Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Staff member
Here are your handy Thanksgiving crib notes

Quick tips from Jesus for Dealing with your family

1. Pretend you don't know them.
Mark 3:31-32 — “Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him. They stood outside and sent word for him to come out & talk with them... Jesus replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?”

2. Hide and Spend time with other people.
Luke 2:42-32 — "When Jesus was 12, they attended the festival as usual... they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem... Three days later they discovered him in the Temple, talking with the religious leaders."

3. Arrive late, no matter the consequences
John 11:3-6 — "Two sisters sent a message to Jesus telling him, 'Lord, your very dear friend is very sick unto death' …. So although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, he stayed where he was for the next two days."

4. Don't tell anyone where you are staying
MARK 7:24 — "Jesus left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre. He didn’t want anyone to know which house he was staying in,…”

5. When you need a break, say: "I'm going to go pray now."
Luke 5:15-16 — "The reports of Jesus' power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.”

6. When all else fails, good meals heal
John 21: 4-9 — "[After Peter's denial], Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus... Peter said, 'It is the Lord!' … they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.


When you feel guilty for being different from what your parents or your family want you to be, DON'T.

When you feel guilty for doing things differently and living your life in a different way than what your parents or family want, DON'T.
I am 100% listening to the Behind the Bastards (Christmas good guy) episode on him again just to make myself feel one shred of joy today.
He was also caught at an airport twinning with Nick "Conservative Whites need to be the Christian Taliban" Fuentes recently. You know, the guy that has been fueding with Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro because they are not radical enough.
Don't know if it's specifically about "The Patriarchy" so much as it is about "The Status Quo."
And yes, I realize TP is the current SQ, but I do not feel like I can definitively label which one is the correlation and which is the causation.

Ignorant "youths" like my one coworker (age 23) who replied one late afternoon when I mentioned how the two of us were the last mohicans (noboy else left in the building): "That's something from Star Wars?"
I so wanted to hit him with all five books of the cycle...

Or that other another coworker (late twenties) truly asked me: "Who actually is this Naopleon?" when I mentioned how our home city and region was given to France by the bavarian king back in 1806.

Kids these days (second example was already years ago), rarely showing interest in history and stuff older than the current fashion cycle.

And on the other hand, you have people like my parents in law who refused to ask for covid assistance becausre they didn't "really need it". They're both on a pension in a rickety old house (as in, older than anything still standing in the USA :-p) which is still warmed by a single wood stove, their combined pension is lower than what I earn on my own (my MIL has a minimum pension because she didn't claim unemployment during the years she stayed at home for the kids because "they didn't really need it", which means those years also don't count towards a full career and thus a higher pension). They could claim a couple of hundred euros a month in assistance for rising costs and just didn't because they "didn't need it".
Right now my FIL is recovering from a whipple surgery for cancer (F cancer, btw), and they still won't ask for assistance because they don't "need" it and that money is better spent on the "real poor".
I admire it and all, but there comes a point where you really should just accept assistance when offered.

I don't mind people accepting help they're entitled to when they don't "really need" it. I have happily accepted the government cheque for a couple hundred euros for increased energy costs - I could live without it, but my energy costs *have* risen, and it *would* mean a lifestyle change, so....I'll take it. Millionaires, though? Really? Will you even NOTICE the bloody $10K? Is that just bookkeepers optimizing for the sake of optimizing?
Is that just bookkeepers optimizing for the sake of optimizing?
It is, quite literally, people signing up for a program they qualify for, regardless of whether actually "need" it.
Remember that many of these people really and truly believe that they should not have to wonder about whether they are allowed to do stuff like this, rather it is the responsibility of society to tell them to stop devouring everything in sight and put limits on what they can and can't do. Or, as Collis P. Huntingdon put it: "Whatever is not nailed down is mine. Whatever I can pry up was not nailed down."
