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Major Game Series or Genre You Haven't Played




With the Witcher 3, Gamespot has published an interesting article: what hugely popular game series have you never played? I thought it might bring some interesting discussion on here, as well.


Some of mine:

1) Gears of War
2) Halo
3) Fables

These three were primarily because I've never owned an Xbox. The system just never had any exclusives - like these - that caught my interest. I think I played the single player of Halo 2 for like 10 minutes but it just didn't grab me like other FPS games have, like Half-Life 2. Fables, I suppose I could have played on PC, but it was only recently that I even had a computer to run it.

4) MOBAs - Aside from Awesomenauts, it's an entire game genre I've really not gotten into. I'm not big on multiplayer because the majority of people that game online are complete dickbags.
(Though as I write this, DOTA 2 is installing. I'm curious to see what the whole hullaballoo is all about.)

5) Dragon Warrior - I played a little bit of the first one on NES, but it was never a series that grabbed me like Final Fantasy did.

6) Sports & Racing Games - Largely because I'm not into sports or racing. Unless you want to consider WWE as a sport.

7) Hitman - Just never been interested for whatever reason.

8) The Witcher - I've honestly played none of them, so I haven't gotten excited or interested at all with its third installment.




1. Pokemon
Yeah, just . . . no.

2. Halo
Most first person shooters for that matter.

3. Point-And-Click Adventures
Just could never get into them.




Kingdom Hearts.

Gears of War.

Battlefield. Any of them.


I can't think of any genre I haven't at least tried.




1. HALO, any of them
2. Fable, only the first one
3. any JRPG. Despite being a big RPG fan, I've never played any. That includes....
4. Final Fantasy
5. MOBA's
6. Paying MMO's. I've played one single Korean F2P one for a few days once...and a text-only one for many, many years (it's where my nickname originates from.), but that's not the same. So, yes, that includes....
7. World of Warcraft. I was a huge Warcraft fan (I've played all three and their expansions - how many people can say that these days?) but just didn't want to get involved with a paying MMO that would take too much time and all that.
8. Zelda/Link/etc.
9. Mass Effect series
10. Mario games. I've probably played some of the race games a few times at other people's houses, but...well, never had a console, never played any Mario/Wario/Luigi/whatever game.




  • Pokemon
  • Tomb Raider
  • Witcher
  • Anything console exclusive (Red Dead Redemption, etc)
There's actually a lot I haven't played. Until this last week I could have also said "Grand Theft Auto" but I just got 5. Haven't played it much yet, but I have it.




Madden I guess, otherwise there's not much I've not played....jeez.




Call of duty. They seem kind of dull. And no sports games like Madden either. Or pokemon.




I am probably the only guy in Asia who's never played Starcraft.

Never played a Metal Gear game.

I've never played a Witcher game, though I have them in my Steam inventory. I'll get around to them when I feel like it.

Never played any console exclusives, so stuff like Halo and The Last of Us are out.

I have also never played a Diablo game, though I have played Torchlight, which I'm told is quite similar in gameplay.

Oh, and I have never played a graphical MMO. So that's stuff like WoW, Everquest, Tera, etc. I have played (and still do play) MUDs, though, so I'm not completely unfamiliar with the MMO concept.

Finally... despite being a big Star Wars fan, I have never played a Star Wars game. Not KOTOR, not Tie Fighter, not Dark Forces, not Lego Star Wars, not Shadows of the Empire, not Battlefront...




No console games since Tecmo Superbowl and Road Rash. I have never owned a console since Pong.

No JRPG's, sports, pure FPS, no RTS's in 15 years.

There was a time that I bought at least one or two games a month. I don't think I've bought more than 3 a year since WoW came out. Oh, I never played Warcraft besides WoW.





There, I said it. I'm not an ubergeek who plays FPS's or MMORPG's.

I'm a sports simulation gamer, or one who likes racing sims. But stuff like WOW, Skyrim, HL, Portal, RE, etc. - aren't my cup of tea.




Never played a Silent Hill game, I've been waiting until I could get it for the playstation.





There, I said it. I'm not an ubergeek who plays FPS's or MMORPG's.

I'm a sports simulation gamer, or one who likes racing sims. But stuff like WOW, Skyrim, HL, Portal, RE, etc. - aren't my cup of tea.
You're the jock of gamers. Right down to calling people who play fps's ubergeeks :p




I could post here, but then there wouldn't be room for anyone else.





