
A friend of my parents died right before Valentine's Day. He's a year younger than my dad. Nothing like realizing that in the next 15 years I'll probably lose both of my parents.
I'm completely in the same boat Wasabi. My parents are both in not so great health and in their 70s.... I can't fathom my life without them but it's becoming a slow reality...
@figmentpez: If it doesn't do SOMETHING along those lines, then I am disappoint in those researchers.

Alternately: Cybermastiffs? In _MY_ military? It's more likely than you might think...


If you say "warrant requirement" over and over it starts to sounds like rowarrowar


Well those are three things I have honestly never been accused of being and since it use doing the accusing I won't take it seriously. How about you just don't respond to what I say? That works for me.


I laughed at a funny article.
Hint this is supposed to be funny "I believe it was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who said, "I have a dream that someday Futurama nerds will be able to do Zoidberg impressions without getting punched in the face." Actually, maybe that was Gandhi. Either way, this story out of Charleston shows that we have a long way to go before making that dream a reality"

also this "Here's hoping he feels better and is "Woop Woop Wooping" again soon."

Gather around friends and I shall tell you of my trip to the gym.

<spoiler>So, as previously stated, I went to the gym today. Everything was normal, I dropped Jet off at the in-house day care, got changed and his the equipment. Roughly an hour later I'm feeling pretty beat out so I head back to the change rooms to get ready and go home.

As I'm heading through I see the sauna is open. A quick glance through the window tells me its empty as well. I hadn't been in a sauna for a long while. I love the heat, the sweet woodsy smell and the quiet of a good sit in a sauna...so I decided to take ten minutes and indulge myself.

I opened the door, eager to get started on sitting around doing nothing in comfortable silence, and entered the sacred, heated space only to notice that its not as empty as I had believed, there was a woman in there, just out of sight of the window.

She was VERY occupied. Her legs spread, moaning as her hands worked out stress.

I looked at her...she looked at me, a smile playing on her lips. The door swung shut behind me and I felt trapped. I thought 'I should leave' and I almost did so until another, penny pinching voice in my head said 'Fuck that! I pay for this membership and the use of this god damn sauna. I'm not letting an exhibitionist drive me out!'

So I sat on the bench furthest from her and stared straight ahead, at the wall. Her moans stopped but I could still hear her fingers working. I think I must have zenned out, letting the heat and the color of the wall I wouldn't look away from take me far from the horrid situation I had placed myself in.

She began to moan again, loader....annoyed. MAybe angry. I think all her anger was directed at me for interfering in her private moment or maybe for not running away and causing a big scene.

Finally she let out an over dramatic growl of frustation, jumped to her feet, securing her towel around herself and exited the sauna with a side long, bitter glance to me.

I guess she didn't cum.

I thought about reporting her, but I can only really recall one part of her anatomy and I don't think its going to be helpful in catching her.</spoiler>
*pulls out notepad* I'm going to need you to describe the offender. In detail. Repeatedly. No ma'am, I'm serious: We on the department do not have a sense of humor that we're aware of.