Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

That sounds fantastic Necronic! Good to hear you're getting back into the hobby and have a place nearby which helps to support it. I have to drive 45 minutes to find a store which has gaming tables!

Are those models you painted or images you found on the internet?


Staff member
Just something I found on the net. I really couldn't find shit for a good picture of a Malcador Spyrer

I'll get some pictures up of some of the stuff I have painted


Staff member
Here we go. Just a couple Terminators. The best one I have done so far is a techmarine, but I left it at work. Excuse the bad lighting on it, I'll get some better pictures up soon.

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------

Just flying right along with this thing, eh? I highlighted all of the brass areas and plan to lighten certain areas on the brass even more for lighting effects.



Staff member
Finished the Eversor today, not thrilled about parts of it but it could have come out worse. Left it at the games store though so I'll grab some pictures of it tommorow.
Sounds good Necronic. Something I've tried doing since I restarted painting my miniatures is to try something new each time I start a new project. With the floating disc, I tried to make special banners for the towers that would stand out. Even building the titan is a new experience for me. Whether it is working with washes, focusing on a new basing technique, or just discovering which colors are the best at complimenting each other, try to find a new angle you haven't thought of yet. Remember, you can always repaint a model (believe me!).

I dig the faces and the shoulder emblems :)
Ok, just one picture for now, but it has the shin guards finished and ready for action! The lower half of the Titan is looking pretty epic so far.

Ok, some updates. Probably won't seem all that impressive after seeing the bottom half all painted and finished, but this is what I've done for the top so far-

The arms-

The body piece (still being assembled)

And all put together
Ok, I've done a bit since the last update.

I've completed quite a bit of the titan, but I really have to cut out the head pieces and assemble the head. Hopefully I like how it looks. If I dislike it, I'll be doing modifications to make it less... truckasaurus.

Here we have the completed basic titan, sans head.

After the head is attached, I can fill the open areas with large spikes, khorne symbols, and even paint other details on the titan.
Thanks guys :D I'm currently trying to develop the head piece and give it a unique look and take the truck design away a bit. Last thing I want is for it to look like a semi-truck patched onto a titan body :)


Staff member
Love that red and the detail on the front. And he's actually a cute little guy.. like some kind of gun bird.
Hah, I suppose it does look a little like Rex :D I hadn't even thought of that!

I still feel like I have a lot to go yet. The titan has a lot of open spaces that could have chains and various other bits and pieces added to give a stronger chaos feel (besides the many, many skulls!).

I've got a few extra ideas for the head, and I have a collar idea I think I'm going to use. Make it a bit more animalistic and Khorne themed.


Staff member
So I know this is for some sort of tabletop game, but do you ever just line em up and put on plays or have little wars in your living room?
Yes, in fact when the titan is finished it will be playing the role of Macbeth in his Warhammer 40k production of the Scottish Play.

In the grim darkess of the future, there is only SHAKESPEARE!


Staff member
Yes, in fact when the titan is finished it will be playing the role of Macbeth in his Warhammer 40k production of the Scottish Play.

In the grim darkess of the future, there is only SHAKESPEARE!
Is this a big fucking gun I see before me?
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF SHAKESPEARE, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much shakespeare. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!


Out of curiosity how much would someone be looking at spending if they wanted to get into Warhammer 40k?
it really all depends on which army you're interested in and how you want to play that army. for a basic army around 2000pts i'd probably budget around 300$. however you could easily go over that if you load up on vehicles or a horde style army.
Out of curiosity how much would someone be looking at spending if they wanted to get into Warhammer 40k?
it really all depends on which army you're interested in and how you want to play that army. for a basic army around 2000pts i'd probably budget around 300$. however you could easily go over that if you load up on vehicles or a horde style army.[/QUOTE]

Here's the reality your looking at spending:

- $57.75 for the Core Rulebook
- $20-30 for your army's Codex (really needed to get the most out of your army)
- $100-200 for Paints, Brushes, Sculpting Putty, and bases (If you buy from Games Workshop. I wouldn't.)
- $300 and up for your Army, depending on how many vehicles you field

That's around $500 bucks just to get started. That's not even counting the dozens of hours you'll spend cleaning, assembling, posing, and painting your army. That's right, your army needs to be fully painted to be eligible for an official tournament.
Out of curiosity how much would someone be looking at spending if they wanted to get into Warhammer 40k?
it really all depends on which army you're interested in and how you want to play that army. for a basic army around 2000pts i'd probably budget around 300$. however you could easily go over that if you load up on vehicles or a horde style army.[/QUOTE]

Here's the reality your looking at spending:

- $57.75 for the Core Rulebook
- $20-30 for your army's Codex (really needed to get the most out of your army)
- $100-200 for Paints, Brushes, Sculpting Putty, and bases (If you buy from Games Workshop. I wouldn't.)
- $300 and up for your Army, depending on how many vehicles you field

That's around $500 bucks just to get started. That's not even counting the dozens of hours you'll spend cleaning, assembling, posing, and painting your army. That's right, your army needs to be fully painted to be eligible for an official tournament.[/QUOTE]
This is an incredibly unfair assessment.

The first thing you have to do is remind yourself it is a hobby. All hobbies cost money, whether it is scrapbooking, skeet shooting, or modeling. Hell, paintball costs a fortune as well, and can easily run you $1,000 a year if you do it enough.

Most people don't start out aiming for 2,000 points. In fact, my play group has just graduated to 1,000. If you are the first person to start it up, yes, you'll need a rule book. Most people get by without one if they know someone who is already playing though. Honestly, it all depends on the army you want to play and who you're playing against.

Initial investment for a new player in an established setting (has a basic rulebook) and using space marines as the army looks more like this:
HQ choice: $10-$20
2 Troop choices: $70
Heavy (dreadnaught): $40
Rulebook: $25

Total: $155

Most people forgive a new player not having painted mini's just starting out. Eventually $20 in paints and brushes will get you to where you need to go if you are thrifty about what you use and how you use it.
Many game stores will get you in using the drug dealer's philosophy: "First taste's free." (or at least heavily discounted)

When I first started, I started with Space Marines, which is a very newbie-friendly army. 1 HQ choice (Captain + retinue), 2 Tac Squads and a Dreadnaught. About 750 points, all told. If you have a group of gamer near you that aren't a bunch of min-maxing munchkins, many will work with you and try to help you out when you start up, offering advice on purchasing and occasionally throwing some extra supplies your way (paints, glue, brushes etc).

It's like any other hobby, and occasionally you can get yourself lost in it. Be wary of that happening, especially if you have a high credit limit! *grins*

Also, be wary of ridicule. My wife teases me all the time about having "tea parties with my dollies." *harumph*
Heh, mine asks me to take a month off so she can spend some time with me ;) The Titan has sorta taken all my time!
But it is looking delicious, thus far. STILL needs more spikes, tho. *grins* I love the chain loincloth you've got for him, and the skull "stucco" bit you've got going on with him. The brass is turning out pretty sweet, too.
Thank you :) I have finished with the basic coloring and outline colors for the big 'ole beast. I'm planning on spending the next month decorating and highlighting it so it is a bit more... decorative. Definitely needs more highlights.

However, I have created a head that isn't so Truckasaurus.

Hopefully someday I'll have a camera that isn't so grainy in its picture taking.
Probably seems like I haven't been doing anything since finishing the Titan, eh? Hah! That's where you would be wrong.

This is the beginning of my Skull Tower. This is another Khorne themed vehicle, but this one is more of a tank. It started out as a box and I've been slowly adding things here and there to improve on it.

I'll have more pictures later when all of the detail has been added.