The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


[DOUBLEPOST=1465613615,1465613428][/DOUBLEPOST]Apparently not the only one. This one was presented at a TEDx event:

NSFW audio!

Facebook plug-in doesn't work properly with this for some reason, just go to:

A private video?
How odd.

It was an episode of "Survivor" made by a guy with his nieces and nephews as contestants. It was hilarious. Kids are the weirdest.[DOUBLEPOST=1466110600,1466110359][/DOUBLEPOST]Ugh. It looks like it was posted to reddit, and some people started posting things about having crushes on the kids (they're like 5-10 maybe?) so he made it private. Jesus Christ people.


Staff member
Stephen A Smith is a walking, talking sports curse.

[DOUBLEPOST=1466639010,1466638827][/DOUBLEPOST]Shrill noise warning: Turn this one way down.

[DOUBLEPOST=1466639138][/DOUBLEPOST]What happens when you try to put out a magnesium fire with water.

[DOUBLEPOST=1466639267][/DOUBLEPOST]Gee, Wal-Mart, maybe having a fireworks aisle in the middle of the store wasn't such a hot idea.

What happens when you try to put out a magnesium fire with water.
You gotta be real careful when you try to put out a fire in a Tesla, too. Because the standard method (punch a hole in the hood, drench the engine compartment with water) is absolutely what you do NOT want to do to a lithium battery pack.
Gee, Wal-Mart, maybe having a fireworks aisle in the middle of the store wasn't such a hot idea.
Yeah, I put that in the misanthropy thread. I mean, I know you and I (at least) have at some point probably looked at such a display and thought, "I wonder..." (either because massive mischief impulse or because Wal Mart), but c'mon, we're not psychopathic villains-in-training.
