New Picture Thread

Cartoon week in the year challenge! I put up a poll on my page for which cartoon to do and people voted for Animaniacs! So this happened!!
Thought about it!! It was getting late so I had to stop, so my right hand is just boring black polish. D:
I actually wanted to add the nurse on my thumb and hearts on the pinky. And then I was going to do Pinky and the Brain on my right hand! Maaaaybe I will tomorrow!
::Looks at SJ's avatar, then at the picture, then back to the avatar::

There is definitely a family resemblance there.
It ended up being really nice outside last night so I took my telescope out to do a little viewing. Now I didn't have the proper equipment to take pictures but I still managed to get a few fun shots in with my cellphone.


Saturn and its moons

Zoomed in Saturn

Sadly, this seems to be the only pic of me that has been taken during the "mad hatter" birthday picnic we had today. As I was the photographer, it's not surprising.

From our Hometown Heroes day... I was part of the Riot Team's static display. My daughter was having an attack of "Want-Mommy," flaling around, and I was trying desperately not to clock her with my face-shield. *grins ruefully*

From our trip to Hilton Head, SC yesterday. This kid is SUCH a nut! *grins*

The bottom one is what happens when you leave Marine on a beach too long with any sort of digging implement. Couldn't make MYSELF a fighting hole, soooooo... *grins*