*sighs, turns over "DAYS SINCE LAST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICA" sign to 0*


Staff member
Dec 6, 2008
SE Texas
Man....the sociopathic self-entitlement that kid displayed.
Shows that self-entitlement is not just a symptom of red-state sports programs. Any time a system forms that brings up children to think that they deserve what isn't theirs, this type of violence is going to happen. It's not limited to sports, it's not limited to wealth, it's not limited even by gender (though, it is predominantly male), it's all about people being told that they can have whatever they want at the expense of others.


Staff member
Nov 28, 2008
Wow, just....wow. Those videos.[DOUBLEPOST=1400981241,1400981055][/DOUBLEPOST]The most unsettling part about the videos is how...non-genuine he is. He's reading a script, and doing it poorly. This all was part of some....role...he wanted to play.
Nov 27, 2008
Wow, just....wow. Those videos.[DOUBLEPOST=1400981241,1400981055][/DOUBLEPOST]The most unsettling part about the videos is how...non-genuine he is. He's reading a script, and doing it poorly. This all was part of some....role...he wanted to play.
Yeah, he sounded like he was doing his best (bad) impression of a super villain. Apparently, he was autistic. It's exceptionally obvious to people who've read his 140 page manifesto. I'm actually kind of looking forward to reading it.

Also, not a condemnation of autistic people, just another piece of who this kid was.


Staff member
Nov 28, 2008
I didn't really see anything autistic there. Lots of eye contact, lots of talk about feelings.


Staff member
Nov 28, 2008
Yeah, I shouldn't be trying to diagnose, that's in appropriate for a number of reasons. That said, apparently the family lawyer seems to be blaming this attack on the autism. You know what? I know a lot of autistic kids and they dont go out and kill people. It's not an excuse or a stigma for sociopathic behavior

Ed: the quote is in here http://www.inquisitr.com/1265968/el...r-the-santa-barbara-shooting-like-adam-lanza/
Last edited:
Nov 27, 2008
Yeah, I shouldn't be trying to diagnose, that's in appropriate for a number of reasons. That said, apparently the family lawyer seems to be blaming this attack on the autism. You know what? I know a lot of autistic kids and they dont go out and kill people. It's not an excuse or a stigma for sociopathic behavior
Yeah, putting the blame on autism is fucking nonsense.

Might as well have claimed he played video games too.


Staff member
Nov 28, 2008
Some people are also drawing connections to the Men's Rights/Red Pill groups.
Dec 18, 2008
Wouldn't be surprised if he was into The Red Pill. Just read some excerpts from his manifesto. Yeeeeesh.
Nov 26, 2008
I don't think mens rights is necessarily a bad thing. The general goals are good enough, like bring attention to male victims of domestic violence and rape which are often brushed aside currently. Yeah a lot of people involved in it have the mindset of "fuck the women, its our turn to fight them" but you could say the same thing about feminism and their extremists.


Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
I wouldn't mind being pointed towards the last time a radical feminist went through with a plan to murder as many men as possible.
That's not what he was talking about. He was talking about how some radical feminists call for the eradication of males. They do. The fact that one deranged man did this is not a salient point. This guy was off the rails and he would have found an outlet somewhere. Women just happened to be his target.

You're trying to fence a population in from the actions of an individual, which is just silly.


Staff member
Dec 6, 2008
SE Texas
I wouldn't mind being pointed towards the last time a radical feminist went through with a plan to murder as many men as possible.
Why is murder the only abhorrent action you'll accept? What about a feminist group in Israel that set out to make it impossible to charge a woman with rape, and deny male rape victims? I mean, that isn't the action of a lone individual. That's a group working together to actively deny men legal recourse when a crime has been committed against them.
Nov 27, 2008
I don't think mens rights is necessarily a bad thing. The general goals are good enough, like bring attention to male victims of domestic violence and rape which are often brushed aside currently.
Feminism already does this.

Most men's rights groups act like they're the few good souls willing to stand up for an oppressed majority. I've seen the sites. Mostly it's Mav and his fellow "nice guys", left and right. One I saw was more bravado militant type of stuff, but really they're no less scary than the guys who think they're gentlemen, when they really just cater to a different, more subtle style of abuse.
Nov 26, 2008
The Great North
Yeah, sorry, "Men's rights" stuff is bullshit and I've never seen a "men's rights" website that isn't full of angry, whiny, usually racist and misogynist assholes. Just because there are examples of men being treated badly in history doesn't negate the automatic societal privilege you get for being born with a penis.

