[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

Yeah I looked her up, that was weird-BUT-maybe the gist of her story will be adapted properly in later films.

ON THE TOPIC OF THE X-FRANCHISE-what's worth watching in it? Besides technically Deadpool I mean.
Like, the other X-movies? The first two X-Men, then First Class and Days of Future Past. Though not having seen them in quite a long time, I'm not sure how well the original X-Men movies hold up.

Everything else is skippable.
Yeah I looked her up, that was weird-BUT-maybe the gist of her story will be adapted properly in later films.

ON THE TOPIC OF THE X-FRANCHISE-what's worth watching in it? Besides technically Deadpool I mean.
The problem of asking that question is that since all of the movies have continuity, you sort of need to watch them all but not all of them are good. X-Men 1 was weak but the series was still finding it's footing and it wasn't terrible. X-Men 2 is probably the best of the original trilogy. X-Men 3 is sort of garbage I think. All of the Wolverine movies are garbage. X-Men: First Class is pretty decent and I've heard good stuff about Days of Future Past.
I really enjoyed X-Men and X-2; they're not perfect films, but they were integral to launching the modern superhero films. I've seen them recently and I think they still do well. X-Men: First Class is a decent film, as long as you don't mind they're deviating from the comics a bit. X-Men: Days of Future Past gets a bit hammy, but in a lot of ways, feels like an X-Men comic.

I think, after 16 years of X-movies, that it's clear it's hard to make a really strong X-Men movie because there's too many characters to juggle, and you don't want it to become "The Wolverine Show". The Avengers would probably have suffered the same if they didn't have individual movies. But the other problem is most of the X-Men work best as a team, maybe Deadpool and Wolverine being part of a handful of exceptions. To me, X-Men would make a really good serial show, like Agent Carter or Agents of SHIELD, but with a HBO-level of budget and rating restrictions. (Maybe not R-rated, but a good PG-13).
Honestly, outside of Wolverine (and even then, only barely) and Deadpool, I don't personally think any X-Men characters are strong enough to support their own solo movie. They work well in group settings because the whole point is to see each of them work off each other, but individually? Again, outside of Wolverine and Deadpool, none of them have been able to support a solo book for long. They're all usually cancelled within a year. Cable was a weird exception, I suppose, but his book was strongest during the 90s, so that's not that surprising. But none of them really have a deep enough mythos of their own to sustain an ongoing book or potential solo movie. Few of them have key archnemeses of their own. As weak as many of the solo Avengers villains are (like Iron Monger or Malekith), there's at least enough history of solo stories to pull from. To make a really good solo X-Men movie, Hollywood would have to be more *gasp!* original! And that probably terrifies Hollywood. :p[DOUBLEPOST=1455718127,1455717703][/DOUBLEPOST]
The problem of asking that question is that since all of the movies have continuity, you sort of need to watch them all but not all of them are good. X-Men 1 was weak but the series was still finding it's footing and it wasn't terrible. X-Men 2 is probably the best of the original trilogy. X-Men 3 is sort of garbage I think. All of the Wolverine movies are garbage. X-Men: First Class is pretty decent and I've heard good stuff about Days of Future Past.
Yeah...that's kind of the double-edged sword of the continuity. In order to really appreciate what happens in Days of Future Past, you kind of HAVE to watch X-Men 3.
Yeah...that's kind of the double-edged sword of the continuity. In order to really appreciate what happens in Days of Future Past, you kind of HAVE to watch...
It's almost like you remember a movie that no longer exists.

Maybe at some point they'll make a Wolverine spin-off.
X-Men 3, from the summer where Brian Singer ruined two super-hero franchises.

I saw Days of Future Past without having seen First Class, and if I met a Shadowcat who suddenly had the powers to send me back in time, making sure I never saw X-Men 3 would be pretty high on my list of things to do. DoFP was fine, and you don't really need to have seen the others if you have any familiarity with the X-Men. It's your fairly typical time travel story.


Staff member
Gina Carano's Angel Dust might be the weirdest adaptation of a character into a movie since Wolverine 2's Lady Hydra.

I too, like most folk, enjoyed Deadpool.

I do like that it depicted Colossus properly, as an enormous jobber.
I thought they made Colossus a little bit too meaty. I mean, I remember him being tall and muscular, but not Juggernaut painted silver.


Staff member
Well, I mean technically he was Juggernaut for awhile...
Well, I didn't see a whole lot of light brown leather on him in the movie :p Seriously, they made him more ridiculously swole than Vinnie Jones' Juggernaut.

Here's what I expected the sizes of those two characters to be, and they swapped them.

