EvE online: HAL Industries is recruiting!

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Hoping for some good ewar support. :)
I am skilling up, and have a BB ECM but I have zero, thats 0 ECM battlefield experience, though I'm reading up on ship racial types and any tactics to improve my skills. But I volunteered when Necronic asked, so, don't count on my skills the first op. ECM is crazy complicated compared to hulk mining.


OK, Where do we want to post our skills and ship fittings. I would like to get some help. I saw Necro? (Hellkyte) mentioned getting 450 sustained DPS in a Caracel and the most I can come up with is like 60 sustained DPS with a 779 DPS volley.

When I get home I'll post my skill output from EVEMON and the ship I was looking for in EFT.


Staff member
Ah, I asked you if you were getting 450 sustained DPS, because that sounded really high. If you want check out scrapheap-challenge, there are lots of good ship fits on there. Should give you a good idea what you should fit when you know what ship you want.

And crone, if it makes you feel any better we are all pretty much in the same boat. I've done some solo pvp, but I have no experience with gang warfare. It will be a learning experience for everyone.


Its all good Crone, there's no pressure we're just going out for fun and we may have another pilot doing ewar in the mix. Flying ewar can actually be a little less dramatic because ideally you'll be out of range and not watching your shields/armor ripping away from enemy fire. Basically you're going to need to jam out the heavy hitters, the FC will help you with this initially but generally go for the biggest hulls on the battlefield first. Never jam the primary! Conversely, you will be a high priority target therefore always stay in motion and at maximum range to limit potshots. They'll send their small ships after you first, disregard them if there are other targets but do make us aware they're going for you. It will be our job to pick these ships up and neutralize them. :) Anyways, if you want some risk-free hands on experience I'd love to scrimmage with ya and see what you're capable of. Haven't been on too much due to moving/unpacking but you can always get someone else if you cant catch me on.

Hmm, very tempted to bust out a Zealot for this op but a little leary of being the only tech 2 ship. Will probably fly a durable buffer Harbinger to stay in the fight. Maybe next time Zealot, then next I might try a dual Guardian set up with Ferahgo if he's down and we got the pilots to warrant as such.
I feel like I have to apologize for not being around so much this week. I've found myself busier than I expected. Hopefully tomorrow night I'll be able to sit down and log some hours, maybe dueling a bit with the Rupture I plan to take out on Sunday.


Crone, know that if you guys run into any other group of pirates, they will all primary you first. Well, in any scenario, if you are fighting someone who is returning fire, you will be first to die, and die you will. Blackbird is pretty paper thin, and jamming is so sketchy at times unless you have all racial's to the correct ship you are trying to jam, And even then, it may take a few cycles before it finally hits.


Dying ain't no thing. I'm beta cloned with twice the sp than I have inset, the implant was a gift, and the ship is insured. Dying doesn't worry me, so much as failing to do my job.


Staff member
Dying ain't no thing. I'm beta cloned with twice the sp than I have inset, the implant was a gift, and the ship is insured. Dying doesn't worry me, so much as failing to do my job.
Good, cause Ferahgo is right. You're going to die. Because your running ECM I'm going to go ahead and give you the money it took to build that ship up front. This is also because ECM isn't always the most fun ship for a new player to fly.

On that note a couple other comments.

1) Make sure to insure your ships. Platinum.
2) Have at least 2 replacements ready. I know for some of yall its not really feasible to make 2 replacement cruisers. If you can't make multiple cruisers make some spare Frigates.
3) I have a lot of Cormorants and Vexors sitting around if people want them. I'll give you a really good corp price (50% off). I may also have some rupture BPC's. I can't remember. Also I may just give some away. My generosity is neither consistent nor logical.
4) Be in a clone with no implants.

The biggest thing is I want everyone to feel comfortable flying, that's far more important than the quality of what you bring. If you don't feel comfortable fitting any cruisers out, that's totally cool. Just bring rifters/merlins/kestrels/incursus/tristans/punishers or griffins (ecm).

PS. Dave, sorry I forgot to put up more hauling contracts last night. Should put some up tonight.


Staff member
Go to the eve online main page. There should be a section for "Account Information" your info should be in there, even if you did pick it up through Steam.


Staff member
Do you plan on continuing?

Edit: I've been doing some research for tommorow, and I'm not super thrilled with myself. Here's what I have so far.

Probably the closest place for us to play around in is Providence, so I would argue we just jump into there and start pew pewing. Here's the issue.

Providence is a very unique null sec region in that its proprietors, CVA, maintain what is called a NRDS (not red don't shoot) policy. This means that they don't attack neutrals on sight, which is pretty valuable for getting easy access to null sec resources. This also means that there are lots of carebear types in the region that present easier targets due to higher concentration. However, if we do attack someone in Providence we will end up on their KOS/Red list, and will be pretty heavily harrased in Providence, meaning that if we do want to do any ratting/mining in providence we won't be able to. Other than that though it won't be much different than going to any nullsec space.

There is also a chance that CVA won't be around much longer due to them getting face raped by AAA. Its an outside chance.

Anyways, the other option is for us to go to a different region. For this kind of operation its important for us to be near high sec so we can reship and jump right back into the gang. Right now I am leaning towards Syndicate. The closest high sec system to our entry system would be ~Yvelet. Problem is that that is ~20 jumps.

