EvE online: HAL Industries is recruiting!

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I got in trouble for hitting someone with a nuclear missile, of course that's the name for my penis.

Edit: Actually I call her "Frisky Dingo", and yeah its a she. Makes me feel better about beating on her so much. Its alright though, she knew it was for her own good.


Yeah pound it like it owes you money!

Do encourage the dueling concept. Much cheaper to learn pvp lessons that way and it doesn't have to be just Ferahgo, experience is experience so fight whoever, though he can give you the best advice.

Discourage the "lets take on pirates!" idea. Lets keep it at the skirmish level for now until we grow in manpower, skills, and combat experience. We shall do more organized roams. I am active, just at weird late at night hours throughout the week, so I'm always down for late night shennanigans.

Hey if we're doing an op Sunday lets go ahead and get it organized so everyone's on the same page this time. What are we doing exactly? Folks need to know what ships/skills to have ready. When will it be? I'm thinking we should try for a later timeslot maybe. I'm moving tomorrow and internet may or may not get going so could be absent a little, hopefully not. Queueing long skill just in case. :)

Necro, I'm going to go ahead and pay the monthly 10 mill isk for the killboard again. So... you should use it! Post your kill. The more kills we can get on that thing the better we'll look to new recruits, speaking of which, post the link to your recruitment ad on EVE forums so we can all brag about how great of a corp we have and bump the thread to the top!


Staff member
The "anti-pirate" thing wasn't about actually being anti-pirate, it was about tricking people who see us show up in low sec and wonder if we are dangerous. Anyways, doesn't matter.

My thought is we should do a low sec roam with cruiser/BCs. We won't be limited based on how many people show up, and even with only 5 of us we should be able to do some damage. I have a lot of extra Vexors and Caracals sitting around, and I believe I have some Rupture BPCs as well, so I should be able to make ships to replace losses if necessary.

So, the question then is who should fly what. My thoughts are that we want at least 1 person in a blackbird, then its a matter of straight gank fits and a couple tank fits. Or just all gank fits. A gank fit is one that is set up for maximised dps with almost no defensive capabilities. My Vexor, for instance, has 3x Mag Stabs and a DCU2 in the low slot, with no armor regenerators or anything like that. Thoraxes also have some great gank fits.

I'm open for suggestions on whether we should run a bunch of gank fits, or just do a bunch of normal versatile fits.


Staff member
I don't have a BC yet. I have the ability but not the bucks to back it up.
Are you mining with one hand while guarding with your PvP toon at this point?[/QUOTE]

Yup. I have a bunch of minerals ready to unload on an unsuspecting market. I'm short about 20 mil ISK or so to get my Hurricane and outfit it the way I want.
I don't have a BC yet. I have the ability but not the bucks to back it up.
Are you mining with one hand while guarding with your PvP toon at this point?[/QUOTE]

Yup. I have a bunch of minerals ready to unload on an unsuspecting market. I'm short about 20 mil ISK or so to get my Hurricane and outfit it the way I want.[/QUOTE]

Nice. I started a PvP toon, but he's still a long way away.


i have near 700,000 ecm geared sp, so considered me cannon fodder for anything useful. running missions and training as fast as i can.
I'm sorry guys, I'm one of the people that have disappeared entirely... I decided to get the 14 day trial at a bad time, it's the equivalent of Spring Break down here and I've been traveling all over central mexico and staying at friends' houses and crashing at girls' and just not been around as much... which means the trial is now pretty much over and I got diddly squat done.

I'm sorry, bad timing on my part. Maybe once I have a steady income I'll consider trying again with an actual membership.


thats alright Calleja. not everyone is tough enough. weakness is not a bad thing. ;)


Staff member
thats alright Calleja. not everyone is tough enough. weakness is not a bad thing. ;)
Yep, there's nothing wrong with weakness. Discovering it and purging it is a part of life. Its when you ignore or deny the weakness that it becomes a problem. There's a 12 step program for it in fact:

1) We admitted we were weak in the ways of Game-Fu
2) Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Necronic as we understood Him.
4) Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5) Admitted to Necronic, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6) Were entirely ready to have Necronic remove all these defects of character.
7) Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

It goes on for a while, but it looks like you are somewhere in this, maybe right before step 3. That's always the hardest one for people it seems.


Bah, they are not but mine apostles.
Since you are aping at godhood:
Paraphrased reply: And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy… And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Feragho and Straker, to blaspheme their name, and their tabernacle, and them that dwell with them.

When you can take them both in a fight then I will bow down before thee :)

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

get laid or play a video game.

I think getting laid is a much better choice.
wow, I love how for some it's an either or.


Staff member
Bah. She is the deciever. Upon her lips lie stains from the wine of lies. Tarry not in her wake my flock, for her embrace is lined with the cold void of the heathen, and upon her flesh will you find the maggots of corruption. Her whispers will slide across your righteousness, eroding it down to formlessness. And in the end, when you wish to cry out for salvation, you will find your tongue is not but ash, and will choke upon the lies you chose to taste.


Bah. She is the deciever. Upon her lips lie stains from the wine of lies. Tarry not in her wake my flock, for her embrace is lined with the cold void of the heathen, and upon her flesh will you find the maggots of corruption. Her whispers will slide across your righteousness, eroding it down to formlessness. And in the end, when you wish to cry out for salvation, you will find your tongue is not but ash, and will choke upon the lies you chose to taste.
Salvation? No one who matters wants that. They want blood and riches and the screams of their enemies women to serenade them. I offer nothing but the cold hunger of destruction, godlet. But if I am not welcome at your table, I shall not overstay the dead welcome.