Are there terrible feminists? Of course. No one is denying that, but it's pretty silly to compare a group of people who have been historically abused and put/kept down by the societal systems men have always controlled with some rare examples of men being treated poorly.[DOUBLEPOST=1401046914,1401046788][/DOUBLEPOST]ANYWAYS: How about them guns and all that killing? What I find disturbing is how people seem to be getting totally desensitized to this here in this country. Like we just accept it as something that is going to happen.
Nov 27, 2008
ANYWAYS: How about them guns and all that killing? What I find disturbing is how people seem to be getting totally desensitized to this here in this country. Like we just accept it as something that is going to happen.
Well, I'm there. I'm disgusted, but not shocked.
Jan 9, 2009
Galloway, OH
ANYWAYS: How about them guns and all that killing? What I find disturbing is how people seem to be getting totally desensitized to this here in this country. Like we just accept it as something that is going to happen.
Violent attacks happen in every country, even countries with low rates of violent crime and few guns like Japan. What happens instead are mass stabbings, bombings, or other things. As such, the weapon used to commit said crime is kind of irrelevant. People will always use what they can get to their own sinister ends... and frankly, with millions of law abiding gun owners around the world, the few that use them to commit acts of violence are statistically irrelevant.

Why are people so scared of guns, when what they should be afraid of is the fact that their friends and neighbors have such a low regard for human life that they are willing to take out as many people as they can to prove a point?
Nov 27, 2008
Why are people so scared of guns, when what they should be afraid of is the fact that their friends and neighbors have such a low regard for human life that they are willing to take out as many people as they can to prove a point?
Gun culture and the proliferation of guns everywhere basically says in most states that your stuff is worth more than the life of the robber, so um, still gonna blame guns for that one.[DOUBLEPOST=1401048982,1401048777][/DOUBLEPOST]
No comment.
I'm not saying every feminist / person claiming to be a feminist is perfect, I'm saying exactly what Espy was saying in that they're not comparable. It's not the same situation on both sides. The MRA movement is largely toxic and hurtful, and feminism is mostly trying to make things better for everyone.[DOUBLEPOST=1401049283][/DOUBLEPOST]
ANYWAYS: How about them guns and all that killing? What I find disturbing is how people seem to be getting totally desensitized to this here in this country. Like we just accept it as something that is going to happen.
I guess my thought on this is clear from making this thread and the fact that my thoughts are "hmm, is this a big enough mass killing to get its own thread, or should I throw it in the megathread"
Jan 9, 2009
Galloway, OH
Sorry, I don't follow. "(My desire for your stuff) > (My desire to keep living) ∴ Guns" is pretty subjective, and requires a fairly large amount of prejudice be present to even consider it as "a logical progression."

I believe he's talking about Castle Doctrine, which basically lets you kill anyone who enters your house/property (and sometimes your car) without your permission as long as they aren't trying to leave said property at the time. How a common law idea stretching back hundreds of years ties into gun culture is purely a Charlie-ism... that law was invented back when most people were living hand to mouth under the boot of the local lord, not by gun nuts in the past few years. It's resurgence has more to do with the fact that calling the cops isn't always an option, now that response times can be 10-15 minutes in some areas, than it does with gun culture.
Nov 27, 2008
It's resurgence is due to people like George Zimmerman wanting an excuse to shoot minorities, with an assist from the fear the NRA pumps into conservatives.


Staff member
Any utterance of (fill in the blank) culture that isn't talking about an actual anthropological culture (IE - American culture, French culture, aboriginal culture, roman culture, etc) pretty much always makes me roll my eyes. I hear "Gun culture" and the mental image I get is Franz Boas dropping an open crate of firearms in an otherwise empty room and then sitting down with a notepad. "Day 4. The tribe still has yet to acknowledge my existence, or indeed move at all. I've yet to see any evidence of toolmaking, nor have I been able to make any observations about the composition of the family unit or even the leadership hierarchy."
Nov 27, 2008
Any utterance of (fill in the blank) culture that isn't talking about an actual anthropological culture (IE - American culture, French culture, aboriginal culture, roman culture, etc) pretty much always makes me roll my eyes. I hear "Gun culture" and the mental image I get is Franz Boas dropping an open crate of firearms in an otherwise empty room and then sitting down with a notepad. "Day 4. The tribe still has yet to acknowledge my existence, or indeed move at all. I've yet to see any evidence of toolmaking, nor have I been able to make any observations about the composition of the family unit or even the leadership hierarchy."
I'm extremely sorry you don't understand how language works, life must be hard for you.