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  • M
    If you say my name in irc I'll often just appear....
    Happy Thanksgiving Kriskeno my little olive!
    Guess what Im doing.

    Ill give you a hint... wakka chicka wakka chicka
    "I didn't do it, Im too smart for that".. got it!:hmmm:
    I changed your title to something more apropos.
    Hey that's awesome! So setting up all those nurglings was worth it.
    I'd say he was a good looking guy. Crazy though. You don't earn a nick name like that for nothing. Tried out for the army 3 times and was rejected each time for failing his psych exam.
    Yeah, just in the general facial features, not attitude wise. He was a different fellow, let me tell you. If you're interested in some stories about the guy, I'm happy to share them. I just always thought that in the forehead, eyes, and nose area you reminded me of him.

    Not meant to be offensive in any way!
    Im back. I didnt have enough the first time.

    I want you to get a classic my little pony and paint it the way you would your miniatures. Customize that pony!
    I am stalking you on your halforums page! mwahahaha
    I love you all so much. If I could I'd take you all with me to the Betty Ford Clinic. Yeah.
    Not just you! 74 visits? Who are you people? Leave a cryptic message if you stop in!
    i think i've used it once before but it is underused indeed...thanks for the message krisky!
    Aww, thanks for your message, buddy. Here's a message from me, thanking you for your message.
    Wait, why are you people looking at my page? Who are you? What do you want? Ah, look all you want. It's not like it's all that interesting. Hah, take that!
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