Honestly, outside of Wolverine (and even then, only barely) and Deadpool, I don't personally think any X-Men characters are strong enough to support their own solo movie. They work well in group settings because the whole point is to see each of them work off each other, but individually? Again, outside of Wolverine and Deadpool, none of them have been able to support a solo book for long. They're all usually cancelled within a year. Cable was a weird exception, I suppose, but his book was strongest during the 90s, so that's not that surprising. But none of them really have a deep enough mythos of their own to sustain an ongoing book or potential solo movie. Few of them have key archnemeses of their own. As weak as many of the solo Avengers villains are (like Iron Monger or Malekith), there's at least enough history of solo stories to pull from. To make a really good solo X-Men movie, Hollywood would have to be more *gasp!* original! And that probably terrifies Hollywood. :p
I was going to say exactly this is my original response, but a)even with his mythos, the Wolverine movies have been a little weaksauce, and b) in the hands of the right writer, you MIGHT be able to stretch one or two characters into an interesting movie.

Yeah...that's kind of the double-edged sword of the continuity. In order to really appreciate what happens in Days of Future Past, you kind of HAVE to watch X-Men 3.
I think I agree with @Covar on this. It only really affects the ending of DoFP in a small way (just Wolverine's perspective). If you know anything about the comics, you should be fine. Or better yet, save yourself time and a headache and just read a synopsis of X3.
I think I agree with @Covar on this. It only really affects the ending of DoFP in a small way (just Wolverine's perspective). If you know anything about the comics, you should be fine. Or better yet, save yourself time and a headache and just read a synopsis of X3.
Jean dies, Cyclops dies off panel because James Mardsen wanted to play a completely pointless character in Superman Returns, Xavier dies right around the time the special effects budget does, leaving a horrible Day-night transition, and 90% of mutants having the power of wire-fu leaping.
Well, I didn't see a whole lot of light brown leather on him in the movie :p Seriously, they made him more ridiculously swole than Vinnie Jones' Juggernaut.

Here's what I expected the sizes of those two characters to be, and they swapped them.

Vinnie Jones' Juggernaut was just undersized. Colossus is supposed to be 7 and a half feet tall all metal'd up.
it's hard to make a really strong X-Men movie because there's too many characters to juggle, and you don't want it to become "The Wolverine Show".
Well, that is what happened in the comics themselves.
For a while they were more like "Wolverine and his amazing friends."

The entirety of Marvel for a while was Wolverine and his amazing friends. Wolverine was on every team they could stick him in.
The entirety of Marvel for a while was Wolverine and his amazing friends. Wolverine was on every team they could stick him in.
They joked about this during the Skrull Invasion, with a bunch of his teammates wondering if that was how he was seemingly on so many teams at the same time.
Spider-Man had the same issue after Wolverine's turn was up. I think he had like 3 books and two teams, plus showing up in the X-Men books sometimes.
Spider-Man was before and after Wolverine. At one point, Peter Parker was in Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, and Spectacular Spider-Man all at the same time, and on the Avengers and Defenders and a substitute on the Fantastic Four, and that doesn't include guest appearances in every book ever made.
As said in other thread, lot of time in flight today.

SPECTRE: really ties all of the Craig bond films together. I enjoyed it.
Antman: fun action romp that works because it doesn't take itself too serious.
The world according to Garp: I love the book, I love most of the actors in this, but there's still a lot lost in translation.
Mad Max: fury road. Yup, great movie.
Birdman: a really good movie, but... Man, I needed some time to recover from that.
Forgot to add: ended with Gravity. Perhaps I was too tired or it was because it came after these other great movies or whatever, but man, completely forgettable.


Staff member
The only part worth watching in the first standalone Wolverine movie is the opening titles. That's kind of fun. Maybe the origin. The rest is snoozalicious. I mean, it's not terrible, but it's not something to go out of the way to watch. The second is totally skippable.
Still haven't seen the new Star Wars, and now it's left the local theaters. :(

But thanks to Team Negative 1, I've seen the despecialized STAR WARS (when it was just STAR WARS. None of this "Episode IV" baloney.)

Han didn't shoot first. Han shot. Full stop. Greedo didn't do anything but faceplant into the table. :D
Still haven't seen the new Star Wars, and now it's left the local theaters. :(

But thanks to Team Negative 1, I've seen the despecialized STAR WARS (when it was just STAR WARS. None of this "Episode IV" baloney.)

Han didn't shoot first. Han shot. Full stop. Greedo didn't do anything but faceplant into the table. :D
In case anyone didn't realize, Team Negative 1's project is different than the Despecialized version. TN-1 restoration was made from a transfer of an original 35mm print! (Details) Even the people behind the Despecialized version recommend this version to their own. (Facebook)

Blueray vs TN-1
Left is Special Edition, right is TN1.
Thanks. I probably would've known if I'd gotten to the end with the station explosion.
Man, you can really see the difference in the X-wing explosion.
Sure wish it wasn't so blurry. Probably won't notice at 24fps, though.

The Danish Girl

Sorry Leo, but Eddie Redmayne was better than you, and he deserves the Oscar. Seriously, is there any role this man cannot play?