[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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That's ALL I noticed the first time. Plus the one girl looks like she's wearing a sleeping bag.
My confusion over why the girl was wearing a sleeping bag is why I hadn't noticed the image on the other's shirt. I was just trying to figure out if the sleeping bag was the joke or not.
My confusion over why the girl was wearing a sleeping bag is why I hadn't noticed the image on the other's shirt. I was just trying to figure out if the sleeping bag was the joke or not.
I didn't notice the image either, I just figured it was a DERP LOOKIT EVERY1 SHOWIN OFF DA GOOFY PREZZIES DERP pic.

"What's so funny about this pic? It looks like a fairly normal portrait of a family or a group of friends or something like that. Sure the girl on the left looks like she's wearing a sleeping bag, but that's not exactly funny. And the other girl is kinda cute, with that sweater. Hey waitaminute..."
I require the name and contact information of that Facebook friend on the sidebar to the left there, the girl at the top.
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