Major Game Series or Genre You Haven't Played

With the Witcher 3, Gamespot has published an interesting article: what hugely popular game series have you never played? I thought it might bring some interesting discussion on here, as well.

Some of mine:

1) Gears of War
2) Halo
3) Fables

These three were primarily because I've never owned an Xbox. The system just never had any exclusives - like these - that caught my interest. I think I played the single player of Halo 2 for like 10 minutes but it just didn't grab me like other FPS games have, like Half-Life 2. Fables, I suppose I could have played on PC, but it was only recently that I even had a computer to run it.

4) MOBAs - Aside from Awesomenauts, it's an entire game genre I've really not gotten into. I'm not big on multiplayer because the majority of people that game online are complete dickbags.
(Though as I write this, DOTA 2 is installing. I'm curious to see what the whole hullaballoo is all about.)

5) Dragon Warrior - I played a little bit of the first one on NES, but it was never a series that grabbed me like Final Fantasy did.

6) Sports & Racing Games - Largely because I'm not into sports or racing. Unless you want to consider WWE as a sport.

7) Hitman - Just never been interested for whatever reason.

8) The Witcher - I've honestly played none of them, so I haven't gotten excited or interested at all with its third installment.
1. Pokemon
Yeah, just . . . no.

2. Halo
Most first person shooters for that matter.

3. Point-And-Click Adventures
Just could never get into them.
Kingdom Hearts.

Gears of War.

Battlefield. Any of them.


I can't think of any genre I haven't at least tried.
1. HALO, any of them
2. Fable, only the first one
3. any JRPG. Despite being a big RPG fan, I've never played any. That includes....
4. Final Fantasy
5. MOBA's
6. Paying MMO's. I've played one single Korean F2P one for a few days once...and a text-only one for many, many years (it's where my nickname originates from.), but that's not the same. So, yes, that includes....
7. World of Warcraft. I was a huge Warcraft fan (I've played all three and their expansions - how many people can say that these days?) but just didn't want to get involved with a paying MMO that would take too much time and all that.
8. Zelda/Link/etc.
9. Mass Effect series
10. Mario games. I've probably played some of the race games a few times at other people's houses, but...well, never had a console, never played any Mario/Wario/Luigi/whatever game.


Staff member
  • Pokemon
  • Tomb Raider
  • Witcher
  • Anything console exclusive (Red Dead Redemption, etc)
There's actually a lot I haven't played. Until this last week I could have also said "Grand Theft Auto" but I just got 5. Haven't played it much yet, but I have it.
I am probably the only guy in Asia who's never played Starcraft.

Never played a Metal Gear game.

I've never played a Witcher game, though I have them in my Steam inventory. I'll get around to them when I feel like it.

Never played any console exclusives, so stuff like Halo and The Last of Us are out.

I have also never played a Diablo game, though I have played Torchlight, which I'm told is quite similar in gameplay.

Oh, and I have never played a graphical MMO. So that's stuff like WoW, Everquest, Tera, etc. I have played (and still do play) MUDs, though, so I'm not completely unfamiliar with the MMO concept.

Finally... despite being a big Star Wars fan, I have never played a Star Wars game. Not KOTOR, not Tie Fighter, not Dark Forces, not Lego Star Wars, not Shadows of the Empire, not Battlefront...
No console games since Tecmo Superbowl and Road Rash. I have never owned a console since Pong.

No JRPG's, sports, pure FPS, no RTS's in 15 years.

There was a time that I bought at least one or two games a month. I don't think I've bought more than 3 a year since WoW came out. Oh, I never played Warcraft besides WoW.

There, I said it. I'm not an ubergeek who plays FPS's or MMORPG's.

I'm a sports simulation gamer, or one who likes racing sims. But stuff like WOW, Skyrim, HL, Portal, RE, etc. - aren't my cup of tea.

There, I said it. I'm not an ubergeek who plays FPS's or MMORPG's.

I'm a sports simulation gamer, or one who likes racing sims. But stuff like WOW, Skyrim, HL, Portal, RE, etc. - aren't my cup of tea.
You're the jock of gamers. Right down to calling people who play fps's ubergeeks :p
1)Final Fantasy, unless you count the Kingdom Hearts series
2)Warcraft/World of Warcraft/Starcraft
3) Most FPSs/Halo/Gears of Duty or Whatever. Not a fan, although I have dabbled with them the arcades over the years.
5)Dead or Alive

Most, if not all, of these games I've been present for when someone else was playing them, but I've never hopped on the controller/keyboard to join in.

...But I did beat Pokemon Yellow!
The Witcher, Fable ...

That's about it. I can't say I've beaten or gotten into a game from each series, but I've sat down and played at least an hour of most major game series, even the spunkgargleweewee or sports game variety, back when I would give things a chance even when they looked terrible and dull.


Staff member
Pokemon. I tried once, just... couldn't get into it.
Resident Evil
Demon/Dark Souls
Gears of War
Silent Hill
Shadow of the Colossus
Virtually every sports game that came after NES Baseball

... Sensing a "console" theme to most of these. I'll try to concentrate on naming missed PC games for the rest, because the last console I owned was a PS2 (well, still do) and I only really played a handful of games on it, the last console I was enthusiastic about was the Dreamcast.

