The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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I just received a call from a Sgt. in Iraq. He was calling through Skype and needed immediate assisstance.
FUCKING PEOPLE IN TELERAD NEVER ANSWERED!!! All they have to do is stay alert for military calls and they weren't!!
It was so fucking frustrating, I couldn't get ANYONE to help him, he was so nice and patient though, it all felt so weird, I could hear a lot of noise in the background, I really hope it wasn't a really bad emergency ='(
I eventually got someone to help him out but after 20 minutes of calling and calling every single person I could think of. He was very grateful.
It has just come to my attention that on August the 12th will come the 11th annual gathering of the Juggalos. THE ELEVENTH. GATHERING. OF JUGGALOS. Shouldn't these people have died from huffing paint by now? People of Illinois, I am disappoint.

By the way, I learned about it from this. If you love bad infomercials, perhaps you will glean some mirth from this train wreck.


It has just come to my attention that on August the 12th will come the 11th annual gathering of the Juggalos. THE ELEVENTH. GATHERING. OF JUGGALOS. Shouldn't these people have died from huffing paint by now? People of Illinois, I am disappoint.

By the way, I learned about it from this. If you love bad infomercials, perhaps you will glean some mirth from this train wreck.
I hate juggalos. I hate them mostly because of this:

I had to take a deep look at myself after seeing this. I essentially was happy for a baby to have died because it was better off dead than have to endure a life with two Juggalos as parents. I felt terrible and hated myself for thinking that, but then I realized I wasn't the person who killed the baby. No, that would be the drug using piece of shit who drank alcohol; did drugs well into the sixth month of her pregnancy (and then blamed the doctors for the death of her baby)
It has just come to my attention that on August the 12th will come the 11th annual gathering of the Juggalos. THE ELEVENTH. GATHERING. OF JUGGALOS. Shouldn't these people have died from huffing paint by now? People of Illinois, I am disappoint.

By the way, I learned about it from this. If you love bad infomercials, perhaps you will glean some mirth from this train wreck.
Oh wow. That girl in the video when they are in the car? Shes a friend of mine. Oh lord I had no idea how deep in this she was. I didn't think she went public. Oh geeze.
If she's going to those kinds of lengths to avoid talking to might just want to let it go. Doesn't seem like she's interested in hearing what you have to say.
If she's going to those kinds of lengths to avoid talking to might just want to let it go. Doesn't seem like she's interested in hearing what you have to say.
Well, talk via internet. But, what the fuck, I'm using the web means of communicating we had always used with great success!


Staff member
Man, I was testing your ability to adapt in emergencies such as this. I'm afraid I can only give you a D+. Better luck next time.

Philosopher B.

It has just come to my attention that on August the 12th will come the 11th annual gathering of the Juggalos. THE ELEVENTH. GATHERING. OF JUGGALOS. Shouldn't these people have died from huffing paint by now? People of Illinois, I am disappoint.

By the way, I learned about it from this. If you love bad infomercials, perhaps you will glean some mirth from this train wreck.
I am five minutes into this video. Having somehow made it this far, I feel compelled to try and go all the way. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm going to compromise and do both!

Edit: Vanilla Ice is gonna be there!

Element 117

It sucks watching a friend fight cancer. Especially when the treatments aren't working. Worse than anything, is not being able to help someone else.
Man, I was testing your ability to adapt in emergencies such as this. I'm afraid I can only give you a D+. Better luck next time.
You can't give me a D, my mom's gonna kill me![/QUOTE]

I'll push it up to a C if you go to the teacher's lounge and steal me someone's Lean Cuisine and Diet Coke.[/QUOTE]

*comes back with Select Smart and Diet Lime Coke*

It's the best I could do...
I've just lost a whole day, unable to work on this damn analysis of 'Terminator'. I'm also tired as hell, but being nervous and depressed makes me not go to sleep util it's very late. It doesn't help.
I burnt myself at work today.


And once again, the Gusto regrets his "No-Pants Tuesdays" policy. On the bright side, he's now known around the office as "The Toasted Sausage", which has proven a suitable replacement for his old nickname "Snicklefritz", which no one could explain anyway.
Bought a bicycle at a garage sale over the weekend figuring I would ride it to work. Now it has been years since I have ridden a bike and while it is true you never forget how to ride a bike you can become a bit wobbly. And that combined with the back brake not working so I had to use the front brake by itself lead to a rather pathetic stop and fall over. Luckily I didn't really get hurt all I did was bruise the palm of my hand but I did bruise my ego a bit. Oh well I am sure I will get back to speed quickly enough.
I grow tired of looking at the dead eyes of my avatar, but don't want to find a new one and fear that I don't post enough to have anyone know who the hell I am if I change it. On the bright side, the manner of most of my posts don't make this a huge issue, but still...
I grow tired of looking at the dead eyes of my avatar, but don't want to find a new one and fear that I don't post enough to have anyone know who the hell I am if I change it. On the bright side, the manner of most of my posts don't make this a huge issue, but still...

How is this :p



Staff member
Man, I was testing your ability to adapt in emergencies such as this. I'm afraid I can only give you a D+. Better luck next time.
You can't give me a D, my mom's gonna kill me![/QUOTE]

I'll push it up to a C if you go to the teacher's lounge and steal me someone's Lean Cuisine and Diet Coke.[/QUOTE]

*comes back with Select Smart and Diet Lime Coke*

It's the best I could do...[/QUOTE]

...It will suffice.
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