Thank god it's Friday. I'm leaving the house tomorrow for ANY reason. I've been on what felt like house arrest/post shit storm sanitation detail all week.
After brainstorming some more with another friend of mine - and begrudgingly agreeing with most of the changes the asshole friend suggested - I decided to try my luck again with the YA novel that's plagued me since I finished the first draft last summer. This other brainstorming friend didn't make a lot of big sweeping changes like the asshole friend, but he did help boost my confidence on the idea as a whole. Both he and his girlfriend were really excited by the idea and the story. I also brainstormed with another friend who sometimes joins me at Starbucks for creative sessions (me writing, her drawing her own thing). We bounced a LOT of ideas on this book and I had several epiphanies on what to do. Heck, I now have a rough road map of what to do with the SECOND book in this 2-part series, something I didn't have before.

So today, I finished Chapter 1 of Version 2.0 of my YA novel. 3,200 words. Though about half that was copy/pasting over from Version 1.0.

The real work starts in Chapter 2, where a LOT of the big changes will affect the rest of the book.
After brainstorming some more with another friend of mine - and begrudgingly agreeing with most of the changes the asshole friend suggested - I decided to try my luck again with the YA novel that's plagued me since I finished the first draft last summer. This other brainstorming friend didn't make a lot of big sweeping changes like the asshole friend, but he did help boost my confidence on the idea as a whole. Both he and his girlfriend were really excited by the idea and the story. I also brainstormed with another friend who sometimes joins me at Starbucks for creative sessions (me writing, her drawing her own thing). We bounced a LOT of ideas on this book and I had several epiphanies on what to do. Heck, I now have a rough road map of what to do with the SECOND book in this 2-part series, something I didn't have before.

So today, I finished Chapter 1 of Version 2.0 of my YA novel. 3,200 words. Though about half that was copy/pasting over from Version 1.0.

The real work starts in Chapter 2, where a LOT of the big changes will affect the rest of the book.
I'm really the last person to offer advice on story writing. The only writing I do is conversational pieces and short articles, and god knows I can't edit for shit. But I want to mention one of my favorite movies. Cloud Atlas.

A lot of people hate Cloud Atlas, but I think it's possibly the best film the wachowskis have made. If you scrutinize any part of the plot, it starts to fall apart, and has a lot of flaws that can very easily be picked apart, but I think beyond the narrow specifics of the plot, there is a larger emotional package that is being conveyed, and that is what I take away from it.

My point is, knowing what to cut and what to keep is hard, but if you feel something is integral to the story you want to tell, maybe consider keeping it, even if flawed.
"This second-rate candy tastes so second rate! <CHOMPF> <CHOMPF> Got any more?"

--Patrick just made that joke, and a Facebook friend relayed a story of her children doing that with her cooking today, and here it is again.

The universe is telling me something...