Debate, lets actually discuss content

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I've personally seen otherwise, so I dunno what to tell ya brosef.
I posit that liquor lowers their inhibitions enough to engage in homosexual behavior that they'd probably do otherwise if not for the systemic discrimination and hatred toward homosexuals in society, religions, and government.
I posit that liquor lowers their inhibitions enough to engage in homosexual behavior that they'd probably do otherwise if not for the systemic discrimination and hatred toward homosexuals in society, religions, and government.

I would say you're probably correct in some cases... but certainly not all.
Charlie Don't Surf said:
I posit that liquor lowers their inhibitions enough to engage in homosexual behavior

Charlie Don't Surf said:
that they'd probably do otherwise if not for the systemic discrimination and hatred toward homosexuals in society, religions, and government.
If someone is willing to engage in homosexual activity while intoxicated, then they must have some level of homosexual predisposition (which is a complicated factor), so it therefore could be reasoned that without social stigma against the act, they may have been more willing to engage while sober.
If someone is willing to engage in homosexual activity while intoxicated, then they must have some level of homosexual predisposition (which is a complicated factor), so it therefore could be reasoned that without social stigma against the act, they may have been more willing to engage while sober.
That's a great theory but proven incorrect in reality. In my personal experience (which I do not claim creates an opinion into fact but simply shapes how I view the previous comment as incorrect) the people I've seen commit different levels of homosexuality due to intoxication have been prior and after 100% straight with zero inclination toward homosexuality and it definitely had nothing to do with the -social stigma- of being homosexual.

They're simply willing to try something, they've never tried before, because of lowered inhibitions. They were never gay and never had gay tendencies.
It really is the same as the person that lowers their standards, and wake up next to an ugly person after drinking.
So it is a convenient excuse to engage in behaviour society would punish you for (with mocking in case of the ugly person) then.[DOUBLEPOST=1350761444][/DOUBLEPOST]
They're simply willing to try something, they've never tried before, because of lowered inhibitions. They were never gay and never had gay tendencies.
This has proven itself as the truly no exceptions trope over and over again:
Honestly, a sitting president shouldn't lose a foreign policy debate with a governor. Still, neither one of these two could stick to foreign policy.
I enjoyed watching Obama walk all over Romney on this debate. It was expected since it's Foreign Debate. Sadly that's what the GoP thought would go differently.
Horses and Bayonets, everyone.
That was such a hilarious burn moment, I actually cheered out loud.

In the end the debate actually isn't going to change the election, and by the looks of it, it's going to be closer to what I first thought it was going to be, but thankfully its still going to be an Obama win (checking the electoral map).
Romney basically rolled over for this debate. I think he made every comment as " I agree with Obama, but if I made rainbows come out of my butt it would be awesome". Obama really laid him down with the navy comment. But really this debate showed that there wasn't much of a difference between the two.
My favorite was this tweet and counter tweet:

Donald J. Trump -- Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden. #debate

Scary Beans ‏-- Stop congratulating The Navy Seals for killing Bin Laden. Some guns and also some bullets killed Bin Laden. #debate
Charlie Don't Surf Don't you think you'd be more effective if you posted other sources of information regarding the problems you see with the candidate's positions?

It's so easy, too - merely a simple google search away:

Independent studies suggest that drone strikes are not only killing more civilians than the administration admits, but also that they are not nearly as effective as claimed.
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