I'm having a goddamn panic attack here...

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She doesn't want you to save her. She wants someone to feel miserable with her. And you're obliging.
I repeat. When you ask someone "How do I help you?" and they don't want you to?

That's when you walk away.

If you say "How do I help you?" and she says "You can start by....." then you can help.

You're not that bad, it's something nearly EVERYONE sadly encounters in their life if they're not very very lucky.
Now that it turns out I was wrong, and her faith in me was misplaced
No. This is wrong, and you need to stop accepting it so easily. Some of the issues you've had may very well be because of things you've done, but they're because of things she's done and choices she's made too. She's trying to pass all of the blame for her decisions off onto you, and you're not only letting her do it, but you're believing it yourself.

The reality is, there was no way that you two were going to live happily ever after with no issues. It's not possible. And when her response to those problems is to say "well hell, this is all your fault, you promised me things would always be good", that's not healthy. It's not healthy for her, and it's not healthy for you to have someone constantly beating you down like that. And until she's willing to take the step, accept her share of responsibility for what's happened, and stop using your attempts at communication as openings to abuse you further...no, you shouldn't be trying to do anything.
Sol, most of us have been in situations like this. I watched a very close friend of mine go through this with his mother. Slightly different situation, but she was mentally damaged (mentally ill, in this case) and he was unable to pull himself out of the world she created around them. From the inside, it can be difficult, or even impossible, to recognize how damaging or fucked up the situation is. This can make it impossible to make rational decisions.

But I know you are a rational dude. You can't see the evidence from within, but you have a whole group of people who care about you, who all see the truth that we've all had to learn the hard way. Accept that the evidence we present overrides what you are able to see from within, and get out. I know you love her, but you are one of the problems in her life. It's **not** your fault, you're just trying to give her what she wants, but she is in a self-destructive spiral. By giving into her, you are enabling her to hurt herself even more, and hurt you as well. This is the very definition of a toxic relationship.

The right move here is to walk away. It's not the easy move, it feels like a failure, but if you truly want to help her, you need to make that hard decision. What's more, you need to be willing to have her hate you if it means she has the chance of getting better.

You're not Norris. None of us think you are, otherwise we wouldn't be trying still. You're just stuck in a terrible situation, where the right choice is hard to see, and difficult to do.
Am I really that bad...? I'm just trying to keep a promise I made to a hurting and scared woman.
And that's the thing, man. You're NOT a bad person. But you ARE in a bad situation. And I'm sorry to say this, but this may be a promise that you just won't be able to keep no matter how much you try. It's painful to hear that, I know. I'm one of those people who hate not being able to keep my promises too. But this whole dilemma is probably not going to allow you to see it through like you had hoped. But again, that does NOT make you a bad person if you can't! Like others have said, SHE has to be willing to BE helped and take some of the responsibility to change HERSELF. Neither she NOR you can expect that YOU can do it all for her. And from the sound of her responses, that's exactly what it sounds like both of you are doing. If you continue down this path, all that will happen is that you'll feel emotionally and physically beat down, and you'll both just end up resenting each other without her having gotten better at all.

You are NOT a bad person.

What Raven said too.


...She never used to be able to sleep well, before. She got maybe a few hours per night at best, interrupted by night terrors as she remembered the things that her stepfather used to do to her. And her dreams always felt real to her -- to dream was to relive her horrible past. To dream was, literally, the exact same thing to her as having all of those things done to her again. And the things that she shared with me were unspeakable -- the sick bastard was obsessed with horror movies, and loved to live them out with his favorite little victim.

She always had slept with the bedroom door locked, paranoid that somehow that bastard would make it out of prison and come for her.

And yet all the while, she wanted to help people. When a friend was in trouble, she'd drop everything to help, even at her own expense. No one else in her useless family would take the time to take care of her ailing grandma who is starting to show signs of dementia, but she, who lived out of state, would drive down to her grandma at least every month and use money out of her own pocket to buy the woman necessities that her social security check wouldn't cover. She only made $1,000 a month and her parents wouldn't pay for anything for her, so this was a huge deal.