Grumpy pokemon.jpg




Then you will never, never know the orgasmic beauty of a well-executed baton pass sweep.


Celt Z

Celt Z

1)Final Fantasy, unless you count the Kingdom Hearts series
2)Warcraft/World of Warcraft/Starcraft
3) Most FPSs/Halo/Gears of Duty or Whatever. Not a fan, although I have dabbled with them the arcades over the years.
5)Dead or Alive

Most, if not all, of these games I've been present for when someone else was playing them, but I've never hopped on the controller/keyboard to join in.

...But I did beat Pokemon Yellow!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The Witcher, Fable ...

That's about it. I can't say I've beaten or gotten into a game from each series, but I've sat down and played at least an hour of most major game series, even the spunkgargleweewee or sports game variety, back when I would give things a chance even when they looked terrible and dull.




Pokemon. I tried once, just... couldn't get into it.
Resident Evil
Demon/Dark Souls
Gears of War
Silent Hill
Shadow of the Colossus
Virtually every sports game that came after NES Baseball

... Sensing a "console" theme to most of these. I'll try to concentrate on naming missed PC games for the rest, because the last console I owned was a PS2 (well, still do) and I only really played a handful of games on it, the last console I was enthusiastic about was the Dreamcast.

Runescape - seems like everybody and their uncle played this at one time, but not me.
DayZ/Rust/etc - I refuse to play more than 10 bucks
Counter Strike/CS-GO - Sorry, I went from Duke3d to quake to unreal tournament to battlefield. This game never actually looked enticing to me.




  1. Pokemon
  2. Call of Duty
  3. Battlefield
  4. Dragon Warrior
  5. Monster Hunter
  6. Any MOBA
  7. Hitman
  8. The Witcher
  9. Kingdom Hearts
  10. Fire Emblem
  11. Metroid
  12. Tomb Raider
  13. Animal Crossing
  14. Saint's Row
  15. Far Cry
  16. Uncharted
  17. Bomberman
  18. Monkey Island
  19. Space Quest
  20. Forza
  21. Burnout
Wow, that's a lot.




Goddamn it, I play a lot of damn games.

1) Call of Duty or really any of the modern "realistic" military FPS games except Spec Ops: The Line
2) Pretty much any sports game that's not on the NES.

I honestly can't think of any more. I'm sure there are Xbox exclusives that I'm not even thinking of.[DOUBLEPOST=1431935639,1431935532][/DOUBLEPOST]
With the Witcher 3, Gamespot has published an interesting article: what hugely popular game series have you never played? I thought it might bring some interesting discussion on here, as well.


Some of mine:

1) Gears of War
2) Halo
3) Fables

These three were primarily because I've never owned an Xbox. The system just never had any exclusives - like these - that caught my interest. I think I played the single player of Halo 2 for like 10 minutes but it just didn't grab me like other FPS games have, like Half-Life 2. Fables, I suppose I could have played on PC, but it was only recently that I even had a computer to run it.

4) MOBAs - Aside from Awesomenauts, it's an entire game genre I've really not gotten into. I'm not big on multiplayer because the majority of people that game online are complete dickbags.
(Though as I write this, DOTA 2 is installing. I'm curious to see what the whole hullaballoo is all about.)

5) Dragon Warrior - I played a little bit of the first one on NES, but it was never a series that grabbed me like Final Fantasy did.

6) Sports & Racing Games - Largely because I'm not into sports or racing. Unless you want to consider WWE as a sport.

7) Hitman - Just never been interested for whatever reason.

8) The Witcher - I've honestly played none of them, so I haven't gotten excited or interested at all with its third installment.
The first Gears of War, Halo, and all Fable games are available on PC :p

Really the only reason I ever played those series.




Goddamn it, I play a lot of damn games.

1) Call of Duty or really any of the modern "realistic" military FPS games except Spec Ops: The Line
2) Pretty much any sports game that's not on the NES.

I honestly can't think of any more. I'm sure there are Xbox exclusives that I'm not even thinking of.[DOUBLEPOST=1431935639,1431935532][/DOUBLEPOST]

The first Gears of War, Halo, and all Fable games are available on PC :p

Really the only reason I ever played those series.
Are they? Huh. I knew Fable was but didn't know about the others. Oh well! :p I don't think they were on PC for quite awhile though, right?




