[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

I wasn't trying to rub it in anyone's face if they're a fan of the card :p.

I'd kinda stopped using it a bit back and I wish they'd change a few other Un'Goro quest legendaries since I went crazy crafting them :/.
Not that, she already posted about the nerf.
Traditionally, yeah. But not always.

The other cards weren't technically altered as much as moved to a different format.
Not the Un'Goro hall of fame; just regular nerfing. For a limited time after, full dust value if you destroy the card, just like with Small-Time Buccaneer and Spirit Claws. I'm just saying, if Blizzard wants to nerf the hunter and warlock quests too, I wouldn't mind personally.[DOUBLEPOST=1498707092,1498707058][/DOUBLEPOST]
In keeping with the true spirit of hearthstone, I used a random number generator to pick a champ for me.
I chose Mage because no country came up for him when I was on there.
Thank goodness they fixed this now that quest rogue is rarely seen in the meta.

Blizzard, what are you doing?
Also, I've been watching Kibler's stream while working on cosplay, he's playing in top 200 legend and has played 10 or 11 quest rogues in the last 2 days. So it's not that rare. I also remember seeing a lot of quest rogue in the spring qualifiers.
Must be the cost of having to retool all those virtual printing presses back to the old cards.

Technology just isn't there yet. [/r hearthstone]

I'm happy about this because I'd like to play more of the Wild stuff and now I'm glad I only crafted about 400 dust worth of Wild cards.

EDIT: On second thought, while Pez's post phrases it as the Hearthstone store, the actual article says the Blizzard Shop, which is a different thing. I hope I'm reading too much into this, but if it is exclusively to the Blizzard Shop, likely to avoid confusion from people who don't understand Wild/Standard, then there are no bundles. It's just $2.99 for two packs of cards.

Really hope that's not the case.
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Staff member
C'mon Hearthstone, really? If minions are killed by Mini-Rag but then healed by a Healing Totem, they survive at 1 health, but Mini-Rag still gets buffed for killing them. :confused:
Chinese site leaks new expansion banner. Don't click if you don't want to see.

Apparently the previous info was right! Rough translation is "Knights of the Frozen Throne."
It's officially announced now.

Knights of the Frozen Throne is the next expansion, and I think it got overshadowed by Doomfist :p.

But the look is cool. I think people are getting expectations too high about the death knight heroes--I'm pretty sure those will just be relevant for single player content.

I see the pre-order and card back are up on the launcher, so I imagine the store will update soon.


Staff member
Hearthstone updated. Caverns edited and Frozen Throne packs/cardback available.
Also, changes to arena:
- Flamestrike, Abyssal Enforcer, and Vicious Fledgling will appear in drafts 50% less often.
- Popular cards had small drop rate changes to address class balance concerns. (Note - These changes range from 1-5%. They are small enough that they are unlikely to be noticed during an individual draft, but should have enough cumulative impact to help improve class balance.)

The following minions are now Elementals:
  • Jade Spirit, Djinni of Zephyrs, Flame of Azzinoth*, Mana Geode, and Hallazeal, the Ascended.
*That's the 2/1 summoned by Illadin

Frost Festival coming in August, lasting three weeks. Each week, you get a free arena run. Playing three arena matches gets you a Frozen Throne pack, on top of whatever awards you get from the arena. That's along with a bunch of the other good stuff coming, like the prologue single player gets you a legendary, guaranteed legendary in first 10 packs, reduction of dupes, no dupe legendaries unless you have them all for that set. And that's after these near-two weeks of double gold for quests.

They're really making a commitment this summer. I'm sure r/hearthstone will still find reasons to bitch, but as someone who was already happy, all this extra just feels real nice :D