And when I came into the picture, things changed for the better. When I was by her as she fell asleep, she was able to sleep through the entire night without a nightmare. She felt safe. She felt confident that no one would harm her. Her dreams became positive things. Her life became one of hope instead of one with an unshakable sense of an approaching doom.

She stopped sleeping with the door locked, even when I wasn't there. She started improving. She would smile so brightly as I looked into her eyes.

She started believing that maybe life isn't the endless string of meaningless horror that she assumed it to be. She began to see herself as worth something instead of woman who was as useless and horrible and deformed as her stepfather would tell her she was on a nightly basis.

But now... now the nightmares are back. Now she can no longer sleep through the night. Now she's doubting that she's worth anything again.

Yet she still helps people. She recently sorted out problems that my best friend's fiance was having with her in-laws before the wedding. She still drives down to her Grandma's to help her when she can, though her job prevents her from doing so as often as she'd like.

I'll be damned if I'm going to let that woman rot.

I might not be able to do anything now, but if I can improve myself in a way that will make me more capable of helping her through life, I will. She won't want to talk to me for a while, but when she does again I'm not going to have the same problems I did to begin with.

You can give me advice on how to make these improvements if you want. I've listed them and what I think they mean. I don't care if it's unfair for me. The woman who has been through so much is still willing to put others first... I cannot live in a world where that woman would be abandoned.

Yet that seems to be the world that exists -- so I choose to make it otherwise.
Added at: 05:32
Sol, most of us have been in situations like this. I watched a very close friend of mine go through this with his mother. Slightly different situation, but she was mentally damaged (mentally ill, in this case) and he was unable to pull himself out of the world she created around them. From the inside, it can be difficult, or even impossible, to recognize how damaging or fucked up the situation is. This can make it impossible to make rational decisions.

But I know you are a rational dude. You can't see the evidence from within, but you have a whole group of people who care about you, who all see the truth that we've all had to learn the hard way. Accept that the evidence we present overrides what you are able to see from within, and get out. I know you love her, but you are one of the problems in her life. It's **not** your fault, you're just trying to give her what she wants, but she is in a self-destructive spiral. By giving into her, you are enabling her to hurt herself even more, and hurt you as well. This is the very definition of a toxic relationship.

The right move here is to walk away. It's not the easy move, it feels like a failure, but if you truly want to help her, you need to make that hard decision. What's more, you need to be willing to have her hate you if it means she has the chance of getting better.

You're not Norris. None of us think you are, otherwise we wouldn't be trying still. You're just stuck in a terrible situation, where the right choice is hard to see, and difficult to do.
...I don't want to hurt her, though. Do you really think I'm worse for her by trying to be there?


Staff member
Fair enough. Good luck, Godspeed, and we'll be here to listen just in case you need to vent later.


Am I being irrational about this? I am having a bit of a hard time keeping my head on straight.
Added at: 05:56
I am seeing a therapist on Monday. I'll take along the text messages and see what comes of that.
I am seeing a therapist on Monday. I'll take along the text messages and see what comes of that.
That's a really, really good first step. I'd suggest not deciding anything until you see how that goes.

As to being irrational? Obviously there are a bunch of us who think you are, but it's your life and you have to make the choices that make sense to you. You may end up looking back at this as a bad decision, but it's a position where you have to try to make the choice that you figure you're going to regret the least. None of us can tell you what that is; we can only tell you how it looks from the outside, and filtered through our own experiences.


I do have to say that I really appreciate all of you being there and talking me through this. And honestly, you guys are probably right. It probably is a lost cause. There probably isn't much that I can do.

Just knowing that actually helps, though. I feel a lot more sane than I did when I posted this thread. It helps to get outside perspective, even if I am still going forward with what probably is a horrible idea. Things don't sting as much when I at least know I have people that are there people to at least talk to and keep me from going completely over the edge.

So, thanks, everyone. It may not seem like it from your perspective, but you really have helped a lot.
Am I really that bad...? I'm just trying to keep a promise I made to a hurting and scared woman.

She knew that things would be bad during major changes in her life. It's one of the many things she learned during therapy about people in her position. She even warned me about it before this happened... and I told her that she didn't need to worry, and that things would work out.