Bhamv, we already know you aren't a real Asian, you don't need to give us more proof. [emoji14]




King of Fighters(I think)
Monster Hunter
Resident Evil
Fall out
Grand Theft Auto
Gears of War




Bhamv, we already know you aren't a real Asian, you don't need to give us more proof. [emoji14]
I dunno, he may have been wearing one of those Mission: Impossible masks.




I dunno, he may have been wearing one of those Mission: Impossible masks.
Or one of the SPFX ones.





WoW is my biggest, I think.

I have played the previous Warcraft game before the MMORPG. I haven't owned a playstation or xbox, but I have a Wii, so there are tons of games that I haven't played. The last PC game that I bought was Oblivion, but I didn't even install it. :( Grad school killed my free time, and now I have an infant.




I have tons, but most notably probably:

Metal Gear
Team Fortress




I'm surprised so many people haven't played any Call of Duty. There were a few years where the game was the gold standard in immersive first person story telling, coming to its pinnacle with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Granted, after that, it fell off a cliff and rapidly became the haven for foulmouthed 12 year olds we all know it to be now. But CoD1 was a cinematic experience that changed gaming, and CoD4 was a mindblowing work of art.




I'm surprised so many people haven't played any Call of Duty. There were a few years where the game was the gold standard in immersive first person story telling, coming to its pinnacle with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Granted, after that, it fell off a cliff and rapidly became the haven for foulmouthed 12 year olds we all know it to be now. But CoD1 was a cinematic experience that changed gaming, and CoD4 was a mindblowing work of art.
I don't know about other people, but personally, I don't really care for the realistic military games. i prefer stuff with a sci-fi or fantasy setting.




I forgot about sports games. Never got into Madden any of the other yearly sports titles.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I don't know about other people, but personally, I don't really care for the realistic military games. i prefer stuff with a sci-fi or fantasy setting.
For some reason, I don't like the idea of shooting people like that. It took me a long time to get into Fallout 3 because I was used to sticking to monster/alien/undead targets.

Of course, I mostly got over that, but I haven't played anything military based that isn't somehow fantastical.




I don't know about other people, but personally, I don't really care for the realistic military games. i prefer stuff with a sci-fi or fantasy setting.
They aren't realistic, the phrase I specifically used was cinematic. This is not realistic military action, it's more like... "Saving Private Ryan" the game. It feels like being immersed in a movie that you participate in. It's still all very linear, scripted, and artificial, but it's well executed.




I came into this thread thinking "oh man there are so many games I've never touched" then read through everything everyone listed and realized I've played pretty much everything.....There are some obvious holes like sports and whatnot, but that's about it. That said, there are plenty of series that I've put down after a little playing and never touched again. Or games that were so bad I refused to ever touch them again:

1) Mass Effect
2) Dragon Age
3) Fable (worst game ever)
4) SQENIX games ( I of course grew up playing FF2, but that's about it)




Like, most of them. Games are expensive, yo.




Like, most of them. Games are expensive, yo.
No they aren't.
And when they used to be, there was piracy.




The NBA games . . .

I'd like to say I've never played the Witcher games, but I started to play the second one last week. Not enjoying it.

I can almost say I've never played the Mario games . . . But I can certainly say I've never played all the Nintendo games that seem to have spun off them.




They aren't realistic, the phrase I specifically used was cinematic. This is not realistic military action, it's more like... "Saving Private Ryan" the game. It feels like being immersed in a movie that you participate in. It's still all very linear, scripted, and artificial, but it's well executed.
To put it another way, I'd rather shoot robots and mutants than humans.




To put it another way, I'd rather shoot robots and mutants than humans.
Ah, I misunderstood what you meant by realistic.




To put it another way, I'd rather shoot robots and mutants than humans.
Pfft, robots can't remorse the day they ever crossed me... where's the fun in that?




Pfft, robots can't remorse the day they ever crossed me... where's the fun in that?





...so many choices.





I'm surprised so many people haven't played any Call of Duty. There were a few years where the game was the gold standard in immersive first person story telling, coming to its pinnacle with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Granted, after that, it fell off a cliff and rapidly became the haven for foulmouthed 12 year olds we all know it to be now. But CoD1 was a cinematic experience that changed gaming, and CoD4 was a mindblowing work of art.
I played through the single player for COD 4. I think it was 4. The one with the controversial airport shooting level.

Eh, it was okay. Cinematic and all that, but it was all set pieces and 'splosions. Couldn't give two shakes of a rats ass about any of the characters or story.

Really, though, most fans of the COD series aren't even in it for the single player. I worked with some guys that were big COD fans and all they went on about was the multiplayer.

