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I'm taking a huge hit right now on my Abbot Laboratories stock. Though, that may have something to do with the fact that they bloody sold off half of their business.


Staff member
I should really buy me some stocks. I've been working hard and not watching anything.
No, he sold it at 2.30, then bought it at 2.08 (same day), and is currently hoping it'll go back up 22 cents.

He's a day trader. They live for these big changes in small stocks.


Staff member
No, he sold it at 2.30, then bought it at 2.08 (same day), and is currently hoping it'll go back up 22 cents.

He's a day trader. They live for these big changes in small stocks.
Yeah, he's trying to game the system by buying, waiting until the live climbs and if the live dips he sells, hoping to make the change before it updates in our system. You can certainly do it, but man is it time consuming!
No, he sold it at 2.30, then bought it at 2.08 (same day), and is currently hoping it'll go back up 22 cents.

He's a day trader. They live for these big changes in small stocks.
Ah. Jobless.

I prefer the large scale defrauding of the system instead.
I would day-trade if I could do it the lazy way - i.e. have the system sell particular stocks automatically if the price rises to a particular point and buy automatically if the price drops to a particular point.
So wait, you buy at 2.08, wait for it to go to 2.30, sell and then re-buy at 2.30?
no, I wait for it to dip again, THEN I BUY IT AGAIN.

Silly Adam.[DOUBLEPOST=1357165339][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, he's trying to game the system by buying, waiting until the live climbs and if the live dips he sells, hoping to make the change before it updates in our system. You can certainly do it, but man is it time consuming!
Actually, I haven't been relying on the delay. I've been watching this stock bounce back and forth between 2.08 and 2.44 for the last two weeks now. It's a good one to invest, sell, and invest again. Sadly right now it is down, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow and hope for a jump at opening (which has been typical)
no, I wait for it to dip again, THEN I BUY IT AGAIN.

Silly Adam.[DOUBLEPOST=1357165339][/DOUBLEPOST]
Actually, I haven't been relying on the delay. I've been watching this stock bounce back and forth between 2.08 and 2.44 for the last two weeks now. It's a good one to invest, sell, and invest again. Sadly right now it is down, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow and hope for a jump at opening (which has been typical)

But but...you're cutting your net by huge numbers when you do that.

Rule of Acquisition #2: The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.

Rules of Acquisition #202: The justification for profit is profit.


Staff member
Yeah, but I don't want to be pointed at as a 'dirty cheater', right?
You forget I tried to do the same thing to test the waters right after I started this. It can be done but unless you are working in huge volumes, it's just too time consuming and not worth it. Gaming the system isn't dirty cheating, it's exploiting loopholes in the code. You are...the 1%.
Yeah, I only invest in one stock at a time. Honestly, there isn't a whole lot that can be done otherwise. The market is just too volatile to depend upon, and I have no idea what the dividend period is.
Any of you guys actually invested in the real stock market?
Me, but I have a lady down at the bank who makes all my banking (and, by extension, stocks) related decisions for me. I give her a pile of money, she comes back after six months and gives me a slightly bigger pile of money, hopefully.

In retrospect, this does seem like a rather risky operation. I wonder how I was talked into this. Probably had something to do with the fact that she's very hot, and her bank uniform is very form-fitting.
I'm taking a huge hit right now on my Abbot Laboratories stock. Though, that may have something to do with the fact that they bloody sold off half of their business.
Holy crap, I hadn't even noticed Abbott taking a hit like that. I had a nice chunk of cash invested in them too.

Stupid Abbott Laboratories.


Staff member
Every bone in my body is telling me to sell my PFIN, that it's about to tank... but I just can't click the button.
Most of my super-bowl related stocks are up, best buy went up by a staggering 16%. Someone's got to move all those 60" TVs asia's been sending us this last month.

I'm interested to see what the gun stocks do this next week through biden's announcement.
If the moronig pictures I've seen on Facebook are any indication, very well. Never underestimate an ill informed public.


Staff member
Pfft, the portfolio rankings should be listed by percentage growth, not dollar growth. You shouldn't even be in the top 10.
Heh, yeah, it probably should. But it ain't. :troll:

And really, it won't be a proper listing unless it takes into account things you've sold off, which it currently doesn't. Bad stock? Sell it and it no longer counts against you. Good stock? If you sell it, all that +% goes away.
Well, honestly, it should let you break the top lists by percentage growth, amount of that growth, and portfolio size as further broken down by earned via investment and earned via posting.
All my Super Bowl stocks are up, but boy apple took another beating. Gun stocks are still down, probably in anticipation of Biden and obamas warmongering and malcontent.
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