If Romney wins the GOP, I forsee bad things for....

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Gas, I am an independent contractor. I get paid per paper delivered depending on the size of the paper. I'm telling you flat-out this law you propose is IMPOSSIBLE to make apply to all contractors/employees.
So how do you fill out your 1040?


Staff member
You seem bound and determined not to see the problems with your proposal (or a way to fix the proposal), so I'm going to let you just keep going with it. Have fun!
Do you, or do you not, keep records of accounts receivable? Do you, or do you not, file a federal income tax return? Are you, or are you not bailing with a cop out because it's what you always do?

Well, you get an 18 hour reprieve now anyway. Going home now.
I'm just not interested in arguing with you anymore. You wore me out. Congrats. You want to spend the rest of your night arguing with people, be my guest.
Guys, it's a hypothetical, so obviously we assume everything goes right for the bill and they actually put in effort to close loopholes etc...you know, like it would never happen IRL.

But even so i'm pretty sure it would create a situation where there's no such thing as a normal starting wage for your profession and all sorts of other weird situations around salary...
Guys, it's a hypothetical, so obviously we assume everything goes right for the bill and they actually put in effort to close loopholes etc...you know, like it would never happen IRL.
But see that's my issue. The "loopholes" are in fact how many people already make a living. Companies providing business services to other business is a HUGE aspect of Enterprise businesses. It beneficial to both parties involved.

Honestly I'm not quite convinced Gas isn't just trolling.
But see that's my issue. The "loopholes" are in fact how many people already make a living. Companies providing business services to other business is a HUGE aspect of Enterprise businesses. It beneficial to both parties involved.
Wouldn't this one require them to be shell companies to actually be a loophole to his original idea, and not just 2 different companies...


Staff member
Ah. So as long as my suppliers sell me very, very expensive BIC pens, then I'm good.
That seems more like fraud. And you think such things would not be caught and prosecuted?
But see that's my issue. The "loopholes" are in fact how many people already make a living. Companies providing business services to other business is a HUGE aspect of Enterprise businesses. It beneficial to both parties involved.

Honestly I'm not quite convinced Gas isn't just trolling.
It would involve a paradigm shift back toward in-house employment to be sure rather than hiring outside contractors - provided those outside contractors underpay their staff.
That seems more like fraud. And you think such things would not be caught and prosecuted?
He knows they're not because he's using how things work now as the example...

See, that's the problem with discussing this stuff, if you assume corruption nothing ever works... so really, the 1st step would be to minimise corruption... then you start doing stuff like your idea...


Staff member
See, that's the problem with discussing this stuff, if you assume corruption nothing ever works... so really, the 1st step would be to minimise corruption... then you start doing stuff like your idea...
If you assume corruption, then the only system that works is direct, violence-driven despotism.
Krisekn's trying to say that the wages of the working class haven't risen steadily with inflation, thus giving the workers less purchasing power despite having more money. This is as opposed to the higher class, whose wages have exponentially outstripped inflation, thus giving them wealth not since seen since the Gilded Age.


Staff member
It says a lot about the republican party that their most fervently backed would-be nominee is the guy who lost to McCain last time. McCain lost. Bad. And if anything McCain's campaign clearly showed that making a Democrat-friendly maverick your nominee doesn't win independents, it just loses the base.

But really, I'm of the opinion that the only thing in the republican primary this go-around that was anything approaching credible was Herman Cain. Can you believe Rick "Suck it up and raise the rape-baby god blessed you with" Santorum is still in the race?

Yeah, feel a little dirty for posting a video with a thinkprogress logo on it, but you get it where it comes from.
It says a lot about the republican party that their most fervently backed would-be nominee is the guy who lost to McCain last time. McCain lost. Bad. And if anything McCain's campaign clearly showed that making a Democrat-friendly maverick your nominee doesn't win independents, it just loses the base.

But really, I'm of the opinion that the only thing in the republican primary this go-around that was anything approaching credible was Herman Cain. Can you believe Rick "Suck it up and raise the rape-baby god blessed you with" Santorum is still in the race?

Yeah, feel a little dirty for posting a video with a thinkprogress logo on it, but you get it where it comes from.
He goes from "horribly created by rape" to "gift of human life"...

You know what, I've had a rough day and I just don't feel like dealing with the Republican Party right now.
GasBandit said:
And if anything McCain's campaign clearly showed that making a Democrat-friendly maverick your nominee doesn't win independents, it just loses the base.
He lost the independents trying to suck up to the base, who didn't buy it, so he lost both. I know a lot of independents that would have voted for him had he just been himself, and picked a competent VP.
He lost the independents trying to suck up to the base, who didn't buy it, so he lost both. I know a lot of independents that would have voted for him had he just been himself, and picked a competent VP.
Basically this. He sold-out to the party and abandoned his principles for the nomination, then picked an incredibly awful person for his VP in a shallow attempt to steal the female vote. Everything about his campaign was about selling out his values to the Republican establishment, when his record AGAINST the establishment was the only interesting thing about him.
He lost the independents trying to suck up to the base, who didn't buy it, so he lost both. I know a lot of independents that would have voted for him had he just been himself, and picked a competent VP.
That's what many people said to me. I honestly think Palin was the real death knell for his campaign.


Staff member
Still have my theory that the GOP willingly threw away the nomination in 2008 to saddle the Democrat black dude with all this bullshit and come back in after 2012...until the Tea Party went out of their control and started pushing the whole damn party running and screaming over the cliff.
No, they wanted to keep the WH in '08. It's just that no one - not the GOP, not the Dem's - saw the financial collapse of September 2008.
Quotemander Prime said:
That's what many people said to me. I honestly think Palin was the real death knell for his campaign.
It really was. Most independents would have put up with his party crazy as long as his potential replacement was at least somewhat competent. God knows I would have.


Staff member
Welp, Newt Gingrich has officially promised the moon.

On Florida’s Space Coast today, GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich made perhaps the most grandiose promise of any candidate since JFK: A permanent American moon base by the end of his second term.

“By the end of my second term, we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be American,” Gingrich told a rapt audience, which responded with a standing ovation.

“We clearly have the capacity that Chinese and the Russians will never come anywhere close to us,” Gingrich said, adding that he also plans to push for the development of propulsion technology capable of getting a man to Mars.

The initiatives would be a joint public-private endeavor, he noted.

Gingrich immediately followed up his grandiose promises by saying that he believes Americans “are instinctively grandiose.” This, too, got a standing ovation.
Welp, Newt Gingrich has officially promised the moon.

On Florida’s Space Coast today, GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich made perhaps the most grandiose promise of any candidate since JFK: A permanent American moon base by the end of his second term.

“By the end of my second term, we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be American,” Gingrich told a rapt audience, which responded with a standing ovation.

“We clearly have the capacity that Chinese and the Russians will never come anywhere close to us,” Gingrich said, adding that he also plans to push for the development of propulsion technology capable of getting a man to Mars.
Newt thinks it's 1982.
It's hilarious how much Obama is going to win by.
I can easily see this race going much the way of the '04 race, where the entire democratic campaign appeared to be "we're not Bush," with little or no substantive topics discussed by them.
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