Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

Someone asked me if I'm over 65 years old. I mean, my hair is mostly white by now, but I don't look that old, am I?


Staff member
Me: "You know, things are going pretty well recently."
???: But what if it suddenly wasn't?
Me: "... what?"
???: What if there's something you forgot, or couldn't account for?
Me: "Well, it'd be unreasonable to expect to be able to..."
???: And then it all flies apart and comes crashing down. You entire life will unravel before your eyes and you'll be left a broken shell of a man that nobody will even bother thinking about except occasionally as "whats his name that fucked everything up then disappeared."
Me: "That sounds ridiculous and would never happen and now why does my chest hurt and why am I breathing so hard."
???: Here, let me take control for a sec, just put your brain in neutral and I'll handle all your movement and conversation for the next 45 minutes. We're gonna go to Dairy Queen and get a blizzard.
Me: "Is it just me or did the fabric of time and space just get.. blurrier?"

So that was mildly disconcerting.
I just weighed myself. I'm at 252 lbs, the highest I've been since before I moved out of my parents' place.

It's my own fault. I can't stop eating garbage, I barely exercise anymore, and I just stopped caring.

I've also been more depressed than ever lately. Called in sick to work multiple times, including today. I'm not talking to anyone because what does it matter? Nothing matters. I don't have anything in my life.
So Facebook sucks.

I'm sure everyone who uses Facebook realizes that it loves sticking random ads and suggested groups in your feed instead of actual posts and updates from your Facebook friends. I noticed this, naturally, but then I decided to game their algorithm to make it show me posts from groups dedicated to posting pictures that I'd enjoy seeing. (For the sake of discussion, let's say they're "landscape paintings".) Every time a "landscape painting" post showed up, I would tap/click on it so that the algorithm would see that I was interested in stuff like this, and it would therefore show me more "landscape painting" posts in the future. Eventually I got it to the point where I could open up Facebook, see a few updates from my Facebook friends, and then scroll through an endless collection of "landscape paintings" from a wide range of groups, all handily curated and collected for me by the algorithm.

And then apparently something changed in the last couple of days for me, because now I'm only getting Facebook friend updates in my feed, punctuated by unrelated ads. I don't care about my friends, I want "landscape paintings" dammit!
So Facebook sucks.
Yes, they do.
It's been something like ten years now and they still won't let me back into my account. Even though I know the password. And enter the code that gets sent to the email they have on file. I'm sorry that's not enough we need you to send scans of the front and back of your driver's license AWW HELL NAW.
It's fine, though. It just means I can't ever use Facebook. Or Instagram. Or an Oculus. Or WhatsApp/Threads/Messenger. I didn't need any of those things anyway.

The restaurant I went to for my wife and I's 20 year anniversary of us meeting only accepts reservations over Facebook/Messenger. Worth it though, their beef Wellington was excellent.
Yes, they do.
It's been something like ten years now and they still won't let me back into my account. Even though I know the password. And enter the code that gets sent to the email they have on file. I'm sorry that's not enough we need you to send scans of the front and back of your driver's license AWW HELL NAW.
It's fine, though. It just means I can't ever use Facebook. Or Instagram. Or an Oculus. Or WhatsApp/Threads/Messenger. I didn't need any of those things anyway.

Technically Oculus is not tied to Facebook anymore
My father in law, who's in his 70s, had a minor health scare over the last few days. He had to go to the hospital multiple times for chest pain and dizziness. He lives in Tainan with my mother in law and sister in law, which is about 2 hours away by train, so naturally my wife and I can't head over there on a whim, but at least he's got his wife and daughter to look after him.

The issue, however, is that my MIL and SIL have been very reluctant to give any sort of information to my wife about what my FIL's condition is. We have no idea why. My wife would message them and call them, but the only information they'll give is stuff like "we went to the hospital again this afternoon" and "he's feeling better today". Even now, around 3 or 4 days after this first started up, my wife and I still don't know what specifically was the problem, or what the doctors said. This has naturally led to my wife suspecting that the issue is actually more severe than MIL and SIL are letting on, and they're deliberately being vague so my wife doesn't worry, but instead this is making her practically frantic with worry. I think she's a hair away from just heading down to Tainan to see for herself. (She would've, but the school she's teaching at has finals coming up and she needs to be here for that.)
Been severely depressed over the last few days. Christmas in general depresses me.

There's so much pressure to do something during the holidays or buy presents or spend time with family and it's just all overwhelming. As the family loser, going to any get together just depresses me because I'm surrounded by people who did more with their life. So I have nothing of value to add.

I've felt so depressed, I've barely talked to anyone, including my girlfriend. I've spent the last three days almost exclusively on my couch playing Days Gone on the PS5.

And now I go back to work tomorrow, back to the soul sucking nothing job where all I do is get yelled at by customers all day.

