The Random Crap Thread

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Bubble181 said:
I read "dangerously low on grog" too!

...well, whenever someone links it. I tend ot forget and then go "oh, right! That's fun!" and read some.
Get a better interface for browsing backwards. Also, make threads about interesting new posts. :thumbsup:

I thought there were 4 distinct states of matter (plasma being the fourth), with everything else being variations on those (like superfluids and crap). Glass depends on your definition; but tends to be regarded as a solid.
Nonono it tends to be regarded as a liquid! It floooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooows!


Staff member
Allen said:
Cajungal said:
Sure is quiet in here.
Not without me it isn't.
^_^ Penguins, although quiet, are avid photographers.

GAH I'm sorry. I know I comment a lot on your avatar but... Damnit, so cute!!! I want flightless birds to come up to me and take pictures for real!!!!

And for my random thought of the night... I'm having some very delicious plain yogurt, cheerios, and blueberries.... so good. ^_^ I'm also enjoying this MST very much.


Staff member
I went through the memberlist and looked at the websites of the people I actually recognized.

Scarlet Varlet

Road-rage man hit my car. I didn't listen to him try to explain it to the officer, but I'm certain it would have been good for a laugh.
I guess it depends. I'd imagine the severity of the shame is directly proportionate to how much you blame yourself. If you do blame yourself, just remember that you can't keep living in the past.

Philosopher B.



Staff member
I just assume you're all imaginary elements of my personality, like Herman's Head. I have no idea what Mav is supposed to represent.


Staff member
I had a dream last night about Bumble. I was babysitting my niece, and she was acting really insane. The doorbell rings, and when I answer it, he's standing at the door with armfuls of those jumbo bags of popcorn you can buy at bulk stores.

He shouts, "This will help!" And starts throwing it everywhere.

Hm...if it were really Bumble, he probably would have shown up at your door with a doodle depicting him showing up at your door with jumbo bags of popcorn, saying "this will help", and then throwing it everywhere.
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