The Pope resigns

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So in lieu of any actual evidence to support your stance, you're basing your opinion on the fact that it's pontentially possible for Catholic Chruch to cover it up? That's tinfoil hat territory, since you can literally support just about any claim about him with that argument.
Yep, it's a personal hatred for Religion in general, moreso the Catholic Church that fuels any bias against believing any kind of front that is put up on a suspicious situation.
I'm just glad there's a modern precedent for resigning for health reasons now for the Pope. Hopefully from now on this is the norm (resigning when still competent) rather than staying on past your ability to do the job.

Also, watch for nothing to come out of Benedict's mouth, be published, etc, ever again (possibly just until his death). Similar to how former Prime Ministers (or other heads of state) that really retire, how they're rarely if ever heard from again. There are exceptions of course (many in fact) but that is much more normal for them to be quiet than to have one who actively campaigns. Better for the successors and the countries/organizations for them to keep their mouths shut.
This thread took a weird turn.

I'm an atheist that didn't like the catholic church as an organization, but I don't see anything unusual about a priest, reverend, pope, etc having a less than perfect past. They weren't born priests, they chose that later in life.

There's plenty of legitimate reasons not to like the pope without making up new ones. But that said, nazi jokes are pretty low hanging fruit.


Staff member
Just saying that back in Nazi Germany the Hitler youth was like being a boy scout. I don't really blame anyone for joining that.
As a former scout, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you did not just compare scouting to an ideologically driven scouting-like activity with the intended goal of creating large numbers of candidates for party positions and the Wehrmacht.
Fuck the pope. He was a shitty, backwards pale imitation of the man he replaced. I'm glad he's stepping down and I hope it's over some the very heinous shit he himself had helped cover up that got him elected to the papacy in the first place. His reinstitution of some of the bullshit anti-semetic nonsense the Catholic church was so good at for a thousand years that they had managed to begin to shed over the last hundred years (barring complacency with the fascists in WW2).

I was not a fan of new pope.
Don't get your hopes up. The only thing worse (in the eyes of the cardinals) than an European Pope would be an American one.
Dear Hollywood,

Pope dies, Cardinals gather, voice of God declares "John Smith, Big City uSA". Now agnostic, corporate business man type played by that Comic actor finds himself the Pope and leader of the entire church. Hilarity ensues as he learns what it means to be a good and kind person.

You're welcome
I'm an atheist that didn't like the catholic church as an organization, but I don't see anything unusual about a priest, reverend, pope, etc having a less than perfect past. They weren't born priests, they chose that later in life.
Thats because you haven't opened your eyes man! Git your Moulder on!
So you're judging a 14 year old for having his name put on the role of an organization that forced membership, and then proceeded to not attend the meetings, as if he was a willing member and participant? And that having his name on a list is such a critical moral failing that it should bar him from any promient religious position even 50+ years later?

^this guy.

There's plenty of other reasons to not like the pope, I'm sure.
Lets at least hope the new guy brings back limbo back into continuity, taking it out just added too many plot-holes to the story. Plus I don't like how it killed off Earth-2 John the Fisherman.

But in all seriousness, lets hope the new guy doesn't say condoms cause Aids.


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Chances are the new pope will be black or hispanic. Then you can watch the consternation of our southern catholics with glee.


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I guess I just don't understand the demographics of Southern religions in the US. Learn something new every day, I guess.
There is not many Catholics in the South to start with, and most of the growth of the Catholic Church in the South comes from immigration. So yes there are still areas where the Irish, Czech, and Polish Southerners (which are a minority in their own right) will still out number Hispanics, but it will not be for much longer.
I'm hoping for the surprise of Pope Yung or Pope Ling or some such :p No Asian popes so far!
That'd be kinda awesome if it came out of one of the "secret" cardinals that either Benedict or JP2 made in mainland China where it's illegal to be Catholic. They have a "state-approved" Catholicism there, but that's not the same thing.


Staff member
I guess I just don't understand the demographics of Southern religions in the US. Learn something new every day, I guess.
Yeah, the people you were trying to cast aspersions on are various flavors of protestant. You know.. WASP? Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans and Presbyterians mostly. In the southern US, Catholicism is vastly, overwhelmingly Hispanic.
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