They looked at me funny when I was trying to describe great games like Papers, Please. :p




I played through the single player for COD 4. I think it was 4. The one with the controversial airport shooting level.

Eh, it was okay. Cinematic and all that, but it was all set pieces and 'splosions. Couldn't give two shakes of a rats ass about any of the characters or story.
That was "Modern Warfare 2" - they changed the naming convention and spun Modern warfare off into its own line after 4 (COD5 was back in WW2 again).

MW2 was the first bump falling down that cliff. It was not nearly as good as 4, but yet still not as bad as what was to come.




Two Game Series you will NEVER catch me playing:

1. GTA
2. Prison Tycoon




No war games, like CoD.
No sports games.
Final Fantasy
Guild Wars

Yeah there are more, but I can't think of them atm.




Two Game Series you will NEVER catch me playing:

1. GTA
2. Prison Tycoon
Why, out of curioaity? The almost disgusted way you say it has me curious.




Why, out of curiosity? The almost disgusted way you say it has me curious.
<=== Youth Counselor (aka "Juvenile Corrections Officer"), State of Wisconsin, Department of Corrections.




<=== Youth Counselor (aka "Juvenile Corrections Officer"), State of Wisconsin, Department of Corrections.
Ah. Therefore, I imagine Bully would be on that list, then, too. I fully understand, man.




Ah. Therefore, I imagine Bully would be on that list, then, too. I fully understand, man.
Actually, Bully is one of the most misunderstood games out there. The point of the game isn't to BE a bully, the point of the game is to FIGHT bullies. The game actively punishes you for bullying behavior.




Actually, Bully is one of the most misunderstood games out there. The point of the game isn't to BE a bully, the point of the game is to FIGHT bullies. The game actively punishes you for bullying behavior.
Oh, I know. It's the general content of the game itself I was referring to.




There's one big series I forgot to mention before:

Borderlands. I tried a bit of the first one, but it just didn't grab me.




I will say that Borderlands only really shines when played multiplayer with friends.




I will say that Borderlands only really shines when played multiplayer with friends.
Got a chance to play it a bit with one or two friends, but it still didn't really hold my interest. Might try again sometime, I don't know. I don't really have anyone I game with online on any kind of regular basis.




I'm really trying to think of something in a major series or genre I've never played.

The yearly sports games, I guess, Madden/NBA/MLB/etc. I've played NBA Jam, NFL Blitz, and that Ken Griffey baseball game on SNES, though.

I played a little of Metal Gear and MGS1, but never finished them. Same for other games (CoD/Battlefield, Monster Hunter).

Oh, I guess I've never played one of the realistic sim games like Flight Sim, Truck Sim, etc etc.




Yeah, I abandoned my Borderlands 1 playthrough like... I dunno... a quarter of the way into the game? A third? Not sure. It just didn't grab me.




Weird. I could've sworn I replied to this, but I don't see it.

Any sports game.
I've played quite a bit of WoW, but never played in a group. For the same reasons I don't like MOBAs. If you're not immersed in it and have all the numbers tediously worked out, you won't do well, and then there's stupid ostracizing when that happens.
Most Nintendo games.
Lots of them, really.


General Specific

General Specific

They looked at me funny when I was trying to describe great games like Papers, Please. :p




Any sports game
Anything online multiplayer, which includes MMORPGs, MOBAs, whatever else there is there
GTA (tried Saint's Row 2, didn't care, so didn't try GTA)
Halo (in fact, any FPS since Marathon Infinity)
Party games (Mario Party and so on)
Anything hand-held (I had a Game Gear for like a year and four games, I barely touched it, it doesn't count)

Really a lot of stuff...




To be fair, if you didn't have multiple storerooms full of batteries you barely got to play GameGear games for long anyway.




Christ, ain't that the truth. "That colour screen is much much better than the Game Boy's tiny monochrome one", I said... But at what cost? At what cost?!?! Turns out the cost is enough batteries to power Tokyo.




I got rechargeable battery packs that doubled as hand grips for my Game Gear.




I got rechargeable battery packs that doubled as hand grips for my Game Gear.
I think we ended up getting that eventually because my dad would take it on business trips and lugging batteries around on a plane with all the other shit he had to take with him was a pain.




I have not played a Legend of Zelda game since the original. Does that count? I mean, I technically have played a game in the series, but everyone seems to shit bricks in shock that I haven't played Windwaker or Ocarina of Time or whatever.




