I just had a 5 minute "conversation" with my daughter in which the urge to tell her to go fuck herself was so high that I had to tamp it down three times. I am not going to make it through the next 8 years with my sanity.
Pfffffffft, If I had to wear uniform skirts when it was below 0 outside, these boys can wear pants. I can't imagine it was actually THAT hot in the UK either. That said, uniforms should include shorts for boys and pants for girls imo.
That's the thing. The shorts are part of the uniform. They've supposedly got the school badge on them and everything.

No idea if the girls are allowed to wear trousers. And I am NOT going to go up to random schoolgirls to ask "So, uh, what are you allowed to wear as part of your uniform?"
. I can't imagine it was actually THAT hot in the UK either. That said, uniforms should include shorts for boys and pants for girls imo.
My uniform over there had an option for shorts, but no-one wore it in the upper school (past 2nd grade). It was considered babyish.

When I left, they were moving to allow girls to have the same uniform option as the boys. Mind you we had a new headmaster, who was somewhat progressive (I recognize now, I can remember thinking only that he was much younger than the two we'd had previously).


Staff member
Was in a comedy contest tonight. I thought I was pretty well set up. It was in a small town right by where I grew up so I knew a LOT of people. Yeah. No. One of the guys got 8th place at last year's World Series of Comedy. One guy had an NBC pilot. I did great but I was so outclassed that it wasn't even close. I didn't place in the top three, but I didn't deserve to be. To give you an idea - my wife and sister (not the same person, by the way) didn't vote for me. It was a good set but god damn.
Was in a comedy contest tonight. I thought I was pretty well set up. It was in a small town right by where I grew up so I knew a LOT of people. Yeah. No. One of the guys got 8th place at last year's World Series of Comedy. One guy had an NBC pilot. I did great but I was so outclassed that it wasn't even close. I didn't place in the top three, but I didn't deserve to be. To give you an idea - my wife and sister (not the same person, by the way) didn't vote for me. It was a good set but god damn.
Any jokes that you thought were particularly good from the big guns?


Staff member
Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'd remember them well enough to do them justice.

Seriously, it was like I was a boxer and was put into a cage match with the top MMA guys. I was really, really outclassed. The kind of outclassed that makes you wonder if you should just give it up.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'd remember them well enough to do them justice.

Seriously, it was like I was a boxer and was put into a cage match with the top MMA guys. I was really, really outclassed. The kind of outclassed that makes you wonder if you should just give it up.
Top MMA guys don't get there without a lot of practice and losses, and the same goes for comedy. If you really want to do it, take this as a chance to practice and improve.


Staff member
Top MMA guys don't get there without a lot of practice and losses, and the same goes for comedy. If you really want to do it, take this as a chance to practice and improve.
Yeah, I've been doing this a long time. I guess part of it is I don't have the drive I used to. I'm satisfied getting my mic time at local opens. These guys are winning national contests and sending out demos to networks. I think I need to figure out whether it's time to shit or get off the pot.
I think I need to figure out whether it's time to shit or get off the pot.
You already decided something like two years ago to get off the pot. Then several months later decided to keep it as a hobby. Once your group broke apart and you started doing stuff yourself you found it was profitable and fun enough to keep doing as a side thing - a little more than a hobby, but not much. I'm not even sure if you could say you broke even considering the time and resources it costs to do it.(very generally speaking, I'm probably misremembering a lot, but I think this is right in very broad strokes)

I think you're in a good place right now. You undoubtedly got some great laughs at a competition where some of the B list got even greater laughs. That's no small thing.

Doesn't mean you should necessarily try to pour yourself into it again, nor that you should stop altogether. You weren't happy when faced with the prospect of dropping it altogether, and I expect you probably wouldn't be happy if you stopped now. Keeping it at the local mic level will give you the benefits without all the costs, and will allow you to hone your material.

Don't let the success of others dampen your enthusiasm for your craft.
Working in one of the local middle school libraries for a couple weeks. No kids while I'm here so basically I just sit here and stare at the walls for 7 hours a day.


Staff member
Unfortunately these computers are locked down pretty tight, out of my usual sites I can get this and the WoW forums. Maybe if I throw a game on my external at home and bring it in.
If you have any kind of old laptop or something, it will work. I spent most of the weekend playing it on a laptop I bought in 2010. That's like 150+ in laptop years.
If you have any kind of old laptop or something, it will work. I spent most of the weekend playing it on a laptop I bought in 2010. That's like 150+ in laptop years.
It's not even whether the computers could run a game (they could, I'm sure), it's more that the firewalls are so tight I'd have to bring my own external with games on it to play anything. I'm not even sure I'm allowed to directly install anything on these desktops.

In other news, you can always tell when I'm working a job that gives me computer access because my daily post count goes from 1-4 posts to "Oh God someone make him stop."
Learned today that TakeEatEasy is closing. Didn't exist in the USA, but anyway, it was food delivery platform website/app, one of the more successful ones and a Belgian start-up, that focused on delivering everything, everywhere, by bike, while keeping to the traffic laws and being all-around pretty benevolent and nice.

I'm a bit sad, they were doing quite well and close to becoming profitable (which is, you know, a rare thing for these platforms atm :p), but were outperformed in the stock market by Deliveroo and other foreign bigger competitors. Huzzah -_- :(


Staff member
There have been a couple of those "we'll deliver from any restaurant" businesses around here, but I don't think they've done all that well.


Staff member
Good job, Omaha. (I don't get to say this enough.)

Older couple from Texas wants to buy a camper. They find a military person up here in Omaha that is selling one for $2000. So they pack up everything they own and start the trip. They get here...and it was a scam. They lost everything they had and were stranded. But Omaha stepped up.

A Texas couple stranded after being scammed out of their money are stranded no more.

Last week, Six On Your Side reported about Charlotte Richie and Ken Posey, who drove 14 hours to Omaha to pick up a motor home they thought they'd purchased using cash cards. But it didn't exist and they lost $2,000 in the Craigslist scam.

Jess and Ariann Anderson are giving the couple a used RV stocked with donated groceries, paper products, linens and toiletries. An Ashland mechanic checked it at no charge. Cash donations have also been pouring in.
Charlotte, Ken and their dog Dora now have a home on wheels, though they plan to stay in the area a while longer.