Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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what about the baby seems to be affecting the cat? maybe you could just confine the cat to a different room for a while and see if he feels safer and calms down.


Staff member
Maybe you can shout out on facebook and twitter that you need someone to take it in. Or have an outdoor cat. I had an outdoor cat for 17 years. She had a little sheltered spot to sleep at night, and we'd let her in when it was really cold or rainy, but otherwise she did just fine in the yard. Or do you live in an apartment?
I live in a rental house in front of a garage, i think the cat would get mowed down by a car.

I tried separating the cat and baby before...but to know avail. :(

The baby seems to like the cat. He finds it funny...but I'm becoming more and mo0re afarid.

I knew I should have gotten a dog. I've always been better with dogs.


My guess is the cat is scared shitless of your baby. When my sister was little she would drag our cat around by its tail and grab its fur. The poor thing spent most of it's time cowering under the sofa or bed. Until one day it attacked my sister. My mom was of the opinion that she pretty much got what she deserved, eventually she stopped bothering the cat.
Cats are pretty good about knowing that everything is out to get them. Letting it outside might not be as bad as you think. Otherwise you could probably find a good family, or maybe try paying more attention to it? I don't know if it might just need it's litter box cleaned more and need to be played with a bit more, which you may not have noticed because...you know.... kids>cats
my cat used to be affectionate and well behaved. Then the baby was born.

He's progressively become a surly mother fucker who shits on my floor and runs off when ever he gets the chance. Lately he's started just peeing around everything.

I think I just may kill him now. He just went POSTAL on the baby. I mean, nucking futs. Jets arms not look like a an emos wet dream and my arms are much the same. I could just cry. This cat was not meant for children...but if I give him to the pet shelter he's as good as dead.

It also makes me feel terrible as I've always went y the belief that animals are not disposable but I don't want my baby getting hurt either.

What should I do?
Put the cat down. It views the baby as an invasion to it's space and the hostility it shows will escalate.
My guess is the cat's pissed there's someone in his spotlight and his space now. It took nearly six months to get my roommate's cat and his girlfriend's to stop trying to kill each other, and even now they still go at it from time to time.

Wasabi Poptart

If I were in your shoes, LS, most likely I would take the cat to the vet to make sure there isn't something physically wrong. If the cat is healthy, then I would find it another home. Pets are nice, and I don't look at animals as being disposable either, but your child's health and safety is more important.

Wasabi Poptart

What the flying fuck! We have absolutely no luck with babysitters. First, the high school girl who was our son's regular sitter doesn't contact me with her parents' new phone number after they changed it. The next woman was a total flake and canceled her interview with me twice. Then we got a college student referred to us from an acquaintance. She came over, did great with Noah, then told me she was going to China to visit her family for a month. I never heard back from her when I tried to contact her after her trip was supposed to be over. Next, a co-worker of my husband's was going to sit with the kid so we could go to the movies. First time she backed out at the last minute. Second time she ended up at the ER because she ripped one of her toenails completely off. Now, we had a "parents night out" scheduled on Saturday with the woman who used to be my son's preschool teacher. She canceled last night!
Maybe next year we'll actually get out of the house alone together. *sigh*


Im really torn about what to do, my friend's baby died shortly after it was born yesterday. She and I are pretty much at the happy birthday/like it level of facebook friendship at this point. I feel like I should call her and extend my sympathy but I really don't know what to say. :(


Staff member
I don't know your friend, but if it were me, I think I'd appreciate any kind gesture from a friend--even one who's not extremely close. Do you have her address? Maybe just send a simple card saying that you are thinking of her if you're not comfortable talking face to face.
What the flying fuck! We have absolutely no luck with babysitters. First, the high school girl who was our son's regular sitter doesn't contact me with her parents' new phone number after they changed it. The next woman was a total flake and canceled her interview with me twice. Then we got a college student referred to us from an acquaintance. She came over, did great with Noah, then told me she was going to China to visit her family for a month. I never heard back from her when I tried to contact her after her trip was supposed to be over. Next, a co-worker of my husband's was going to sit with the kid so we could go to the movies. First time she backed out at the last minute. Second time she ended up at the ER because she ripped one of her toenails completely off. Now, we had a "parents night out" scheduled on Saturday with the woman who used to be my son's preschool teacher. She canceled last night!
Maybe next year we'll actually get out of the house alone together. *sigh*
Since moving here three years ago, I have yet to have a date night that doesn't involve driving an hour and a half home to leave the kids with her parents. It's pitiful. Just once I'd like to go out in the town I actually live in now.

