[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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What's strange is that I think that Lincoln is the one facing forward and the others are facing backward.
That's probably a product of reading left to right.
I do wonder what that means in regards to American money though.
QI explained that with commonwealth coin, the direction the head faces switches with each new monarch, so OUR money makes some sense anyway.
Added at: 04:45
I looked it up, and assuming Wiki Answers is correct, the answer is really boring.
The coin's designer, Victor David Brenner, based the image on a medal he had created earlier. The direction of portraits on American coins is not determined by any laws or custom, but solely by the preference of the artists who designed them.

In fact, Lincoln is not the only president whose image faces to the right. The modernistic portrait of Thomas Jefferson used on the 2005 Lewis and Clark nickels also is right-facing.

Images on the Presidential Dollars face forward, and those of Miss Liberty are about equally split.


Staff member
I know it is my cat but I am a cat lady.

When the semester ends, the bag is his apparently.

When I was a kid our orange tabby used to sleep on my book bag, but only on school mornings. Seriously, he never slept on my book bag except when it was time for me to catch the bus.
Lincoln had a thing about which side he was pictured from, as apparently his face was asymmetrical... I can't recall the specific name of the condition, but it was a genetic condition that results in uneven bone growth - this was linked to part of the reason why Lincoln looked extra-gangly.

This is what happens when you surf History International late at night.


Staff member

Added at: 10:51
The caption really made this next one:

"I never expected to see “Mr. Badass” Henry Rollins at Walmart, then again I didn’t expect to see “Mr. Badass” Henry Rollins wearing his reading glasses around his neck either."
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