[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Staff member
If you've ever noticed that I stopped replying to you, and completely abandoned the thread where the argument takes place, this is why (I used to have a title that said basically the same thing):
for some reason half of your posts come back blank for me... i just always assumed you were trying to make some sort of statement lol


Staff member
for some reason half of your posts come back blank for me... i just always assumed you were trying to make some sort of statement lol
Do you have images blocked from i.imgur? He posts a lot of stuff from there (x-post from reddit).
I dont think so....but its psossible at some point in the past somewhere I may have blocked one of their images....

EDIT: so I did, thats a suprise, I blocked one image and it blocked everything from there


Staff member
You know what the PC game has? A friggin' couch. Let me see you sit comfortably in all those graphics. You could even sleep on that thing.
My favorite part of that pic is the badly-drawn MS Paint red line between the PC and console screenshots. Just in case you couldn't tell where one screenshot ended and the next began.
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