I don't see the point of anything anymore. I've wasted my life. It's a completely meaningless life.
How was Days Gone?
Quite addictive once I really got into it. I got into kind of a groove of gathering loot, crafting what I need, and running missions for the various camps. I was drawn into the story more than I expected, too. It's nothing great, but it's very engaging.

The much hyped horde mechanics are stressful and exciting, but I like that you can use your approach in dealing with them. After doing the mission at the sawmill, I couldn't help watching different videoes on how other players handled the 500 swarmers.

But yeah, depression aside, I've been enjoying it.
Quite addictive once I really got into it. I got into kind of a groove of gathering loot, crafting what I need, and running missions for the various camps. I was drawn into the story more than I expected, too. It's nothing great, but it's very engaging.

The much hyped horde mechanics are stressful and exciting, but I like that you can use your approach in dealing with them. After doing the mission at the sawmill, I couldn't help watching different videoes on how other players handled the 500 swarmers.

But yeah, depression aside, I've been enjoying it.
That sounds cool. I'm sorry your holidays weren't as enjoyable as you would've wanted, but really sinking your teeth into an enjoyable game is, I find, something to be savored when we can. So I hope Days Gone will have brought you some good memories as you head back to work and have to constantly resist the urge to murder your customers with a trowel. (A feeling I know all too well as well, unfortunately.)
Today is trash pickup day (delayed an extra day because of holiday). I dragged the can to the curb yesterday just in case, but it hits me at 10am that our indoor can is full and I think to myself, "I have the day off, I should take that down before the truck gets here." So I put on my pants and shoes, and I am pulling the bag up and out of the can in the kitchen when what do I spy through the window but the truck pulling up to dump our can, and I loudly moan, "Noooo!"
"What is it?" calls my wife from the bedroom.
"Well I was just pulling the bag to go down and the truck came right as I was doing it," I reply.
She then says, "You know there's another bag waiting in the back, right?"

We had a windstorm a few weeks ago during our bi-weekly pick up. Nothing got picked up as it got blown down the street :(

Hey at least your bumped pick up for Monday is Tuesday. Our Monday gets bumped to the preceeding Saturday :(
When our cat was fighting her illness, I gave her lots of water so she could flush out whatever junk was in her system. That meant I had to scoop out her litter box at least once a day. Those clumps didn't have the normal cat litter smell; her medications and the toxins from her liver combined to produce a particularly malodorous stench. If we missed a trash pickup, the warmer weather and accumulating bags of used litter made it seem like a mage had cast stinking cloud in our garage.
Yeah, but the alternative is worse, I meant it in the meme "you guys are getting paid?" way. Our trash pickup is on Monday morning, if it's a holiday on Monday, sucks to be us, keep your garbage another week. If it's plastics or paper, another 2 or 3 weeks.
Yeah, but the alternative is worse, I meant it in the meme "you guys are getting paid?" way. Our trash pickup is on Monday morning, if it's a holiday on Monday, sucks to be us, keep your garbage another week. If it's plastics or paper, another 2 or 3 weeks.
Well at least it's consistent? You never truly know when they will pick ours up depending upon the type of holiday.
I've been fighting off an upper respiratory infection for the past few days. The doc gave me antibiotics and I'm feeling much better. I should be fine in another day or two. The downside is all those meds make my breath have that weird aftertaste. Every time I cough or talk too much I get that gross feeling in the back of my throat.

The wife and I are also at her parents. They've taken care of me, but they have also been shouting at the local news broadcasts because a nearby Confederate monument has been removed. I am much more knowledgeable about the subject than they are. In fact, several of my op-eds advocating for removal and criticizing collective Southern amnesia have been published. However, I cannot counter the in-laws' white Southern rage without seeming like an ingrate.

And their cat has decided to help me recover by shoving her butt in my face every morning.
So, I'm in the Guinness book of World Records a couple of times. Not for anything particularly cool: Once for the world's largest Guinness toast, and once for being part of the largest online Secret Santa (via Reddit).
The secret santa thing was 11 years ago. Guinness breached email etiquette rules and CC'd about 1000 of us instead of BCCing us. Exposing all of our email addresses to each other. see: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2012/9/guinness-world-records-statement/
As part of recompense, they gave me my certificate for free, rather than me having to pay for it.

Every year or two, some asshole decides to dredge up one of those old emails and reply-all it. Which leads to a ton of other people joining in the reply-all chain. I know they're just having fun, but man, my inbox. Please!

When I was on Thunderbird, I instituted a ruleset that quietly shunted all those things to the trash. But last year, my email provider moved to outlook, and I lost all of those rules. I didn't even realize it until today when...you got it...someone decided to do a reply-all and wish us all a happy new year.

RIP Inbox.