So here's the question. Do you want to move your ships to Stacmon (edit scratch that, yvelet), 20 jumps away, and run on Syndicate, or do you want to ruin your standings with CVA and go kill people in Providence?

Edit: By the way, that route to Yvelet is 90% low sec. That said its bar none the best way to get into Syndicate. The Orvolle gate is just suicide. And while Stacmon is high sec its isolated. This means that prices for everything may be a bit higher there. Good news is that it may not be a bad place for us to relocate to. Our industrialists will be able to make more money by supplying Syndicate, and the PvPers/PvEers will be able to do more with Syndicate right there.


Anything that will help
my second account miner who is ready to moveinto A hulk as soon as I can afford it


Staff member
Scratch Stacmon, meant to say Yvelet.

Here are some useful maps to look at:

Syndicate kills

Solitude Kills

Placid Kills

As you can see Syndicate its suicide to try to go through the Orvolle gate. There are 2 other Placid entrances, one is near Stacmon, and is somewhat heavily camped, the other is kind of close to Stacmon and not that heavily camped. Solitude, on the other hand, has 3 entrances which are not heavily camped at all, and are both quite close to each other.

Problem with Solitude is that re-equiping will be much more difficult.

I'm going to stick with Yvelet as my choice. The entrances to Syndicate are much less heavily camped. To be honest its not a bad place for us to set up in, with some jump clones. There is a decent string of high sec systems we could mine in and build the equipment we need to play in Syndicate.

So, when you have time head over to Yvelet. Its not an easy flight. Be careful. There are a lot of low sec systems you have to jump through to get there. Pay attention to the in game map staistics. Look at them before you start your trip. Pay attention to them throughout your trip. Even if it isn't null sec you still may fly through some gate camps. If you want to be careful you could fit warp core stabs for the trip out there, it should help you get through some gate camps. Maybe.

Just remember, don't be flying with a head full of implants, and insure your ship.


Staff member
Ok, I've been thinking it over more.

Yvelet is definitely the best place to go. However, its not reasonable to ask anyone to be there by tommorow, and to get multiple ships there would be impossible.

Therefore we are just going to stay in Tash and Domain and patrol the low sec areas here. Its usually pretty easy to find people there, and even if we don't find anyone we can hit some of the deadspace or WH plexes.

I would like people to try and move a jump clone out to Yvelet when they have spare time though. I am thinking that this will be a jumping off point for the more advanced null sec ops you can do.

For now though, we'll start in Tash and won't go into Providence.


does the corp have an 8.0+ rep with the NPC that run that station, or are we going to have to use the services of that corp you talked about earlier?
Sorry about not showing up today. I was going to, even logged in for a second, but got called away. It's hard to get free time during the middle of the day in spring. Too much stuff to get done.


Staff member
Its ok. Cause you will be able to help out a lot in next weeks op.

So today's op was really succesful. I will write up a full report later but short story we warped directly into a gatecamp and took out a Sabre. After that Straker took some people out and ran into some trouble and took out a very nice Rupture. We took some losses ourselves, but were actually not that far net negative on the engagements considering.

We've also planned the next 2 ops. More information will be incoming

Sunday April 18th, 2 PM CST
Deadspace/Wormhole Plex. We are going to go into low sec and find some wormholes or deadspace plexes and run them for some money. Should be fun.

Sunday April 25th 2PM CST
Cruiser Tournament. Just like our Frigate tourney, with the exception that the prizes will be....much better. Depending on turnout prizes will be 3 +4 implants for first place, 1 for second, and 1 +3 implant for third. That said if we have less people we may reduce that.
Oh wow, those are some nice prizes. Let it be known that I fully intend to defend my Tourney Champion title with everything I've got.

Edit: And count on me bringing a Hurricane to the wormhole/plex op.


Staff member
There is now a hidden subforum that only Corp members can see. ONLY I (and Ame) CAN PUT YOU IN THE CORP GROUP!! So if I missed you and you can't see it please let me know and I'll get you right in. I've taken off the password because I have it controlled now.

---------- Post added at 08:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 AM ----------

By the way, the subforum is called "Hal Industries" and can be found right below Tech Talk in the Topic Discussions area. If you can't see this that means I missed you.

PLEASE send me a PM, not just a note here. My workload has increased and unless I get the email I will probably miss it until tonight.


Good to hear you're returning Rakim. I know we have another new euro pilot in the ranks.


Staff member
I hate to say this but it may be a good idea for us to find a better home for our Euro pilots. As much as I want everyone from Halforums in the Hal Corp, its more important to me for yall to have a good time while playing, and only being on when everyone else is off is not a great way to have a good time. That said I don't really know how active the corp is when yall are on, maybe we have more daytime layabouts than I thought.

Anyways, point is that it might be worthwhile for yall to look into an active Euro tz corp, or for yall to get your friends to join :)


As a euro player, I myself am not really bothered by there not being many people online during conventional hours. But then again I'm a night owl :D

Also, a great promo video to show the excitement of EVE to new players!

I may just feeling whimsical, but I was in tears about halfway through.

Why the hell was he mining in .1 in a T1 cargo cruiser by himself?
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