Shegokigo.... gone?

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From 8am-5pm anyway.

Well it finally happened. The web guys here at work have realized I'm coming here.... all the time. So they've added Halforums to the "blocked list" under "games".

So now I'm working off a proxy server (we'll see how long this lasts) but during the process of looking for a server, I got quite a few "blocks" from "attempted proxy bypass". So I could possibly lose my job for it, not really sure. Though I'll be honest. If I can't surf/visit Halforums, I'd rather get another job anyway.

Let's see what comes next.
It's our fault for being such a great time-waster. So sorry.

That's one of the best things about my last job, by the way. Not only could I go to HF, I could go to any site I wanted. Plus, about two thirds of my time was spent sitting around (the other one third was spent on frantic and stressful translating, so I guess it balances out).
I feel ya. I stopped posting once they blocked here. Now with the added "S" I can once again waste time!
I shudder to think of the day they do this to me. I mean, I'll just look on my iPhone, but it'll be so much smaller.
My work does not even give a crap. As long as stuff gets done and I don't surf porn I can do pretty much what I want here. One of the perks of my job.
yeah, I'm liking my new job. I saw a guy here playing WoW the other day on his lunch.
Oh that's another thing, on one of the upper floors, there's a guy who plays WoW on his Laptop. Though he uses his Blackberry as his "modem" cause the Blizzard port, is blocked.


Staff member
Don't lose your job over us! But I think it's cool that we have some priority somewhere. ;)


Staff member
They dont care here, as long as things are done. That, and there is also a passworded private wireless setup here that the tech guys have for like 10 of us that isnt monitored by anyone at all.

I use it for torrents, wow, anything else on my laptop.

Bless you Roadrunner Tech Support.
Honestly? The ability to be on Halforums for the majority of the day is probably one of the biggest reasons I haven't left yet. There are other opportunities I could persue, but not have internet access/freedom like I did here.


Staff member
Be a shame to see you go. Don't go into self-destructive mode...

I've often thought about blocking this site from myself at work, but there's no reliable way to do it. I could edit my hosts file, but what would keep me from just re-editing it? I spend WAY too much time here during the day, and I need to stop. I used to pull the ethernet cable, but I'm running a wiki now that needs to be online.
Self-destructive mode? You must have me confused....

As for "being here too much", are you losing productivity or just would rather be doing somethingelse?

I get my work done 100% of the time, but I have so much "lax" time inbetween that without this place, I'd go stir crazy and begin mutilating and eating co-workers within a week.


Staff member
I like this place. Too much. It's easy to come to a frustrating point in my work, and then casually click the "hf" bookmark as a distraction. Then suddenly, 30 minutes or more is gone. I've set up a separate desk for writing, but I just wheel back over too often. I'd rather remove temptation during work hours.


yeah, I'm liking my new job. I saw a guy here playing WoW the other day on his lunch.
You don't work with my dad do you? Heh, it was always terrible when I would ditch class to play some WoW, and then the father figure catches you on his lunch hour.
I used Ivacy, a pretty excellent proxy program. There's even a Firefox plugin so you can just activate it with a click while surfing. It's not free though but it's $10 or so for 20GB so it's really not that much.


Shego, can you hit the website via its IP address instead of it's name? If they blocked the name only, you could hit it via (if it's static ip) if not, you could ping and just get the IP that way. It's how I read Dilbert when my company imposed unnecessary web restrictions.

Though you might get into a bit of trouble for circumventing their security.
I used Ivacy, a pretty excellent proxy program. There's even a Firefox plugin so you can just activate it with a click while surfing. It's not free though but it's $10 or so for 20GB so it's really not that much.
This computer doesn't allow anything to be downloaded onto it, that includes programs/browsers.

Though you might get into a bit of trouble for circumventing their security.
Which is exactly what I'm doing at the moment with this proxy.
Aww. I amdit, if I could surf this place at work, I'd be spending waayyy too much time here, too. Heck, I already spend too much time here :-P

Hope it works out somehow :)

Gill Kaiser

If you really have to, try using a proxy tunneler like "Your Freedom". I used it for bittorrent and WoW during my university years when the proxy prevented all TCP/IP connections. It converts anything that goes through it into HTTP and makes it seem like it's coming from their external servers... I'm not sure if that would get around your problem though, as my university at least had unrestricted HTTP access.
Shego'd rather lose her job than stop posting here.

I see what's going on here. But don't worry Shego, I won't break your grim facade.

In Texas I don't think you get unemployment if you get fired due to fucking around on the job.
Oh no worries, I have plans for getting unemployment if fired for whatever reason. :slywink:
Shego'd rather lose her job than stop posting here.

I see what's going on here. But don't worry Shego, I won't break your grim facade.

{EDIT}I spent 1hr trying to find a decent picture of Mileena smiling with her fangs but came up with just one, and it looked terrible. Oh well.


Oh, please. This is Shego we're talking about.

All she has to do is have a few of the people responsible "go missing under mysterious circumstances".
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