Basically anything that started on the Sega Genesis... so no Phantasy Star, Shining Force, Sonic, Toe Jam and Earl, etc...




I have not played a Legend of Zelda game since the original. Does that count? I mean, I technically have played a game in the series, but everyone seems to shit bricks in shock that I haven't played Windwaker or Ocarina of Time or whatever.
I haven't played any since A Link to the Past.




I've got you all beat. I've never played a Zelda game, at all.




I don't know what a video game is.




what is this electronic witchcraft box jedediah i told you the south field needs plowing stop your devil's communication with that englishe contraption and do your chores




I have not played a Legend of Zelda game since the original. Does that count? I mean, I technically have played a game in the series, but everyone seems to shit bricks in shock that I haven't played Windwaker or Ocarina of Time or whatever.
It's OK if you miss out on what's widely considered to be one of the best, if not THE best, video games of all time. :p




It's OK if you miss out on what's widely considered to be one of the best, if not THE best, video games of all time. :p
What does Bubble Bobble have to do with anything? :p




What does Bubble Bobble have to do with anything? :p
Okay so bubbles, murder, bubbles, murder, cocktail, water slide
Bubbles, murder, murder, peach, banana what a frickin' ride
So many patterns, murder, patterns, bubbles, jeez, it never ends
Now I don’t remember much about my life and work and friends

Bubble Bobble!
Why did I try?!
There's Bub and Bob,







I've got you all beat. I've never played a Zelda game, at all.
We are tied in this regard, sir.




I don't buy rpgs without a female protagonist. Steam is full of games that I have gone ooh that looks nice over the screenshots and then I found out there was no female option it got crossed off my list of things to get. Too many to remember, I think Gothic was one. Until recently Witcher was one of these. But my hubby bough Witcher 3 for our PS4 so I tried it for about 2 hours. It was pretty but besides from not being able to play as a female I didn't like the controls very much, so I'm not sure I'll ever play it again.




I don't buy rpgs without a female protagonist. Steam is full of games that I have gone ooh that looks nice over the screenshots and then I found out there was no female option it got crossed off my list of things to get. Too many to remember, I think Gothic was one. Until recently Witcher was one of these. But my hubby bough Witcher 3 for our PS4 so I tried it for about 2 hours. It was pretty but besides from not being able to play as a female I didn't like the controls very much, so I'm not sure I'll ever play it again.
I understand for games where the main character is "blank slate" or a complete player-insert - for example, it wouldn't make a lot of sense not to be able to be female in Skyrim. Frankly, the same an be said of most shooters - even though people love Gordon Freeman, there's no reason whatsoever not to have her be Jordan Freeman or something. Leaving out the choice is, in many cases, quite indefensible.
For games like the Witcher, where you're playing an established character, I tend to be far more forgiving - while it's a fictional character , in this case, it's much like playing, say, general Grant in a Civil War game. You wouldn't expect to suddenly play a genderbent version (not that I don't think this would be acceptable too in some types of games).
I'm not criticizing the choice itself, nor would I try to make you play something you didn't like, for the record; I'm just giving my opinion.




Considering that The Witcher is a licensed game about an established property, I'm okay with the male only option. But that's really only because we have a bunch of books and other stuff building on Geralt as a character. This was his story long before it became a game.




Halo, Gears of War, basically anything that was XBox exclusive. I generally don't play FPS (as any of you who've had the misfortune to play TF2 or L4D with me can tell). I generally don't like RTS games like Warcraft, Starcraft, etc, but I *have* played them. (I don't own them, though) And yet I'm addicted to Civilization. I guess I haven't played any MOBA, though I suppose GUNZ: The Duel was kind of that sort of thing before the term was really coined? Or I guess that was just online PVP? I got about 5 minutes into Kingdom Hearts and went "NOPE". And while I readily make fun of JRPGs, I've played more than a few of them.




Just realized one:

Elder Scrolls. Never played a single one of them.




I think the only games so far mentioned in this thread that I have played are Warcraft (I & III), StarCraft (original & Brood War), Civilization (I think I, II, IV), and Bubble Bobble. Yeah, I'm not much of a gamer. Pretty much the only games I've played in the past five years or so are Hearts of Iron II and Rome: Total War (and the Barbarian Invasion expansion. Never really got into Alexander).




I don't like RTSs either. I don't like any game that feels like work. I have to problem solve like this everyday for 8 hours, so why the hell would I want to play a version of the same thing with pretty pictures on it?
