[TV] Winter HAS COME! - A Game of Thrones

For all the unnecessary changes to the books, and all it's other faults and well deserved criticisms, this show is doing the relationships between Brienne and Pod and Arya and The Hound so well. Love it.

Episode 9 is usually the game changer/ biggest shock episode. I'm guessing this will either be Tyrion killing Tywin, or the battle at Castle Black. Episode 10 Usually has the supernatural cliffhanger, so I'm guessing that will be the reveal of Catelyn. Possibly with Brienne and Pod, even though it seems early to set up that cliffhanger already when its still not resolved in the books even. It just doesn't make sense to me for them to cut to some random Freys getting hung

I have a differing opinion!

I think the final scene being Lady Stonehenge strait up murdering those Freys would be awesome. It would allow for then to expand upon Pod and Brienne and maybe add some stuff next season. She still has to go on her adventure to crab castle or whatever it's called and that place where the hound some guy is. I don't think they'll catch up Brienne 's story line quite yet.
I have a differing opinion!

I think the final scene being Lady Stonehenge strait up murdering those Freys would be awesome. It would allow for then to expand upon Pod and Brienne and maybe add some stuff next season. She still has to go on her adventure to crab castle or whatever it's called and that place where the hound some guy is. I don't think they'll catch up Brienne 's story line quite yet.
Well, she doesn't have to go to crab castle.
I have a differing opinion!

I think the final scene being Lady Stonehenge strait up murdering those Freys would be awesome. It would allow for then to expand upon Pod and Brienne and maybe add some stuff next season. She still has to go on her adventure to crab castle or whatever it's called and that place where the hound some guy is. I don't think they'll catch up Brienne 's story line quite yet.
I have a differing opinion!

I have a differing opinion!

I think the final scene being Lady Stonehenge strait up murdering those Freys would be awesome. It would allow for then to expand upon Pod and Brienne and maybe add some stuff next season. She still has to go on her adventure to crab castle or whatever it's called and that place where the hound some guy is. I don't think they'll catch up Brienne 's story line quite yet.
hink the final scene being Lady Stonehenge strait up murdering those Freys would be awesome. It would allow for then to expand upon Pod and Brienne and maybe add some stuff next season. She still has to go on her adventure to crab castle or whatever it's called and that place where the hound some guy is. I don't think they'll catch up Brienne 's story line quite yet.
yeah, I relent. You're right. I kinda forgot about that.
HAH, my husband made the same comment about the burning stick. Because why do things that make sense?!

Also now I am singing "I Can Be Your Hero Baby" in my head. Fuck. (Literally just that line. Now listening to the whole song to try to get it ooooouuuutttt)
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I really thought that was pretty well known.

Also Delorous Ed was a regular in "Man Stroke Woman" alongside Nick Frost

And The Blackfish had a recurring role in Spaced

And Walder Frey was also in Hot Fuzz, as well as The World's End
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I was more weirded out by Sansa in this ep than anything else. Seriously.

Did we just get Goth Slut Sansa? What?

I knew about the other stuff because of the books. :p
I was more weirded out by Sansa in this ep than anything else. Seriously.

Did we just get Goth Slut Sansa? What?
That whole Littlefinger/Sansa stuff. It was solid but wow... liberties.

Arya making it to the Vale? Ooooooooohkay.

Grey Worm/REALLY HOT NOT 14 YEAR OLD girl love connection? Sure. Whatever.

And once again I say this...with 2 episodes left... why aren't they making more episodes per season? This show is GOLD. I'm not asking for double... just 2 more would do this show wonders for pacing.

That dual scene was PERFECT... completely made up the first 50 minutes. The acting was perfect. That look on Jamie's face where he realized that the Viper didn't suck was great... then he fucks up.

Stupid bastard.

Goodbye, whoever was that awesome actor who played that guy perfectly.
I was really hoping that while they were taking liberties
The Viper would end up winning and him and Tyrion and all the whores in Petyr's whorehouse could ride off into the sunset back to Dorne.

OK, I guess I wasn't hoping for it so much as it would make the next two seasons way more interesting. :p


Staff member
I mean....I get it: hubris is punished. This story consistently punishes the idea that the hero will win if his cause is just...but this episode, it was just too much for me. And the visual image of that scene, fuck me.

I like it for its casual cynicism, but sometimes you just want the hero to win. Just once. Even joffreys death was hollow because it wasn't a hero that killed him, just a worse kind of monster, and his death only led to more good characters dying. Ffffffffuuuuuuuuu
Personally I love the liberties they take with the story. I've already read the books I enjoy being surprised when the show mixes things up. Although that last show of Sansa was… a little overly dramatic? Is she Malificent now?