Funny (political, religious) pictures

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First reaction: "Hmph. I could do a better impression of Thurl Ravenscroft than whoever they got for this."
(video continues to unfold)
Second reaction: "I'm glad they didn't get anyone who could do a better impression. RIP childhood."

First reaction: "Hmph. I could do a better impression of Thurl Ravenscroft than whoever they got for this."
(video continues to unfold)
Second reaction: "I'm glad they didn't get anyone who could do a better impression. RIP childhood."

Apparently the guy who made this was also responsible for stealing a Ronald McDonald statute at one point... which he used to make a fake terrorist hostage demand video for.


Staff member
woah woah woah, that map can't be accurate. Where's the massive rippling waves of prosperity coming out of the Bucks new stadium?