Staff member
Bah. She is the deciever. Upon her lips lie stains from the wine of lies. Tarry not in her wake my flock, for her embrace is lined with the cold void of the heathen, and upon her flesh will you find the maggots of corruption. Her whispers will slide across your righteousness, eroding it down to formlessness. And in the end, when you wish to cry out for salvation, you will find your tongue is not but ash, and will choke upon the lies you chose to taste.
Salvation? No one who matters wants that. They want blood and riches and the screams of their enemies women to serenade them. I offer nothing but the cold hunger of destruction, godlet. But if I am not welcome at your table, I shall not overstay the dead welcome.[/QUOTE]

Mine table is not for your kind demon! Begone from my site, 'fore you taint the milk and honey of our platters!


Staff member
right then, time to go look up my old corp. i suppose.
Aww c'mon, I didn't think you would break that easy, I was enjoying that biblical stuff (I was about to start using 40k quotes.) What does your old corp do? I'm curious because I've been looking at other small corps like ours that are out there on the chance that we could merge. Its a lot easier than recruiting people 1 by 1.

Mr_thehun, are you playing/have you submitted an app to the corp? I believe china may actually be on its own server (I'm not sure why, although I could make a couple guesses.)

For the weekend op, here's what I am thinking:

2PM Come fitted in a pvp Cruiser if you can. Frigates are welcome as well. If you run a frigate fit for tackling. That means don't worry about guns, shoot for ~15km optimal, fit a disruptor and a MWD. Also wouldn't have anything against a griffin pilot if that's all you can fly. For the rest of us, fit a mixed tank/gank ship. I don't think we will have any ships capable of remote repping so have an armor or shield rep on. Crone I believe you are capable of fitting an Blackbird for ECM correct? I'm not too up on my ECM but I believe you should be fitting for long range with 1 of each racial jammer along with a MWD. In the highs put missiles or whatever, doesn't matter, lows put signal distortion amps. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Also, shakey, if you can make it I would like you to be in charge of scanning for wormholes. Even with PvP fits we could do some fun stuff in wormholes, and it would give us an alternative means of stuff to do in case we don't find any decent PvP.


Haha, made you blink.

1 of each racial jammer along with a MWD. In the highs put missiles or whatever, doesn't matter, lows put signal distortion amps.

Got it. What is the exact time and location GMT?
Did we decide on a time? I'm working on setting up my scanning ship again, my other one got blowed up. I really shouldn't fly into some called the "haunted yard" and expect to make it out.


Staff member
Did we decide on a time? I'm working on setting up my scanning ship again, my other one got blowed up. I really shouldn't fly into some called the "haunted yard" and expect to make it out.
2PM central, in Tew. From there we have a number of decent low sec pocket systems we could run through, and are also just a couple jumps out of Providence, a rare 00 region that maintains a "if they aren't enemies don't shoot them" attitude, which is highly different than the standard "if they aren't friends, shoot them". The problem is that if we did decide to attack people in this region, we very well could end up on that enemies list. I think Ferahgo already is.

I would be very interested in hearing other ideas on things we could do in low/null sec.
If you want to jump into a worm hole, we could bring along a few gatherers and use the rest for protection. If we don't run into anyone it may be boring for the protection though. I'm not sure how well we would do against the NPC's we find out there.


Tew VII - Imperial Academy School
2PM Central = 19:00 7pm London

San Francisco 12:00pm
New York 3:00pm
Denver 1pm
Anchorage 11 AM
Honolulu 9 am
Amsterdam Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 9:00:00 PM
Berlin Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 9:00:00 PM
Stockholm Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 9:00:00 PM
Baghdad Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 10:00:00 PM
Helsinki Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 10:00:00 PM
Kabul Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 11:30:00 PM
Delhi Monday, April 12, 2010 at 12:30:00 AM
Shenzhen Monday, April 12, 2010 at 3:00:00 AM
Perth Monday, April 12, 2010 at 3:00:00 AM
Tokyo Monday, April 12, 2010 at 4:00:00 AM
Melbourne Monday, April 12, 2010 at 5:00:00 AM

If I made an error regarding your city or missed it I used


These times shoould DST and BST into account but I plan on being early unless something happens with the kiddo.
I live in Arizona and we don't do the whole Daylight Savings thing (because the last thing you want in a desert is more daylight). I'd forgotten the time change had happened already.


Blackbird ship fitted with FZ3a Gravimetric, Enfeebling phase Ladar, Compulsive field Magnetometric, Shade 1 Radar & 1 Induced Multispectral ECM1 Jammers + 10 MN MWD 1, 1 Hyponos Signal Distortion Amplifier, and waiting on skills for Particle dispersion rigs. optimal racial range is 30-36km multi is ... well. dead man range


I flew out to Providence the other night. They didn't exactly hand me a beer...http://www.halc.evekb.co.uk/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=1313387

Was immediately chased around til I eventually hit this gate camp, landed in a bubble and was almost instantly neuted dead by the Curse. Never stood a chance.

Anyways, getting pumped for the op. Hoping for some good ewar support. :)


I think that 0.0 system in Providence is more of a "Tortuga" type station...where you can land there for a fee ($1000 isk) but getting there and flying in the rest of the system is a free for all. One a side note they have a Player station with research slots that have a $1mil inital fee with a $50,000 isk/hour fee for mat research and such.
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