Wasabi Poptart

Im really torn about what to do, my friend's baby died shortly after it was born yesterday. She and I are pretty much at the happy birthday/like it level of facebook friendship at this point. I feel like I should call her and extend my sympathy but I really don't know what to say. :(
A friend of mine told me the nicest thing someone did for her after her infant daughter died was to buy her a rose bush she could plant in memory of the baby. She didn't receive it right away, but about a month or two later when she wasn't so raw. You might just want to extend your sympathies to her right now and leave it at that for a little while. If you call her, ask if there is anything you can do for her.
Second day of vacation the car's electrical system fails, then kindof comes back up while driving around town with relatives. I find the alternator is going undervoltage frequently when the engine is under load. We replace the alternator, and everything's good.

Last few days of vacation during long drives the car reports a charging system malfunction. I find the new alternator is now going overvoltage and boiling the battery. Unfortunately it only happens occasionally for a few minutes at a time only after the car has been going for awhile, so if I take it out and give it to the auto shop, their tests will show that it's just fine, so I'm thinking I've got an argument heading my way. Especially since the 30 day no-questions-asked return period is gone, so I can only make a warranty claim.

I just learned that an acquaintance of mine that I grew up with and knew for upwards of 25 years just died of cancer last night at the age of 32. She had two young kids, and went from completely symptom free to gone in about a year. She had been in remission after the initial diagnosis until 2 weeks ago.

I'm not even sure how to feel about it. I mean, it's not even like we were ever close friends. But, somehow, I'm still just fucking pissed, because it's just unfair to everyone directly involved that two girls are going to grow up never really having known their mother.
I'm thinking of quitting my courier job. It's only until the end of August when I go back to school, but...

Well, let's put it this way: I get paid per order, not per hour. So, if it's dead, I don't get paid. If my bike gets busted, I don't get paid.

My most recent paycheque for two weeks of work: $430. Most recent bike repairs (today): $160.

This isn't including all sorts of equipment and clothes that I've bought over the summer to make the job easier. Rainwear, padded underwear, saddlebags, etc. A lot of it will be great in the longterm, but right now?

I don't know. The ratio of costs to pay is just not very good. What sucks is that I've gotten pretty good at the job. I barely need to look at a map anymore to bring an order from Point A to Point B. I can make it from downtown to the top part of the downtown core in less then ten minutes. I've gotten a great tan, gotten in great shape, but...

Ugh. Should I just soldier on for another month?
I'd say keep at it for all the physical benefits if nothing else, especially if you've got your school paid for already.


Staff member
I agree. It's almost over, and you might not have time to find something else to do (assuming you absolutely need to work up til school).

(what would Superman do?)
Take Lois Lane on a date, ringing her doorbell to let her know he was outside. Then, after a sufficient courtship, they would be married, whereupon they would engage in sex, in the missionary position, for the sole purpose of procreation.

The damned deviant.

(what would Superman do?)
Take Lois Lane on a date, ringing her doorbell to let her know he was outside. Then, after a sufficient courtship, they would be married, whereupon they would engage in sex, in the missionary position, for the sole purpose of procreation.

The damned deviant.[/QUOTE]

But the act of sex would only be a one-time thing... man of steel, woman of kleenex.

(what would Superman do?)
Take Lois Lane on a date, ringing her doorbell to let her know he was outside. Then, after a sufficient courtship, they would be married, whereupon they would engage in sex, in the missionary position, for the sole purpose of procreation.

The damned deviant.[/QUOTE]

Man, Supes has gotta have a lot of pent up frustration. I mean...have you seen what PowerGirl and WonderWoman wear?

And don't think he couldn't bang 'em if he -really- wanted to. He could probably do it, not call them or anything after the deed is done and blame it on mind control and they would probably buy that.
I hate that theory. It's hilarious, but damnit, if I were to write a Superman comic, I'd let them just have a damn kid.

I also hate that this was supposed to be a summer where I'd be, you know, saving money for school. But I've had to dip in my savings a few times just to pay the bills and...yeah. Full student loans for me. =/


Staff member
Well...I may or may not be forced to halt contests for a little while.

It's a good thing I'm a night owl, let me tell you. I was just sitting here and my computer started to overheat. So I hurried and shut it down but I kept smelling it. My daughter came out about that time and said, "Do you smell that?" I walked around a bit until we realized the smell was coming from the basement...

On my central air, there's a condensation tube that runs down to my pipes. This tube had somehow become plugged up and the water was dripping into the unit itself. When I got down there it was just in time to see smoke pouring out of it. A minor fire but I could see no real damage. Had we all gone to bed you guys may have been dealing with the "what happens if Dave dies" scenario. I cleared the line with my drain snake (insert dirty joke here) and have a couple of fans on the unit hoping that it dries it out. Tomorrow we have a heat advisory and if it doesn't come back on without killing me we'll have to get the whole thing replaced. I have no idea how much that would be but I assume I don't have it any more.

So...the August contest is still good, but in the event of major cash outflow, September and on might be on hold for a bit. It's just too early to tell at this point.
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