Im going to be a father. His name is Antonio and he will avenge my death.

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Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

If Luiza would let me, I'd be tempted to do so.

JCM: escolha o que você quiser, menos Tiago ou Thiago, ou Tyago e qualquer variante

é o meu nome, é comum demais, para vc ter ideia noutro dia no meu escritório:

tava eu, e entrou o Thiago (filho do meu chefe), conversando com uma estagiária nova, ela comentou sobre o Tiago (namorado dela), quando eu recebo uma ligação e anoto o recado para o chefe, a mulher perguntou o meu nome e eu disse Thiago, e ela respondeu que eles também tem um Tiago lá.

Depois disso eu pensei que tinha que contar o incidente para o Thiago (meu amigo).

entendeu o meu drama?
Sei, meu nome é Julio (em outras palavras, tem pelo menos 20 pessoas com meu nome em cada cidade que visito aqui no Brasil) , né?


Staff member
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

If Luiza would let me, I'd be tempted to do so.

JCM: escolha o que você quiser, menos Tiago ou Thiago, ou Tyago e qualquer variante

é o meu nome, é comum demais, para vc ter ideia noutro dia no meu escritório:

tava eu, e entrou o Thiago (filho do meu chefe), conversando com uma estagiária nova, ela comentou sobre o Tiago (namorado dela), quando eu recebo uma ligação e anoto o recado para o chefe, a mulher perguntou o meu nome e eu disse Thiago, e ela respondeu que eles também tem um Tiago lá.

Depois disso eu pensei que tinha que contar o incidente para o Thiago (meu amigo).

entendeu o meu drama?
Sei, meu nome é Julio (em outras palavras, tem pelo menos 20 pessoas com meu nome em cada cidade que visito aqui no Brasil) , né?

serio, durante uns seis meses em 2002 ou 2003 eu fiquei ouvindo meu nome (só que sendo usado para outra pessoa) pelo menos uma vez por semana... era bem estranho, tipo, eu realmente tou dissendo uma vez por pessoa, um Tiago diferente à cada vez. É o tipo de coisa que me faz querer ser supersticioso.

Ademais, parabens de novo ;)


Staff member
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

I thought brazilians used "rsrsrsrs" as online laughter....
yes, but I am a exception. But also we use: hahaha, hehehe, hihihi, huhuhu, hauhauhau or kkkkkkkkkk (the last one mocks the evil laugh).

(I just sort of read it like if it was mention as a "r" and "s" sound, and it doesn't sound as a laugh)
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

that's crazy... two consonants shoudl make no continous sound, at least not in spanish.

phonetically, how would you even pronounce "rsrsrs"? Or "kkkkk"?


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

that's crazy... two consonants shoudl make no continous sound, at least not in spanish.

phonetically, how would you even pronounce "rsrsrs"? Or "kkkkk"?
Rs is short for risos (laughter, think of it as ROFL), and kkkk is pronounced as Kakakakakaka... sort of a comic laughter when a person cant stop laughing.


Staff member
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

that's crazy... two consonants shoudl make no continous sound, at least not in spanish.

phonetically, how would you even pronounce "rsrsrs"? Or "kkkkk"?
"rs" aren't pronouced, "kkkk" becomes the sound (in spanish) "Cacacaca" =P


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Ramses, Alexander, Constantine, Augustus, Genghis!
Where are the Tokugawas!


Staff member
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

that's crazy... two consonants shoudl make no continous sound, at least not in spanish.

phonetically, how would you even pronounce "rsrsrs"? Or "kkkkk"?
"kkkkkkk" kinda looks like a kind of throaty, sinister laugh one might use whilst wringing his hands. When I try and produce it, my tongue is back against my soft palate, and it sounds more like "kehkehkeh" but faster.


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Jorge seems wildly appropriate.
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

I'll throw in cogratulations, too. And a vote for Frederick, Alexander (or the fitting local variation; Frederico, Alejandro, whatever), or Iëjasu.

Le Quack

Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

The 3rd


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Ramses, Alexander, Constantine, Augustus, Genghis!
Where are the Tokugawas!
Im trying to find any connection with those names, but damn, Genghis would be great.

Wasabi Poptart

Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

I was stuck on both Ian and Marcus Aurelius for quite some time when picking out names for my son. My husband didn't like Ian. My cousin named her son Mark earlier that year, so we decided against Marcus, too. Ultimately we went with Noah because it was a "normal" name that wasn't overly popular.

We also jokingly said we were going to name him Caligula Nero.
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

You know Wildsoul, those names have a strong meaning to me. Though it comes from a game called "UO"....


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Ramses, Alexander, Constantine, Augustus, Genghis!
Where are the Tokugawas!
Im trying to find any connection with those names, but damn, Genghis would be great.[/QUOTE]
Ramses II
Alexander the Great
Constantine I
Augustus Caesar
Genghis Khan
Tokugawa as in the shoguns of Japan.
All were great leaders, conquerors, etc


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

but no love for Octavian? dayum.
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

I really want to name my son Gaius if I have a boy but that probably wouldn't sound right with my last name. Gaius Seemann... or Gaius Julius Caesar Seemann... :p


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

I really want to name my son Gaius if I have a boy but that probably wouldn't sound right with my last name. Gaius Seemann... or Gaius Julius Caesar Seemann... :p
You want to name your son after JCM? ;)[/QUOTE]I was about to note that, my name is Julio Cezar Mari, Julio Cezar being Portuguese for Julius Caesar


Staff member
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

In that case, Augustus would be more than a fitting name for your successor :D
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Heh I guess so :p

But yeah Gaius wouldn't work, douchefucks would say Gay Ass instead I am sure.
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Names are one thing, but think of the boy's titles!

It's one thing to call your son Galactus, but Galactus, Devourer of worlds, brings a whole new aspect.

On a side note, consider naming him Galactus.
Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

If you're going to name him Ghengis, you should go for Ghengis Khan's birth name Temujin.


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Congrats Julio & Luiza! Another soldier for the Halforumite Baby Army!


Im going to be a father. Now I need a name.

Fernando is a nice, royal name.
Fernando reminds me of Ferdinand the bull.

And that ABBA song. Actually, the Wing version of that song.


It's sad how much I like that song. And Fernando is just fun to say.

The best name I've heard is Riot Train, which is what one my friend's actually named their kid.
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