Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

You are fully capable of discussing ideas and topics without having to concede that they are correct. I've found that people are willing to engage you on your own ideas, when you've proven to them that you are listening to theirs.
I would argue that giving it a well thought out debate implies that there is something to debate. Alt-right people don't deserve to have their opinions given any possible thought of merit.
I would argue that giving it a well thought out debate implies that there is something to debate. Alt-right people don't deserve to have their opinions given any possible thought of merit.
"Even engaging 'those' people on any civil basis only legitimizes them." No, no it doesn't, this excuse is a cheap way to refrain from having to discuss your position while taking what appears to be a moral high ground. It's only childish sanctimoniousness and circuitous logic. Terrible ideas have this nasty habit of flourishing without logically sound criticism to oppose them, so if you believe that the alt-rights ideas are poor, then by all means engage them in debate. Otherwise it only appears that you are afraid that your own beliefs cannot stand up to criticism or rigorous debate.
"Even engaging 'those' people on any civil basis only legitimizes them." No, no it doesn't, this excuse is a cheap way to refrain from having to discuss your position while taking what appears to be a moral high ground. It's only childish sanctimoniousness and circuitous logic. Terrible ideas have this nasty habit of flourishing without logically sound criticism to oppose them, so if you believe that the alt-rights ideas are poor, then by all means engage them in debate. Otherwise it only appears that you are afraid that your own beliefs cannot stand up to criticism or rigorous debate.
All about this.

If you dismiss even criticising another idea, then there's no reason not to dismiss your ideas. The reason for this is fairly obvious, but I'll state it: you have to explain why an idea should be dismissed, in order to dismiss it. Things are not as obvious as you think they are.
There's a difference between "bias," and "making shit up." Breitbart admits to making shit up.
Do left wing agencies have the same level of transparency, would they admit to "making shit up" as well? Also, I did note Breitbarts bias as well as stating that they do publish decent articles from time to time, I even gave the same level of credit to them and to all other news outlets for this. I'm not one to elevate any media over another, they all have their uses.
I should clarify. Breitbart admits to making shit up with malicious intent. They aren't interested in "news" or "facts". They just want to rile up the foaming-at-the-mouth True Believers. When asked as much, the late namesake's reaction was "yeah, so?"
[They come from] Fishy Joe’s
What they're made of is a mystery
Where they come from no one knows
You can pick em, you can lick em, you can chew em, you can stick em
If you promise not to sue us you can shove one up your nose
"Even engaging 'those' people on any civil basis only legitimizes them." No, no it doesn't, this excuse is a cheap way to refrain from having to discuss your position while taking what appears to be a moral high ground.
I agree with you in principle, but there are some characteristics shared by conspiracy theorists (much of the alt-right) that make such an approach impossible. Conspiracy theorists possess some... personality quirks... that cause them to label anyone who argues against them as PART of the conspiracy.

There is a difference between someone who just holds opposing views and a crazy guy ranting on the subway.

Speaking of crazy people, some 20 white supremacists decided to protest in front of the NAACP building in Houston earlier this week. They came with guns and Confederate flags.

I hate Illinois Nazis...
A guy who no longer works here was into conspiracy theories. He said the Richmond TV shooting was faked because there weren't any shell casings visible in the video. :facepalm:
And if you scroll down to the comments (why?), the first few are immediately "this article is just a plant by Hillary to get away with her own corruption". Lovely. And sadly, impossible to (dis-)prove.

Anyway, hacked-and-altered documents are the doctored photos of our time. Russia loved those back in WWII and the Cold War, too (Yes yes, not only Russia, but Nazi Germany isn't a big player anymore, for example). I do like how they say in the article "after 2 weeks everyone will know the documents are fake, but by then the discussion will have changed". This person does not seem to understand that, no, once this kind of documents are out there, there will always remain a large group of opponents who will keep on believing they're real.
A guy who no longer works here was into conspiracy theories. He said the Richmond TV shooting was faked because there weren't any shell casings visible in the video. :facepalm:
I've noticed that the conspiracy nuts come out of the woodwork whenever there's a mass shooting. I know one (NOT friends with him) who was already an asshole before he left for Iraq, and he came back with severe PTSD and is even more of an asshole. Every word Obama says after a shooting is apparently code for calling up death squads to take the guy's guns. He won't seek therapy because he's afraid of being classified as mentally ill and then losing his guns. His precious, precious guns that will allow him to wage war just in case Obama suspends the 2016 elections. I give the shell-shocked douchebag five years until he occupies a federal building and then either eats a pistol or commits suicide by cop.
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Staff member
Oh, Weiner. You rapscallion. Will you ever learn?

The funniest part about this (besides the name Weiner) is that his wife has now left him after his third sex scandal. THAT'S not even the funny part. His wife (soon to be ex-) is one of Hillary's campaign people. Even THAT is not the funny part. The funny part is that Trump has said this reflects badly on Clinton.

So let me get this straight, Mr. "I cheated on my first wife and have been divorced twice before I married a nude model 26 years younger than me" is the new moral compass and can paint someone in a negative light because the husband of one of her friends philandered?

Makes perfect sense.
I kinda hope that right after the election (assuming Hillary wins), Obama pulls his nomination. He intentionally went with Merrick Garland just so the republicans couldn't say they didn't want him because he was a liberal judge.
One thing seems to be the case, no matter the outcome - this is the last election where the Republican Party is a thing.
If there is one possible good thing that can come out of this election, it can be the republicans questioning why their party seems to attract the trash that have been so passionate about Trump. My prediction for the republican party before this shitshow was that they would lose this year and realize that in order to stay relevant they had to become libertarian-light. Unfortunately, the success of trump has shown that there could be some potential for what is essentially a neo-nazi party. And like you said before, a split along these lines would essentially mean a single-party state. A relevant third party would be nice, but not like this.


Staff member
Maybe for the presidentials, but I don't think it'll just whoosh out of Senate/State/local all'a sudden.
Let's be perfectly honest, 90% of the electorate only votes for the president, and whoever their presidential candidate's party is down the rest of the ticket.
One thing seems to be the case, no matter the outcome - this is the last election where the Republican Party is a thing.
I'm not so sure. In its current form, probably. We'll have to see. A reformed party on the right would be a good thing. The Republicans have been hijacked by the most extremist edges on their side - religious right bigots, hateful racists, MegaCorp lobbyists, etc. I can sort-of imagine the same happening on the left - if the Democratic party continues to use their power to nominate people with the Clinton profile, the Sanders supporters (in part former Obama supporters...He promised (radical) change too) might form a left fringe as well and tear that side apart.
Anyway; a reformed Republican Party would either leave room in the center for a new centrist party, or on the edge for a new extremist party. A 4 or 5 party system is simply more democratic than what you have now.

And no, I'm not saying all religious people are bigots, or all Republican voters are "one of the above", or whatever.


Staff member
That's...fucking stupid.[DOUBLEPOST=1472678612,1472678570][/DOUBLEPOST]Hey, Bob! You take insulin? Well, we don't like that legal drug, so we're going to take away some of your rights.


Staff member
Frankly, the 2nd Amendment is already so violated in every way, shape and form on a daily basis, who's gonna notice one more, right guys?

Case in point: The gun legislation california passed 2 months ago.
First they came for the felons, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a felon.
Then they came for the potheads, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not naive enough to trust the government to not retaliate for violating federal law.
Then they came for the alt-right, and I did not speak out—
Because I was a cuck.
Then they came for me—except they didn't, because I can't own guns anyway.