Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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things like manhood and womanhood are just terms people invent to define others. Don't worry about what others do so much, and just focus on yourself. That guy in the rant sounds like an asshole, and I hope when he needs someone he gets the same treatment he's been giving out to others. All you can do is note that he is not the kind of person you want to emulate in life, and live your own life accordingly.
Dammit, Gusto! I don't want to be wrong!
Unfortunately on this Gusto is right. There are pressures on women to be more "lady-like" or more "motherly" in their attitudes. Women that act "butch" or get the label of being a hard-ass about stuff are frowned upon, even if they are working a job that just takes that type of person.

It's usually the "men" that are afraid of showing that they care, feel or think about others that make the definition of "If you do X, you're acting like a ******." (this phrase is only used to illustrate the point, not on opinion of mine) or that if you like to spend time with your wife/girlfriend that you're "whipped." Ignore those block-headed, dim-witted fearful SOBs, their opinion of YOU isn't worth the air that they breathe. Be there for what YOU want to be there for, don't let somebody else determine what YOU should act like.

Wasabi Poptart

Gusto is right. Trust me. I was going to type out this whole long thing, but it is taking me way too much time. I need to cook dinner.
Okay, so it was ill-thought out for me to make that claim.

All the same, my complaint (which is more a complaint of language than anything else, that is; that 'man' seems to be losing it's connotations of virtue) remains.

Wasabi Poptart


RANT: I want Wasabi to make me dinner too because I am ridiculously sedentary right now.
*hands him a plate with a Sloppy Joe on a wheat bun, peas, and Tater Tots, then in her best Julia Child imitation (which is not good at all)* Bon Appetit!

Wasabi Poptart

*lifts one eyebrow a la Spock while giving him the Mom look* You had better clean that up.

Wasabi Poptart

Heh. Tomorrow night is probably going to be chicken fajitas in case anyone wants to fly out here. You'd be a few days early for Comic Con!
Every day I get a little bit sadder that the mounties have horses instead of mooses...moose...meese...

I would love to see Frankie on patrol riding a majestic moose, festooned in RCMP regalia.

Stop in the name of the law!

Wasabi Poptart

First you dump peas on my clean floor and now you're abusing the mentally ill by having them pull your chariot. For shame, Gusto!
So... last night we had to cancel our second concert. On the drive to the venue our drummer had a rather sever manic/paranoid episode and lost it. We got there and he tried to start fighting random people and crying and just losing it. We all knew he had some bi-polar/manic stuff going on but he seemed to have it under control. Guess not.
He totally, totally lost it. His parents showed up to take care of him and they filled us in on some of his more paranoid stuff about how he thinks we want to kick him out, how he thinks our guitar player has it out for him (just incredibly not true), etc, etc.

The sad thing is, we probably do have to drop him now. We can't trust him. We can't count on him. We can't really proceed as a band if we keep him. I know what "needs" to be said and done but... I honestly don't know how to do it. This is just gonna suck, but we need to do our thing and he needs to get help, and I'm not sure those things can go together. Frown face. What a shitty, disappointing night.
Shit. At least it'll make an interesting incident to commit to film once your band is a global phenomenon and some filmmaker wants to tell the story of your origins.
lol, thanks Gusto.

Yeah, it really does suck, honestly, my biggest worry is that he freaks out when we tell him and loses it, etc, etc, anything can happen. I'm hoping by the time we talk he's calmed down and on his meds so nothing bad happens.

Right now we are trying to decide if we should change the locks on the practice space or just ask for his keys back... getting the locks changed would probably be super expensive, etc.
No need really since, I just talked with the guy who runs the place and he said it's only 25 bucks to change the locks.

Honestly I feel bad for me and the band, but I really feel bad for our drummer and his family who are trying to figure out how to deal with him...
So ... was there any sort of warning about this guy? He wasn't off at all or anything, was he? Just sort of snapped out of the blue?

Wasabi Poptart

Glad to hear it won't cost too much to have the locks changed. Hopefully the drummer will get the help he needs. Bipolar disorder is pretty rough on the person and their loved ones.
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