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If you're naked on your front porch, and the neighbors can't see you, it's Rural.
If you're naked on your front porch, and the neighbors call the cops, it's Suburban.
If you're naked on your front porch, and the neighbors ignore you, it's Urban.
If you're naked on your front porch, and your neighbor is also naked on his front porch, it's Florida.
Maybe people who meditate for an hour a day are happier because they live a life that affords them spare time in which they could choose to meditate
People who dip biscuits in their tea will be right there alongside the marketing department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation when the revolution comes.
We seldom admit the seductive comfort of hopelessness. It saves us from ambiguity. It has an answer for every question: "There's just no point." Hope, on the other hand, is messy. If it might all work out, then we have things to do. We must weather the possibility of happiness. - CryptoNaturalist
Bon Jovi is just Zeno's Paradox in a denim jacket

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