She believed me.

Now that it turns out I was wrong, and her faith in me was misplaced... shouldn't I at least try to do something?

Dude, she's pissed at you because you don't - dress better.

That's pretty petty and ridiculous.
Sol, you had pretty much one way of keeping her--be the asshole you were trying to get her away from.

So you should only be regretting all this if you would've happily fit that mold.


Staff member
Just caught up. Best of luck, Sol. I have nothing really new to say. *hug* Bless you for caring, but make sure you're saving enough for yourself.
Pretty much in lockstep with CG.

You have helped get her to a point in her life where she can stand tall enough to demand what she feels she needs.

Whether or not it's ACTUALLY something she needs is another story, but - as has been said already - she's a big girl now.

You can stand by on the side, let her bike off without training wheels, let her pick herself up when she falls. Just be ready to listen and help, if she comes to you with something specific.

Until then, get yourself to a good place. One cannot help others if they are not able to help themselves, first.
I've noticed that all these stories involve a dude trying desperately be the knight in shining armor for a dragon.


So... the therapist agreed that it was dumb of me to not do something for Valentine's day, which is how all this got so bad to begin with. The therapist did say that she was tearing down on me and driving me crazy and tried to convince me it's not my fault or responsibility but... I don't know, the fact that I screwed up so bad to begin with kind of makes that hard to swallow.

And, well... things got even worse this weekend. She's apparently really sick (stress really does a number on her messed-up post-trauma immune system) and had to miss school today. She called me yesterday, and asked if I could talk. I said I could for a bit -- She said she needed me to take care of something involving a mix-up with the power bill that she transferred to her name. I said I’ll see if I can fix it online, and if not I can come over and fix it there. I THINK she said “you can’t come over today” (She might have said “can” but she sounded really angry so I assume the other) so I said “no no no not today, whenever works for you.” She then asked if I was busy today, I told her we had family coming into town that day -- a day earlier than they had originally planned -- so I was helping my parents clean before they arrived. This frustrated her -- it occurred to me later that she might have wanted to talk about something, but I didn't think of it at the time.

Today, right before therapy, she told me she was really sick and hadn't been able to eat anything today. I had a planned dinner with the family that had driven into town and some other of family that was already over at the house and waiting for me to arrive, but I offered to get her some Udon (a food that she's always able to eat for some reason) after the dinner was over -- around 8:00 tonight. She told me she didn't want to see me, especially if I was too busy for her again. I offered to leave dinner early, but she still didn't want to see me.

Now, I want an honest opinion -- outside of the context of the previous conversations (as in, if you just considered us boyfriend and girlfriend without the drama involved) would that have been the wrong thing to do on my part? Her past fiance had a habit of always putting his parents and family first at her expense, so she's always been worried that I would do the same -- did I just drop the ball there? If I'm ever in a future relationship, should I handle that differently?
She has to realize that this family thing was something you had ALREADY planned. Now, how often do you see these particular relatives? Compared how often you have chances to see her? Yes, you should definitely be aware of and understanding of what's important to her. But at the same time, SHE needs to be aware of the same for you if she really cares. Help her with her problem as soon as you can, but within reason.

Again, I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding, but it sure does sound like she's trying to guilt trip you into doing a lot of things for her. You need to be aware of this and not let yourself be bullied by her. She knows what you're willing to do for her, and you need to make sure she's not taking advantage of that to the point where you are completely emotionally and physically torn down.
Pretty much sounds like she's acting like a Dramapire in this latest scenario. She DID know that your family was coming in, correct? Kinda dickish and definitely excessively selfish to expect you to drop everything and fly to her side, when there is nothing you can actually do for her, other than simply be there for her.

You could always do a ding-dong ditch with a bowl of Udon on her front step (that would be what old-school White-Knight-Charon would have done), but it sounds to me like she's working too hard to play with your emotions to manipulate her actions, and I really wouldn't bother.

You are not her puppet - you are her equal in any relationship y'all have/had. You are not at her beck and call - if you help her, it is because you WANT to, not because SHE wants you to. Any relationship like that has a name: parasitism.

