XenForo Bug Report

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Staff member
It's weird that they have a metric fuckton of things that are changed in the AdminCP yet a few things that have to be put in the css files...and it's never certain which are which.


I thought there was going to be a black theme that did not suck. Those all sucked.

Is there going to be a black theme THAT DOES NOT SUCK?


Yeah I guess I will too. They were tolerable I guess more will come out eventually.


Staff member
So, what is jquery.com , and why do I have to have it whitelisted on adblock in order to post? When I logged on this morning I got "Load jQuery first!" error messages, and no box to post in, until I told adblock to allow the site.
I had the same error but it didn't make me whitelist it with adblock. But it did make me allow it through NoScript.


Staff member
So, what is jquery.com , and why do I have to have it whitelisted on adblock in order to post? When I logged on this morning I got "Load jQuery first!" error messages, and no box to post in, until I told adblock to allow the site.
Sorry about that. I was trying to get the resizing to work. I didn't realize it would cause the jquery thing to pop up. This has been fixed and won't happen again.


Will xenforo come out with more themes or are we stuck making our own?


Staff member
XF itself is making none. But there are a LOT of people making them for XF. It's just a matter of time before we get new ones.

One thing I *DID* learn was that simple changes in XF are okay if you have a lot of styles, but I spent a good 2 hours updating and trying to unfuck ones after the last update so I doubt I'll have as many as I did before. We'll see how well Jay's new one goes over and then add maybe 1 more. While it's nice to have a truckload of them and a lot of choices, when there's a major update it gets to be prohibitive. In addition, when we make changes it has to search/change all the styles and has caused some slowdowns and page errors.


Look for maybe 1 more after Jay gets his XFDark Blue style done.
I haven't worked on any skins all week (check sickness thread), I'll prolly get on the bandwagon next week.

But I'd like to know if the random timeouts is normal? "the page cannot be displayed". It just happened and has happened a few times since yesterday. Anyone else getting this?


i get the time outs now and then. maybe 1 or 2 times a day when i stay logged on at work.
But I'd like to know if the random timeouts is normal? "the page cannot be displayed". It just happened and has happened a few times since yesterday. Anyone else getting this?
Yeah, it's happened to me a couple times last night and today.


Staff member
So it's NOT just me?!? I was asking earlier and everyone was saying they were normal.


Staff member
Has it been doing this today? I haven't seen it. I did some template modifications and next will be working on addons.
Well, it took me close to 3 minutes to get to this page. When I want to Embed Media, I get a nice black box... then after 1 minute I get the white box to put in my url, then I wait 3 minutes for it to "process" it.

I know specifically it's THIS site because I keep myself busy enough with other sites while this board lurches about the simplest of tasks.
You can get that from the admin tools you got. :)

Buy XF Dark Green an' Firefox.

The issue comes and goes but the embed media issue was always lagged hard.
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