[Announcement] Halforums Stock Exchange is OPEN!

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I gotta say, 5% seems like a pretty harsh fee. That means I won't be selling any shares until they rise above 5%, and that's not exactly easy to accomplish. Even something like 3% would feel much nicer.
Is there any trick to after hours trading, or is it as simple as it sounds and a way to throw off my predictions by making it essentially a 24-hour activity?
I bought a bunch of penny stocks, thinking they have nowhere to go but up.

I now have a bunch of half-a-penny stocks.
Nah, my first action is to add Red Faction: Armageddon's DLC and Titan Quest to the Humble THQ Bundle! Get em now folks, seriously. Make my stocks rise.
Huh, that was you? Nice. No go add the TQ expansion as well, and I may be willing to part with a halBuck.
Or win the bundle this Saturday in our Anniversary contest!
I'll go and try, but for the record, I already own TQ and expansion both on Steam and on disc; and I've bought the THQ Bundle (so now I own it three times! I hate THQ, why do I keep giving them money?! Oh wait, I put my Bundle donation to 50/50 Humble Bundle and charity and 0% THQ :p)
All right, I'm late to the party, but I've got a realistic portfolio together. And to keep it local, I even added two of Wisconsin's major companies to my portfolio - Harley-Davidson and Wausau Paper.
Oh, by the by, I'd love to be able to invest in Euronext Brussels, so that I can go lose money locally, too.

You'll have to change the add-on around a bit to allow differing price forks, though - paying only 5% isn't realistic in Belgium, that's at least 20% :p
Aaah! Somebody should have warned me! I thought this kind of big computer company was a sure-fire winner!

  1. THQ Inc. (THQI) - 100 Shares

    Purchased 100 Shares Today at 12:57 PM



    0.02 (1.63%)


    2.00 (1.63%)
Maybe it's just my browser, but it's not showing anything for your THQ stocks. #thatsthejoke?[DOUBLEPOST=1354893289][/DOUBLEPOST]Dammit, this forum game is going to eat all my time, isn't it?


Staff member
I bought a stock that had been rising steadily all day yesterday. Until I bought it. Then it tanked. Yay me!
I'm off the leader board! Just bought some stock in porn though, so I have faith I'll rise to the occasion.
You try to be the loyal son and buy stock in the company your father works for... And which stock loses the most money? Dammit, Dad. Work harder.
I know we're still in early morning trading (for the NYSE and NASDAQ anyways), so tons can change, but it's hard not to deflate a bit looking at some of those new trends. :megusta:
What's actually pretty interesting to me is that the things I had that were losing by small amounts yesterday are still losing by small amounts, but all the things that were doing well yesterday have pretty much just erased their price-bumps and a couple have dipped into actually losing.


Staff member
ARGH! My guns betrayed me the NEXT DAY. Thanks to smith and wesson, I'm basically only slightly better than Frank's THQ takeover bid >_<
Hmm...I think I'm going to start buying some stocks representative of forum members, pitting you all in some kind of cruel fiscal battle royale.[DOUBLEPOST=1354904134][/DOUBLEPOST]And first up will be GasBandit as an obvious choice.[DOUBLEPOST=1354904409][/DOUBLEPOST]Hmm, and SpecialKO is remarkably similar to a Kellogg's brand...[DOUBLEPOST=1354904672][/DOUBLEPOST]Darn. Babies R Us (AKA Toys R Us) is privately owned. I'll need to think of something else for stienman
Super curious what sexytimes company you'll be buying for me, MindDetective
I'm open to suggestions. In the meantime, Let's look around at what might be a good fit...[DOUBLEPOST=1354905146][/DOUBLEPOST]Chad Sexington shall be CHD, Church & Dwight, owners of the Trojan brand. It all comes together too perfectly.[DOUBLEPOST=1354905314][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I can't seem to tag you properly, Chad Sexington because of the space in your name. Is that a known issue?[DOUBLEPOST=1354905705][/DOUBLEPOST]And of course ThatNickGuy must obviously be Time Warner, owners of DC Comics.
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