Maybe that came off a bit harsh, but it's evident that her treatment of you is not doing you any good. Time to cut the shrouds and take your chances.


She didn't know that I had plans tonight -- we haven't really talked to each other that much about what's going on in our lives lately. She did know from yesterday that family was coming into town yesterday, but not that there was a big dinner planned for tonight.

I offered to leave the food at the door, but she wasn't interested. She didn't really ask for anything in the first place, though. But I have a feeling that my explanation and offer came across as an excuse not to see her while trying to make it seem like I wanted to...
Dude, leave her alone! Move on. She's toxic as hell.

And yeah, you guys clearly have major communication issues. I've seen this all before with a good friend of mine. He would talk to his girlfriend, and then break down and analyze everything she told him until it had lost all sense and meaning.

If you have to decode what she's telling you, call her back and ask her what the hell she's talking about. All this guess work just leads to misunderstandings and being pissed off. But really, she sounds like she's got major issues (like my friend's ex-girlfriend). It's scary how similar this is to his experiences.

I know it's hard. You love her. But for your own good, you've got to dump her; ignore all the blaming bullshit she's going to spout at you. She's going to make you out to be Satan. That's what these types do. And it's ok. You'll both be happier in the end. Yes, there are other fish in the sea - ones that don't drive you insane with guilt.
She didn't know that I had plans tonight -- we haven't really talked to each other that much about what's going on in our lives lately. She did know from yesterday that family was coming into town yesterday, but not that there was a big dinner planned for tonight.

I offered to leave the food at the door, but she wasn't interested. She didn't really ask for anything in the first place, though. But I have a feeling that my explanation and offer came across as an excuse not to see her while trying to make it seem like I wanted to...
Go enjoy yourself with your family. Stop trying to analyze what you told her and how she took it. This is what I mean about communication problems. You told her something, and you're not sure if it got across. That's a communication problem. And she's being a whining sack of shit by not explaining what her problem is. I absolutely hate that bullshit that some women do. The ol "you better be able to read my mind and I won't tell you what's really wrong" type of horseshit. Women that make you guess about their feelings, in my opinion, are stuck in some sort of quasi- fantasy land between a trashy, grocery store romance novel and a cheesy love story movie.

I'll tell you straight up why I married my wife. She's frank and blunt with me about her feelings. There's no bullshit between us. No mind reading. No guess work. She let's me know what's on her mind, and I do the same. That's why I've been married for seven years with no major hitches thus far. Do I piss her off? Yes. Does she piss me off. Yes. But we always know why, and from that point you can make amends.

It's said that communication is key in a relationship, and I don't think many people understand what that means.
Added at: 06:50
Have to agree here. Anyone that forces you to make a choice between your family and them or who forces you to make a choice between them and anything that you love, is going too far.

I understand that she has been hurt in the past. It doesn't mean that you should join her in her pain.

He explained that she didn't really know about his plans. But that's partially his fault. What he should have done is been like, "Yo, my folks are in town and we're going to dinner. I don't know if you've eaten anything, but you're welcome to join us. We're going to Chockis." At that point she'd know what's up and there wouldn't be any guesswork on her end. There would be no reason to think that he's blowing her off with excuses.

This is what I mean about proper communication. See what both of them are doing is only partially listening to what the other is saying, and then filling in gaps with made-up guesswork bullshit. But overall, I think the issues rest more with her than it does with Sol. I mean I understand why she's got issues. But Sol's got to stop trying to be her knight in shining armor.

If you guys really do love each other, you should go to therapy together. You should learn how to properly communicate with each other. But to me it seems like she's very selfish and self-serving. Love is about sacrifice and understanding on both ends. From what I've read, Sol's the only one doing that (no leaving her fiance to be with you is not a major sacrifice). I suggest just letting her go.
I am having trouble comprehending how this got to page 3. This is exactly why there are programs to help battered (emotionally and physically) women get away from the situation they are in. You absolutely need a non romantic interest for it to be even remotely successful. Even then the chance of failure is incredibly high.

Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. You are not what she needs in her life and she is not what you need. She is projecting on to you, manipulating you and overall just completely screwing with any sense or normalcy you may ever have. Her ability to manipulate you and have you take the blame for something you can't control (how she feels) is astounding, but even more incredible is your ability to sit there and take it.

I don't have time to finish this, but whatever you do stay away from this woman, cease all contact immediately and avoid her at all costs. You're gonna feel like shit for a long time, but eventually it goes away and you start to live for you again and that's what this life is about. If you're not happy, what's the point?
I am having trouble comprehending how this got to page 3. This is exactly why there are programs to help battered (emotionally and physically) women get away from the situation they are in. You absolutely need a non romantic interest for it to be even remotely successful. Even then the chance of failure is incredibly high.

Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. You are not what she needs in her life and she is not what you need. She is projecting on to you, manipulating you and overall just completely screwing with any sense or normalcy you may ever have. Her ability to manipulate you and have you take the blame for something you can't control (how she feels) is astounding, but even more incredible is your ability to sit there and take it.

I don't have time to finish this, but whatever you do stay away from this woman, cease all contact immediately and avoid her at all costs. You're gonna feel like shit for a long time, but eventually it goes away and you start to live for you again and that's what this life is about. If you're not happy, what's the point?

You know you're right. My rant about communication is generally for people with less... issues.

Just walk away bro. Walk away.

That friend I was talking about earlier with the crazy girlfriend. He stayed with her for two years. He admitted to me they were the lowest point of his life. He dumped her and found someone a couple years later. He's now happily married, and doing fine. His ex is a facebook friend of mine (I don't really talk to her, but reading her stupid posts is better than cable TV); she's still miserable, still self absorbed.

This girl is not going to get better with your help. She has to want to move on with herself. You can't save her. Let her go.


Honestly? This only all started happening when she moved and got scared. She was nothing like this before -- there had been occasional signs of things being wrong, but I was always able to calm her down and diffuse situations through communication and compassion, and she had always been good at and clear about communicating herself.

And, well... when she moved, she was very clear and angry about a number of things that were wrong all at once... and it kind of overwhelmed me to the point where I freaked out, leading us to where we are now.

She's always been kind-hearted and loving toward everyone -- the move, and the fear that came as a result changed her demeanor towards everything in her life.

She's fun, really smart, a joy to talk to, and outright gorgeous.


You don't run across a girl like that more than once in a lifetime.
You're right, attractive geek girls are definitely a minority these days....

Have you been to any kind of 'Con in the past 5yrs?

Also the question wasn't "What did you see in this girl" it was "What do you see her" as in for the person she is now. Also save the "I can fix her back to the way she was" because noone can be "fixed" they can only be a slightly "better" version of whoever they are.


The thing is, it all changed so suddenly that that's still what I see in her. I know that person's still there. I just feel like I can't reach her...
And, well... when she moved, she was very clear and angry about a number of things that were wrong all at once... and it kind of overwhelmed me to the point where I freaked out, leading us to where we are now.
Dude, you have got to get this out of your head, you are not responsible for her behavior. She is an adult. She is responsible for her behavior.
Like fuck you don't.

I'm sorry. This is just bringing back so many bad memories of my Dad. I just read about the whole 'guilt trip over family' thing and Dads ex used to do that all the time. It got worst when they moved in together. "Oh, that brother you see every six months? No. Don't see him because I just happen to need your help that night he's in town."

"OH! You're sister is calling? I'll answer it to make sure she really is your sister...and then I'll call her a bitch and whore anyways because you don't need any other women in you life."

"Oh? Those two daughters you have? THOSE WILL BE WOMEN SOME DAY. They are whores and all you need is me, right? I'll start looking into boarding schools."

Also, she was a teacher. A TEACHER. She was praised by parents for being fair and 'compassionate' to her students. She used to delight in beating me, my sister and her own daughter. I mean she would scream and laugh like she was a fucking maniac. She would blame every problem her or Dad was having on us to the point I believed everything she said because she was getting awards and shit for being 'a nice person'.

I now look at all people who are 'nice' with extra suspicion and I hate that. I believe that most people are liars. Do not let this woman do that to you.

I am getting way to emotionally involved in this thread. Fuck.
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