Runescape - seems like everybody and their uncle played this at one time, but not me.
DayZ/Rust/etc - I refuse to play more than 10 bucks
Counter Strike/CS-GO - Sorry, I went from Duke3d to quake to unreal tournament to battlefield. This game never actually looked enticing to me.
  1. Pokemon
  2. Call of Duty
  3. Battlefield
  4. Dragon Warrior
  5. Monster Hunter
  6. Any MOBA
  7. Hitman
  8. The Witcher
  9. Kingdom Hearts
  10. Fire Emblem
  11. Metroid
  12. Tomb Raider
  13. Animal Crossing
  14. Saint's Row
  15. Far Cry
  16. Uncharted
  17. Bomberman
  18. Monkey Island
  19. Space Quest
  20. Forza
  21. Burnout
Wow, that's a lot.
Goddamn it, I play a lot of damn games.

1) Call of Duty or really any of the modern "realistic" military FPS games except Spec Ops: The Line
2) Pretty much any sports game that's not on the NES.

I honestly can't think of any more. I'm sure there are Xbox exclusives that I'm not even thinking of.[DOUBLEPOST=1431935639,1431935532][/DOUBLEPOST]
With the Witcher 3, Gamespot has published an interesting article: what hugely popular game series have you never played? I thought it might bring some interesting discussion on here, as well.

Some of mine:

1) Gears of War
2) Halo
3) Fables

These three were primarily because I've never owned an Xbox. The system just never had any exclusives - like these - that caught my interest. I think I played the single player of Halo 2 for like 10 minutes but it just didn't grab me like other FPS games have, like Half-Life 2. Fables, I suppose I could have played on PC, but it was only recently that I even had a computer to run it.

4) MOBAs - Aside from Awesomenauts, it's an entire game genre I've really not gotten into. I'm not big on multiplayer because the majority of people that game online are complete dickbags.
(Though as I write this, DOTA 2 is installing. I'm curious to see what the whole hullaballoo is all about.)

5) Dragon Warrior - I played a little bit of the first one on NES, but it was never a series that grabbed me like Final Fantasy did.

6) Sports & Racing Games - Largely because I'm not into sports or racing. Unless you want to consider WWE as a sport.

7) Hitman - Just never been interested for whatever reason.

8) The Witcher - I've honestly played none of them, so I haven't gotten excited or interested at all with its third installment.
The first Gears of War, Halo, and all Fable games are available on PC :p

Really the only reason I ever played those series.
Goddamn it, I play a lot of damn games.

1) Call of Duty or really any of the modern "realistic" military FPS games except Spec Ops: The Line
2) Pretty much any sports game that's not on the NES.

I honestly can't think of any more. I'm sure there are Xbox exclusives that I'm not even thinking of.[DOUBLEPOST=1431935639,1431935532][/DOUBLEPOST]

The first Gears of War, Halo, and all Fable games are available on PC :p

Really the only reason I ever played those series.
Are they? Huh. I knew Fable was but didn't know about the others. Oh well! :p I don't think they were on PC for quite awhile though, right?
Bhamv, we already know you aren't a real Asian, you don't need to give us more proof. [emoji14]
WoW is my biggest, I think.

I have played the previous Warcraft game before the MMORPG. I haven't owned a playstation or xbox, but I have a Wii, so there are tons of games that I haven't played. The last PC game that I bought was Oblivion, but I didn't even install it. :( Grad school killed my free time, and now I have an infant.


Staff member
I'm surprised so many people haven't played any Call of Duty. There were a few years where the game was the gold standard in immersive first person story telling, coming to its pinnacle with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Granted, after that, it fell off a cliff and rapidly became the haven for foulmouthed 12 year olds we all know it to be now. But CoD1 was a cinematic experience that changed gaming, and CoD4 was a mindblowing work of art.
I'm surprised so many people haven't played any Call of Duty. There were a few years where the game was the gold standard in immersive first person story telling, coming to its pinnacle with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Granted, after that, it fell off a cliff and rapidly became the haven for foulmouthed 12 year olds we all know it to be now. But CoD1 was a cinematic experience that changed gaming, and CoD4 was a mindblowing work of art.
I don't know about other people, but personally, I don't really care for the realistic military games. i prefer stuff with a sci-fi or fantasy setting.
I don't know about other people, but personally, I don't really care for the realistic military games. i prefer stuff with a sci-fi or fantasy setting.
For some reason, I don't like the idea of shooting people like that. It took me a long time to get into Fallout 3 because I was used to sticking to monster/alien/undead targets.

Of course, I mostly got over that, but I haven't played anything military based that isn't somehow fantastical.


Staff member
I don't know about other people, but personally, I don't really care for the realistic military games. i prefer stuff with a sci-fi or fantasy setting.
They aren't realistic, the phrase I specifically used was cinematic. This is not realistic military action, it's more like... "Saving Private Ryan" the game. It feels like being immersed in a movie that you participate in. It's still all very linear, scripted, and artificial, but it's well executed.


Staff member
I came into this thread thinking "oh man there are so many games I've never touched" then read through everything everyone listed and realized I've played pretty much everything.....There are some obvious holes like sports and whatnot, but that's about it. That said, there are plenty of series that I've put down after a little playing and never touched again. Or games that were so bad I refused to ever touch them again:

1) Mass Effect
2) Dragon Age
3) Fable (worst game ever)
4) SQENIX games ( I of course grew up playing FF2, but that's about it)