Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

Dec 11, 2013
Jersey Shore -BENNY go home!
My daughter was trying to get perfect attendance this year, but then was really sick and had laryngitis for four straight days. She was upset about losing perfect attendance until she was able to skip a day of school a month later to go skiing and not have to care about it anymore. (Also I think perfect attendance is a scam award meant to train kids to never take sick days as adults :p)
In 1st grade, I won a perfect attendance award, which was handed out on a Friday, a week before school ended. That weekend I ended up catching poison sumac, and missed the entire last week of school, which ticked me off at the time. I feel your daughter's pain, although I ended up with better timing.

I agree with the attendance scam. By the time I hit middle school, I was happy to take sick days. Nice try, school brainwashing!
Dec 3, 2008
I had this really young co-worker that won a Ford Ranger pickup truck at her prom because she had perfect attendance. She got a big promotion at work and was asking me what kind of car she should buy...

"Keep the one you have, drive it till the wheels fall off, and make car note payments to yourself until you can buy a car with cash. Driving free from 18 to 30 years old is a great gift."

She was like 19 at the time, and she drove it until she was at least 31.

I was so jealous because I had perfect attendance and there were no rewards back then.
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Staff member
I skived off so much I had it down to a science. I could even reliably intercept the scan-tron attendance form for my home ec class so that this girl Jessica and I could skip that period and go down to the bagel shop on the corner. I think we skipped that class at least 2 to 3 times a week. Thankfully the teacher didn't give enough of a shit to do anything more than mark us absent on the form.
Nov 27, 2008
East Coast
I skipped so much school my senior year that I probably shouldn't have been allowed to graduate. It was a tiny school and no one gave a shit. Plus I was on the list of 'Least likely to succeed'.


Staff member
Nov 27, 2008
I had perfect attendance for almost all 12 years of school. Almost. There were a few sick days in there. I'm not sure if it was nerdiness or just not wanting to be at home.
Dec 1, 2008
Other Fourth Coast, USA
I didn't even get the concept of "skipping school" until my senior year, but I had such trouble getting to the bus in time (and therefore being tardy) that I couldn't skip on the semi-official "senior skip day," otherwise it would've impacted my grades enough that I would've failed at least one class.
Total number of days I deliberately skipped school: 1. I think we drove to Point Pelee and played Monopoly in the back seat of a hatchback. Such rebels!

Nov 27, 2008
The Valley of the Sun
Wife's car is having its starting issues again. Won't turn over, despite having a brand new battery. Electronics on it may be causing the problem. Unfortunately, we won't be able to get anything done for it until next week.

Guess who was really wanting to go to Nashville in said vehicle? :(:cry:
Jun 3, 2012
I'm still awake......why the hell am I still awake...OMFG

I edited volunteer pictures all night and I guess it just fried my brain. I'm in the strangest mood. I've gone from tired and cranky, to bitchy and tired and cranky and am now enjoying weird and cranky.


Jan 17, 2009
I was supposed to get an extra in my salary this month for the week I was director. They forgot about it.


Staff member
I was supposed to get an extra in my salary this month for the week I was director. They forgot about it.
I hate that shit. I remember one time I had to lobby for months to get a performance review, after spending a year busting my ass for the new general manager so I could buck for a raise because I was, frankly, badly underpaid. He finally begrudgingly gave me a performance review where the worst he could criticize me was "it'd be nice if you wore long pants more" and awarded me a little more than what I'd have called a cost of living adjustment. And even then, two months went by without it being reflected on my paycheck because he hadn't "had the time" to put in the paperwork. I put in my 2 weeks, told him I took it as a hint. Suddenly shit got taken care of.
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Nov 27, 2008
I can see mountains!
My husband just got passed over for a promotion by the main office for the second time in a row. Everyone at the local office is flabbergasted to say the least, and they are piling recognition on him to try to keep him from leaving (which I've been trying to convince him to do for the last year, because he never actually plays hardball with these people)
Jun 3, 2012
Mean boss finally key me act in the promotion last year that I'd been doing unofficially for the previous year and then took it away from me without notice when I went in sick leave. I never did get paid at that level. She sucked.

I can't wait for her eventual misconduct trial to hit the papers. My last boss who was a dishonest douche bag was in the papers a few years ago for his part in a massive ethics scandal. My coworkers were all horrified and then shocked when I wasn't. I wasn't at liberty to say why, but he was a shady little bastard. He was never abusive, cruel or horrible to me like nasty boss lady was, he was just crooked. She's cruel and crooked. She will make the papers one day. I hope I get called to testify. I have so much to say.
Nov 27, 2008
To help minimize overtime, my office has hired summer help in the form of three teenagers. Two of them are trying hard, good attitude, receptive to feedback.

Then there's the other one. Small task that doesn't even require he gets up? My apologies, your holiness who's been here all of two days -_-. Can't wait to see how he handles feedback. I don't see him lasting the summer, but hopefully he just needs a few days to get with the program.
Dec 3, 2009
Savannah, GA
Protip - when tackling suspects, try not to do it on brick. Or on anything else uneven and raised that might strike your kneecap at a weird angle.

Also, try and refrain from tussling with another suspect an hour later.

Motrin is my BEST friend right now...
Dec 3, 2008
In your head, messin' with yo mind
No, now that the Zoloft is safely out of my system, we don't have to schedule that activity any more - it can happen whenever. No, apparently Experian's credit monitoring service really is completely useless when it comes to real estate scoring, so after getting back from our "fuck this shit, I need a damn burger" weekend, we were pleasantly surprised by a note from our lender that my wife's credit scores did NOT, in fact, plummet like a stone. So, we're headed down to Coos Bay to interview a couple of potential buyer's agents and look at houses.
Jun 3, 2012
I have the attention span of a gnat sometimes. I have the opportunity to take part in a drawing course with an online group I've joined where the author is also part of the group and has offered to give us feed back as often during our drawing as we'd like. On the class website you're meant to just share your finished work.

It's a great chance to get feedback and I want to learn from her. So omg what is my problem? I've satisfied the volunteer people, the kids were in bed, Pud wasn't in the mood to lay across my shiny white paper and did I draw? No...I spent hours watching these Neocolour videos. I'm obsessed. They're very cool but getting some feedback like this would be even better.
Jun 3, 2012
I'm not sure how it happened, but I stayed up all night doing the family's laundry and now I can't sleep. I'm too tired to draw or be productive though.

Maybe cake will help. Strawberry cloud cake. Or chocolate chip waffles! All the good stuff that I hide from the junior and senior hobos.
Jul 23, 2009
Taipei, Taiwan
(One week ago)
: Hey, we've got this translation we need done, it's really short and simple, but we need it to be absolutely 100% correct, and it needs to sound snappy and attractive. Also, we'll be printing your company's name as the ones who provided the translation, so we suggest you get it right.
Company higher-ups: Sure, we'll give it to our most senior Chinese to English translator and editor. He'll get it done for you.
Me: All right, this is my time to shine! Here we go! I'm going to translate this so awesomely!

: Hey you spelled "persistent" wrong. Unfortunately we didn't catch it in time, so it's now been printed, with your company's name next to it.
Company higher-ups: Ah fuck, we can't believe we've done this.
Me: Ah fuck, I can't believe I've done this.