[Webcomic] PVP Discussion

I don't advocate violence against Kurtz, because let's face it, any time he spends in the hospital or at physical therapy isn't exactly going to speed up his schedule... aside from the fact that it's absurd, of course.

But what makes it so frustrating is that Scott is supposed to be a professional - PVP is his job. And he can't be bothered to do it. There's always a new explanation and it's never his fault. He's supposed to be focusing on his writing - and yet we've had three storylines so far that could have been extended, all of them curtailed for more fucking LOLBat. Was the Fremont Troll an actual troll, or was Skull actually talking to a homeless dude or something? Did Brent just give up on seeking out the incredible Panda Brew after one rejection, or did the Panda close up shop entirely? Did the coffee crowd not notice, even though we had saw locals discussing it at length? We've had Cole getting way into movies, and trying new looks - is this part of him trying to start over after the divorce? That could have some meat on it - but no, let's just fart out some more goddamn LOLBAT.
I think myself a fool for believing anyone who said "Kurtz is dead to me now" or any variation of that 2 or so years ago.
Heh, too true. Some people just can't let this go, I guess.

Meh, get a bottle of Purell and stop bitching about getting sick, I say.
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A) I never said it would come from me, and 2) It could be as simple a cuff upside the head and a sharp "what the fuck's your problem?".

In a related event right before I came in, Kurtz was all about how cool digital distribution was...

@pvponline said:
When are these knuckleheads going to realize that digital comics don't require distributors or retailers? Or Trucks. Or Boxes.
And I fire back with...

@darkaudit said:
@pvponline But it *does* require content delivered in a timely manner.


Staff member
You do realize you are fighting a battle you can't win, dontcha DA?

Without starting a Kurtz rant here, it is quite obvious that this constant tardiness and lack of a decent buffer of comics have become something of a modus operandi for him. So I doubt one snarky comment from one person online is going to force him to change said M.O. Especially since after the forum bombing all those years ago we parted ways in a less than cordial manner.
Oh man let me tell you guys about the time that Garfield was late and I went over the Jim Davis' house and I kicked that guys ass. Have you ever see Garfield late since then?

Oh man let me tell you guys about the time that Garfield was late and I went over the Jim Davis' house and I kicked that guys ass. Have you ever see Garfield late since then?

Is that why it sucks so bad?
You do realize you are fighting a battle you can't win, dontcha DA?

Without starting a Kurtz rant here, it is quite obvious that this constant tardiness and lack of a decent buffer of comics have become something of a modus operandi for him. So I doubt one snarky comment from one person online is going to force him to change said M.O. Especially since after the forum bombing all those years ago we parted ways in a less than cordial manner.
Maybe it will at least stop his "ZOMG! digital distribution is sooooooo cool!!!1!!elebenty!!!" kick he's on right now.
Just stop reading it. Why are you guys reading his comic and following him on Twitter if everything he does and says angers you?

These complaints all have simple answers, and yet, a lot of you seem more content to torture yourselves and put up with someone you clearly have no interest in putting up with!

I check it every weekday, and every now and then it makes me laugh.

There weren't any updates this week? It didn't even register on my "give-a-fuck" meter.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a once-a-week comic, that's slightly more entertaining than watching bees fuck, to work on.

I'm mad because the strip used to be pretty good, and has shown now and then signs of greatness, but the owner just doesn't seem to give a fuck anymore. I'm mad because he promises new directions and new experiments, and then gives up on them after a couple weeks. I'm mad because he's a creative person with the ability and talent to do better, and he can't be bothered, but he's still making a living off of it. I actually think that last bit is the worst part - if this was just something he was doing on the side, then, you know, all's fair. But this is his day job. This is his how he pays the rent. Do you think your boss would be okay with it if you were constantly 4 to 12 hours late for work? If you stopped coming in half the week and didn't call in? I mean, he is literally doing what he supposed loves doing, as his main job, and he can't be fucking bothered.

Meanwhile he blasts everyone else around for what he thinks they're doing wrong, and even when he's got a point, he's got no fucking room to talk.

Then on top of it, he gets nominated for awards. Maybe he deserves them, maybe not. But the fact that he is one the 'webcartoonist elite' despite just kind of limping along really rankles.

The reason I keep reading? Because I want to see him do better. Because it's clear that if he just buckled down and really put some effort into it, he could do an awesome comic.
Todays was pretty awesome. (And yes, it was similar to another recent one, and that was the POINT. I like the new "high five" running gag.
Actually, if you listen to the latest PATV 4th panel, Jerry and Mike brainstorm with Scott and Kris, and Scott mentions that he has no idea what to do with PvP now, and that it's grown stale to him. He spent 12 years resolving every conflict every character had, and now he's left with nothing to drive the plot/characters.

Of course, after brainstorming with Jerry and Mike, they get the idea to
fire Cole
, which I assume he'll use fairly soon (and possibly abandon within a week).
Today's Saturday strip was good! And according to Scott's Twitter, it's the start of an important storyline.

We may see Piotyr's PATV spoiler come true!
Today's Saturday strip was good! And according to Scott's Twitter, it's the start of an important storyline.

We may see Piotyr's PATV spoiler come true!
It could've come true yesterday with a frank admission and that strip and it would've been the perfect ending. Riding into the sunset with Kirby with no regrets.
Alright, this is more like it. If he can keep them coming consistently, and actually follow through with his plotline, I'll take back of some of what I said.