Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!


Staff member
I found out I don't tolerate hydrocodone well after I got hernia surgery. You know what kind of hurts? Vomiting and dry heaving endlessly after getting your stomach muscles sewed back together. The funny thing was that after the stupid pill wore off, I felt fine. A little sore, but it certainly wasn't worth taking a painkiller.
I've only had them once when I found out I'm allergic to an antibiotic. I thought I was going crazy because it felt like my skin was on fire. The ER doctor told me she could see new ones coming up on my skin as I sat there talking to her. It was horrible. I can't imagine living with that as a chronic problem.
Now that I know what it is, its a lot less alarming. There was a time when I thought I had these horrible allergies to everything. It's still awkward when my coworkers point out hives growing on me though.


Staff member
I found out I don't tolerate hydrocodone well after I got hernia surgery. You know what kind of hurts? Vomiting and dry heaving endlessly after getting your stomach muscles sewed back together. The funny thing was that after the stupid pill wore off, I felt fine. A little sore, but it certainly wasn't worth taking a painkiller.
I appreciate the hugs and all, but this happened about 8 years ago. I was just relating my "allergy" story. I'm over it.
It may be going on 3pm where I'm sitting, but I'm running on Dubai time. Meaning it's closing in on midnight, and time for bed.
I found out I don't tolerate hydrocodone well after I got hernia surgery. You know what kind of hurts? Vomiting and dry heaving endlessly after getting your stomach muscles sewed back together. The funny thing was that after the stupid pill wore off, I felt fine. A little sore, but it certainly wasn't worth taking a painkiller.
Exact same thing, lucky for me my body knocks me out when I'm sick/healing.
Bah, it feels like she just got back from field work. That I have to drive her out to the airport tomorrow morning is a buuuummer.


Staff member
So, there you have it, jwhouk. Turn off your animal magnetism first.

I have a friend whose master's project involved studying fear responses in monkeys. One of his colleagues left a sedated monkey on a metal tray when he switched on the MRI...

Rumor has it the monkey lived.
So far this week I've received a hospital bill for $327, and another for $97. Just did my taxes. I owe fed $197. State gets me a $79 refund, but they've started offsetting that if you owe student loans.

My bank balance is $5. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

(payday is tomorrow, but still...)
I'm so stressed right now. I want to throw in the towel. Reviewing math for the GRE and I'm tanking. Oh that's only this Sunday.
Realized I had my transcripts sent to my house instead of the colleges I'm applying to.
I started filling out one application which requires work experience relevant to the program I want to get into. So far that's only about 50 hours of observation as part of my internship. I don't think I can count being a mom to two children even if I use what I've learned about behaviorism and social-cognitive theory on them.
I have an all day conference tomorrow (Hawaii School Counselor Association - woohoo, maybe I can count that as relevant experience).
I have homework to get done including a mid-term, a quiz, and research on 3 mental measurements for evaluation of their reliability and validity.
Noah's got an admissions exam on Saturday morning so he can get into a new school.
And to top it off Lily knocked one of her teeth loose tonight and it fell out while she was brushing.

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I have never felt less cool. My daughter has a bunch of friends over for a sleepover and she freaked when I wanted pictures and has forbidden me from the loft where they are. She's coming downstairs to make their snacks and everything.
I don't know if this was someone's idea of a joke but the computers in the cintiq lab have the absolute dumbest default program assignments.

"You want this illustrator file? Hold up, I'll try to import that to Photoshop. Oh, an actual Photoshop file? Sketchbook Pro it is."
Yay, this weekend I might not even finish the ONE class' homework because there's so much of it. I even got started on it earlier than last weekend.
I don't know if this was someone's idea of a joke but the computers in the cintiq lab have the absolute dumbest default program assignments.

"You want this illustrator file? Hold up, I'll try to import that to Photoshop. Oh, an actual Photoshop file? Sketchbook Pro it is."
Ugh. So many time's I've had to fix this for people.
"Always use this program to open this file?" NO.

Feel really shitty.

As I get older I realize how different my way of thinking is than the average person and it results in crazy misunderstandings and heartache on my part. And makes me feel like no one understands me or is willing to try.

After feeling, for a long time, uncomfortable with my friends I was confronted. And that's fine. But I see no point because no solutions were brought up, just vented feelings. So now I feel like a shitty person. Like there's something wrong with me.

In theory, everything is fine now. I'm not mad and I don't think she's mad. But there is no reason that the exact same issues I've been having won't come back. So now I feel caught and I'm heart broken. And taking myself out of the equation is the only solution I see. Maybe someday I can make friends that get what I want out of life and what I want out of people. But until then, I'm just completely gutted. Stuck over-analyzing everything because that's how my brain works.

I want to crawl away.

And I know things will get better, they're just not better yet.
I'm so sorry to see that you're going through this. Do what feels right and if not continuing a friendship that doesn't work or makes you feel worse for being part of it is what helps that's totally ok.
As part of a stark reminder of how much the main job sucks compared to the second job, today I was informed that now, every Wednesday, I have to call the head of my department and tell her how things are going. Mind you, I already send in mandatory daily reports and CC her on all relevant emails (IT tickets, etc.)

There is nothing more pointless and frustrating than a mandatory phone call to "see how things are going" to a superior who doesn't work on the same campus as you, who doesn't know how to do your job, and whom if you DID perchance need help, would try and get someone from another department, who ALSO doesn't know what to do, to come and "help"! I don't care if the library's on fire and the students are cannibalizing each other, if I'm on the phone with her, "Everything's fine." Because what's the god damned point? Seriously, it was 15 minutes of, "No, I'm fine. The students are okay. Yes, we've had some problems with the print servers today. Lisa (my direct supervisor) sent in half a dozen tickets to IT based on various issues. Oh, you saw them too? Yeah. No, I didn't see any responses but IT doesn't 'reply all' responses to tickets, only the person submitting a ticket gets the response. No, Lisa submitted them. Right. So if they sent a response, she got it. Yes. I'm fine. One of the student workers is out sick but he had notified Lisa and I earlier so it wasn't a surprise. No, that's not a problem. It's not a problem. No, it's okay. We have enough coverage for tonight. No, everything's fine. Yes. Okay. Yes, I'll keep sending those mandatory nightly reports. Okay. Talk to you next week."
As I get older I realize how different my way of thinking is than the average person and it results in crazy misunderstandings and heartache on my part.
...welcome to Halforums!
(Seriously, our byline could be: "Virtually mingle with the best of the weirdoes!")

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Fucking hell. WWE had the NXT Rivals PPV tonight. I was planning on avoiding spoilers and download/watch it tomorrow.

But the some fucking asswipe dickbag went and posted a GIANT, UNAVOIDABLE PIC of the ending on Facebook, which showed up in my feed, of course.

What ever happened to common courtesy with that shit?
Fucking hell. WWE had the NXT Rivals PPV tonight. I was planning on avoiding spoilers and download/watch it tomorrow.

But the some fucking asswipe dickbag went and posted a GIANT, UNAVOIDABLE PIC of the ending on Facebook, which showed up in my feed, of course.

What ever happened to common courtesy with that shit?
Facebook happened.