Finished revisions of 2017 novel! Thanks to overtime and exhaustion from work, it only took an entire 11 months, but reaching that point feels like an excellent start to 2018. Now I just need to graduate it from having a working title.

I'm thinking of self-publishing one of my last couple projects that's been gathering dust on my hard drive, most likely the weirder more personal one. But that needs a new title too.
@ZeroEsc try "Warriors of the Lost Ones" and "Intention Without a Goal".

I know, I know, they probably have little to do with the content, but clickbait has shown us quite clearly that people don't really care about that, and if anyone asks you can simply state enigmatically, "It's part of the mystery."
Hey @Zero Esc just calling out @stienman ’s post above.


@ZeroEsc try "Warriors of the Lost Ones" and "Intention Without a Goal".

I know, I know, they probably have little to do with the content, but clickbait has shown us quite clearly that people don't really care about that, and if anyone asks you can simply state enigmatically, "It's part of the mystery."
In that case, I've got it: A Novel. I've seen it on other book covers so it must work for them.
I've found that if I type in the name manually without using the autocomplete, @Gruebeard, then I have to surround it with spaces to have any chance of having it correctly done.

However, if I wait for autocorrect, select the name, then add punctuation it works ok.

I'm on a terrible internet connection, though, and the system just isn't that efficient at giving me quick suggestions when I use @.[DOUBLEPOST=1514837795,1514837763][/DOUBLEPOST]But it appears I'm wrong! That one went through fine.

Who knows anymore![DOUBLEPOST=1514837829][/DOUBLEPOST]@Gruebeard's probably right?
I've found that if I type in the name manually without using the autocomplete, @Gruebeard, then I have to surround it with spaces to have any chance of having it correctly done.

However, if I wait for autocorrect, select the name, then add punctuation it works ok.

I'm on a terrible internet connection, though, and the system just isn't that efficient at giving me quick suggestions when I use @.[DOUBLEPOST=1514837795,1514837763][/DOUBLEPOST]But it appears I'm wrong! That one went through fine.

Who knows anymore![DOUBLEPOST=1514837829][/DOUBLEPOST]@Gruebeard's probably right?

I forgot that existed after using a tablet for so long.


Staff member
Finished revisions of 2017 novel! Thanks to overtime and exhaustion from work, it only took an entire 11 months, but reaching that point feels like an excellent start to 2018. Now I just need to graduate it from having a working title.

I'm thinking of self-publishing one of my last couple projects that's been gathering dust on my hard drive, most likely the weirder more personal one. But that needs a new title too.
Just put "Star Wars: " in front of it. Even works for classics:

Star Wars: Great Expectations
Star Wars: Crime and Punishment
Star Wars: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
I think @PatrThom's wrong about apostrophes.
I’ve noticed that it makes up its own rules depending on whether you’re on tablet, desktop, mobile, etc.

Star Wars, Episode VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Wars: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
Star Wars: Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In a Cave and Grooving With a Sith

Great, I jotted down about sixty potential titles, most of which I hate, and now I've got to write Star Wars in front of each one to keep up with these suggestions in these changing times.


Staff member
Star Wars: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Star Wars: The Scarlet Letter
Star Wars: The Lost Princess of Oz
Star Wars: ASV
Star Wars: KJV
Star Wars: RSV

...if you think of them in terms of the trilogies, they probably foment just as much controversy.



Staff member
I'd joke about "Star Wars: Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul" but it probably already exists, and I can't bring myself to google and find out if it does.
Star Wars
Star Wars II
Star Wars: Brotherhood
Star Wars: Revelations
Star Wars III
Star Wars IV: Black Flag
Star Wars Rogue
Star Wars Syndicate
Star Wars Origins