quit trying.
Buncha weenies... when I was a server, yeah I hated it when I got over-sat, but I dealt with it, and reaped the tip benefits afterwards... usually.

Gusto, dude, I'm sorry about that


Staff member
Thing is, no one section has more than 6 tables, and sections are almost never filled. They give smaller sections to the newer people--more like 2-3 tables--and those smaller sections never have 8-top tables in them. No one's given what they cannot handle on a normal day for them. Some days there are actual exceptions... but rarely.
Grow the heck up, servers. I didn't even have tables and would at times serve up to 4 people at the same time.

If it was a job where people felt obligated to tip I could have traveled a lot more over the last 9 years.
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