Tech News and Miscellany

Looks like the nail is in the coffin
Failure to replicate is not a "nail in the coffin". That's...not really how science works. Some people have definitely observed some odd characteristics of LK-99 that we don't have a good explanation for yet. That said, I suspect that LK-99 is not a superconductor but it may pave the way for something that people haven't thought of before with new theoretical models that stem from playing around with LK-99.
Failure to replicate is not a "nail in the coffin". That's...not really how science works. Some people have definitely observed some odd characteristics of LK-99 that we don't have a good explanation for yet. That said, I suspect that LK-99 is not a superconductor but it may pave the way for something that people haven't thought of before with new theoretical models that stem from playing around with LK-99.
Well, for those labs that have re-created LK-99, none of them have observed superconductivity. There was a claim, it was tested and found wanting. I think that's pretty much exactly how science works.


(Though *technically* we're at the report results phase after rejection.)

None of that is to say LK-99 is useless. Of course, as you mention, there could be other uses found for it. But that's far afield of our current discussion about LK-99 being a possible ambient temperature superconductor.
Well, for those labs that have re-created LK-99, none of them have observed superconductivity. There was a claim, it was tested and found wanting. I think that's pretty much exactly how science works.

View attachment 45775

(Though *technically* we're at the report results phase after rejection.)

None of that is to say LK-99 is useless. Of course, as you mention, there could be other uses found for it. But that's far afield of our current discussion about LK-99 being a possible ambient temperature superconductor.
The certainty of "nail in the coffin" is what I am refuting. Not everyone may be mixing or preparing the LK-99 in the same way, for example. A failed replication means that SOMEONE is wrong but it doesn't say who. So no, failure to replicate is NOT a nail in the coffin because science doesn't produce nails in coffins.
The certainty of "nail in the coffin" is what I am refuting. Not everyone may be mixing or preparing the LK-99 in the same way, for example. A failed replication means that SOMEONE is wrong but it doesn't say who. So no, failure to replicate is NOT a nail in the coffin because science doesn't produce nails in coffins.
I get that you don't like the absolute. Sure, the theory of gravity *may* be wrong, because there's no absolutes. We just haven't found the exception yet. But from where I sit, for all practical purposes, LK-99's superconducting future is over. Maybe a decade from now I'll look back on this post and feel silly as all of humankind's technology is transformed by it when someone finally "mixes it up right". But somehow, I don't think so.
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I get that you don't like the absolute. Sure, the theory of gravity *may* be wrong, because there's no absolutes. We just haven't found the exception yet. But from where I sit, for all practical purposes, LK-99's superconducting future is over. Maybe a decade from now I'll look back on this post and feel silly as all of humankind's technology is transformed by it when someone finally "mixes it up right". But somehow, I don't think so.
There is no way two weeks of research provides that degree of certainty, not at the level of gravity and not far below that level of certainty either.


Staff member
They're also forcing their workers back into offices. Which is're Zoom! You basically helped everyone work from home during the lockdowns. Working from home should be a goddamn default for such a company.
Quite so. Methinks the HIPPA problems and the mass professional move to Teams seems to be having them in panic mode.
I get that you don't like the absolute. Sure, the theory of gravity *may* be wrong, because there's no absolutes. We just haven't found the exception yet. But from where I sit, for all practical purposes, LK-99's superconducting future is over. Maybe a decade from now I'll look back on this post and feel silly as all of humankind's technology is transformed by it when someone finally "mixes it up right". But somehow, I don't think so.
Tom's Hardware sums up my reservations about early conclusions better than it am able.

Oh..I figured you were still talking about the superconducting stuff.
I completely have no dog in the "this may be an interesting material" fight, and stated as much above. It might be. But my primary interest is in the superconducting angle.
Can anyone give me a TL;DR on why Linus Media Group is getting roasted on Twitter right now?
Gamers Nexus put out a 44 min video criticising LMG for having a lot of inaccuracies in their reviews lately & suggesting it's because they're more concerned with putting out lots of videos than putting out accurate videos. They also said that products made by companies that have a business relationship with Linus have any flaws with their products glossed over in reviews.

Linus also made a rather tone deaf post on his forums basically saying, yes they've been sloppy but no-one wants to see them re-review products more accurately, & saying that GN should have made their criticisms privately to him rather than gone public.


Staff member
They also sold something on auction that didn’t belong to them and didn’t reimburse the people who made/owned it until called out by another tech company. I have no idea who all is involved or what was sold but that’s happening right now.
It was a prototype cooler, that much I know.
I won't get a chance to watch the whole video shebang until tonight at the earliest, but that all jibes with what I've been hearing.
I think, if anything, GN is roasting LTT because LTT is "too casual" in creating their content, instead of being rigorous and methodical and scientific and purist "Truth-seeking" like GN tries to be.

They also sold something on auction that didn’t belong to them and didn’t reimburse the people who made/owned it until called out by another tech company. I have no idea who all is involved or what was sold but that’s happening right now.
It was a company called Billet, they sent LMD a prototype waterblock that was designed for a specific graphics card. They tested it using the wrong card and put out a video saying it sucks. The writer of said video even told Linus they had used the wrong card and asked for half a day of filming to fix it, but Linus said no, it was more important to get the video out than to get the facts right.

They then auctioned it off when it was supposed to be sent back to the company. Linus did reimburse the company after a fuss was made about it, but having the prototype to send out to other media sources that would test it hopefully correctly and publish their own results was much more important.
Aaaaaand now we're hitting Channel Awesome levels of awful. I've never even heard of this channel or company until this all started.

Full thread here:



Staff member
I'm not at all surprised to find out that LMG is a stressful place to work with loads of misogyny. They're handling this in an exceptionally bad manner, though.

Jeez. Linus always was a tone deaf jerk. His followers arent any better. They harassed a Kid who got his hands on the YouTube plaque from NICX and he commited suicide because of it. Shortly after the mother followed suit.
During the harassment, Linus posted on his forum that he was disappointed in the harassment and that it should stop, but didnt take down the video linking to the kids YouTube channel nor did he post his message to YouTube. Hate that guy.
If you, like me, hate hate the .WEBP format, well, now you have one more reason.
Basically, any application – such as Chrome, Edge, or Firefox – that utilizes this library to display WebP images can be potentially hijacked by a carefully crafted picture.
It‘s a pretty long list of apps and OSes, btw. So be on the lookout for just about everything to come out with an update soon, assuming it hasn’t already.

... $470? I mean, even by "Lol I'm a normal person so I knew this would fail as anything but a tax scheme" measures that sounds way too low


Staff member
This could really be interesting if it pans out... A $3,200 kit that turns any normal gas vehicle into a plug-in hybrid electric.
