[Webcomic] PVP Discussion

What I don't quite get is how Kurtz seems to be trying to imply that having a long-form comic posted per page and collected later on in paper form, is new and exciting, in contrast to the old tired "gag-a-day comic".

Some of us might remember the good old times when there actually were PvPs without a punchline.


Staff member
Is it just me, or does today's strip seem to call out Kurtz on sloppy writing in a slightly veiled kinda way?


Staff member
Please don't tell me she's going to leave... Marcy was the only interesting character left in the cast, now that Jade's pretty much become a secondary character.
I'm starting to wonder if this is Scott's plan: to find people to do his work for him so he can fuck around and play celebrity like he's been doing the past few years.


Staff member
Character growth! Holy shit! I'd almost forgotten what that looked like!

(Kidding! Most of the characters have grown in the comic in some way.)


Staff member
Scott... for the love of God, get this woman to do PvP for you. I... I was actually touched by today's comic.

Give her PvP. Please.
Scott... for the love of God, get this woman to do PvP for you. I... I was actually touched by today's comic.

Give her PvP. Please.
Seriously. Scott has talked a lot about how he's finding it hard to be motivated by PvP anymore. Fair enough, he's been doing it for over a decade.

Well, if she's willing to take it, he should give it to her. Please.
These guest strips have been pretty awesome, but I think you're all overreacting with this "omg give her the strip" stuff.
Dude, I just spent 25 minutes going through the archives of the last year or so of PvP.

Overreacting HOW? The dude has been phoning it in for a while now, and the guest strips reminded me of how I actually CARED about these characters years ago. If anything I think they're underreacting, there should be a whitehouse.gov petition at this point or something.
Maybe, but I've actually been interested in the arc this time. Either Kurtz needs to get his act in gear, or maybe he does need to hand over the reigns.
I only meant to say that hoping he hands it over to someone else to do, no matter how awesome it's been, is kind of nuts. What is it, like 15 years of it being Kurtz's baby, he's probably not going to let someone else continue it, instead, he'd just end it.
I only meant to say that hoping he hands it over to someone else to do, no matter how awesome it's been, is kind of nuts. What is it, like 15 years of it being Kurtz's baby, he's probably not going to let someone else continue it, instead, he'd just end it.

Well, I suppose all good things have to end. Even Calvin and Hobbes had to end, right guys?
Yet he demands to be taken seriously by those who have done the same strip for 20, 30, even 40 years. :rolleyes:
Considering the state of newspapers and newpaper strips, I'm not really sure why he wants to be recognized by those people so badly. Charting your own course is far from a bad option.


Staff member
Well, I suppose all good things have to end. Even Calvin and Hobbes had to end, right guys?
I trust you are not comparing the current state of PvP to Calvin and Hobbes...

As for this situation, Bumble the Boy Wonder ... I have to agree what has been said earlier. There was a time when I gave a hoot about the characters, and Dylan's guest strips have reminded me of that. I have not felt that way about PvP for years, not even when Kurtz tries to pull one of the more serious relationship strips. He's stopped being funny, he's stopped making the characters interesting and engaging, he's stopped... well, simply put, he's stopped trying. He's been phoning it in with half-finished arcs, lousy gags-a-day and throwing LOLbat at us when he simply can't come up with anything remotely original.

I know it's a pipe dream, but a PvP done by Dylan Meconis with Scott Kurtz's characters would be something I would gladly start reading again with heart, instead of just passing it by with a 'meh'.


Staff member
...and this (last?) strip of Dylan's veers PvP back towards totally goofy.
I thought it was hilarious! How totally unexpected was that? And it's canon![DOUBLEPOST=1359381903][/DOUBLEPOST]And Table Titans starts off with the annoying Dwarf chick. I'm out.