[PC Game] Pillars of Eternity


Staff member
Okay, so a bunch of us have this game and it's awesome. This thread will be for hints and stuff.

I started playing this yesterday and my party is all level 3-4 and I've just gotten my keep to fix up. Yes, you heard that right. You are playing an RPG like the old Baldur's Gate and then suddenly you are given a keep and have to fix it up. I don't know what all this entails, but I love things about this game.

When you are at an inn and want to hire a new player, you actually create the character and then add them to your party. The hardest part is you are only allowed six people and right now I'm satisfied with my group. I have:

Fighter - Sword & shield - Doesn't do a whole lot of damage but he can take a bunch and is a great tank.
Barbarian - My high damage glass cannon. Dude puts all the enemies down but if he gets teamed up on he goes down fairly quickly.
Fighter - Bow - Distance fighter but he also has a dual-sword combo if the enemy gets to rowdy.
Rogue - Crossbow - Distance rogue who excels at sneaking. In fact, she can usually sneak attack with the crossbow for massive damage before running back and hiding behind the fighters.
Priest - This guy keeps us up and active. He's pretty damned good even if he's insane. INSANE!
Wizard - This guy confounds the enemy by making them confused or dazed. Confused is fun because they'll sometimes kill each other.

If you remove someone from your party you can pick them up again at any inn, so experiment.

What's YOUR hints/tips?[DOUBLEPOST=1427578978,1427578802][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and hit the D key early. You'll thank me. Also, in options, click that party movement stops when you see an enemy. That way you won't keep running even after seeing the bad guys. Helps a ton.
So far, I've learned the total amount of mercy this game has towards you. It's not much.

It took a while to get used to the stats. While like D&D, there's enough differences in how everything works together to throw you off.

The health/endurance system is easily the most innovative thing about the game.


Staff member
Things I DON'T like:

Pathing sucks. Like really, really badly. You try and set stuff up but then your fighter runs all the way around the formation because he finds his path blocked somehow. But the blocked path is not too wide for an enemy to scoot through and start attacking your rear ranks.

Money is very hard to come by and the magic items are not well explained. You can also enchant, but that's not explained, either. This game needs a fucking manual![DOUBLEPOST=1427595862,1427595643][/DOUBLEPOST]Manual, you say?


I played some of it. I love it but will wait for the first big patch to play.
Why? The game has so few issues.

Also, Affleck may have been the bomb in Phantoms, but phantoms can get fucked. Fuck right off you teleporting shitheads.
I've enjoyed it but not being able to cast defensive spells before combat actually starts really pisses me off and as you mentioned the pathing, "Hey fighter move to the front of the group." "Oh ok here let me just run around behind everyone first and let the monsters have a free shot at the squishies." "Argh, WTF!"
Money isn't so bad, as long as you don't expect it to rain down. Just make sure you pick up everything.

But yes, pathing needs fixing badly.
Why? The game has so few issues.

Also, Affleck may have been the bomb in Phantoms, but phantoms can get fucked. Fuck right off you teleporting shitheads.
Several reports of save issues, shit path finding.. Also, while game is good, too busy to care to play the way I'd like to play it.
WELL, strategy-wise, rogue+backstab+arbalest+stealth=one fewer enemy at the start of every combat.

OK, there are some serious game-breaking bugs out there...So be careful what you do, and keep a lot of saves.
One noted bug is that double clicking to equip any piece of equipment (instead of drag-and-dropping), replacing another one, will remove ALL Passives/Racials/Permanent Buffs.

So, err, be sure to drag-and-drop. There are work-arounds (firing and rehiring companions, for the PC through the editor) but still.


Staff member
OK, there are some serious game-breaking bugs out there...So be careful what you do, and keep a lot of saves.
One noted bug is that double clicking to equip any piece of equipment (instead of drag-and-dropping), replacing another one, will remove ALL Passives/Racials/Permanent Buffs.

So, err, be sure to drag-and-drop. There are work-arounds (firing and rehiring companions, for the PC through the editor) but still.
I've double clicked several times and this has never happened to me. In fact, I've encountered NO bugs.
I've double clicked several times and this has never happened to me. In fact, I've encountered NO bugs.
Feel free to play using only the quicksave and autosave feature :p

It's a much-quoted bug and acknowledged by Obsidian, so...Hey, just be careful. Just saying the game has some game-breaking bugs and keeping a back-up is a good plan.
That would be much better for my hand!

(the more reading part)

What's with the levels?
The levels run roughly on the same level basis as in D&D; the campaign of PoE is apparently supposed to end somewhere around level 11-12 (aka "a mid-range campaign"). it was, much like the "less hack and slash" a bit of a joke, in reference to the 400+ levels you have in D3 ;)
The levels run roughly on the same level basis as in D&D; the campaign of PoE is apparently supposed to end somewhere around level 11-12 (aka "a mid-range campaign"). it was, much like the "less hack and slash" a bit of a joke, in reference to the 400+ levels you have in D3 ;)
Next thing you'll say that it requires concentration and that I can't mindlessly play while watching Ba Rescue re-runs?


Staff member
This game is pretty darned good. I hope gaming companies learn something from this. Doesn't have to be flashy graphics and whatnot for it to be a success. Doesn't even have to feel fresh. Just has to be done well.
This is the most fun I've had in any game other than Skyrim since Skyrim came out. The "one character constantly shuddering around back and forth while you're on fast mode" thing gets obnoxious after a while, but I'm sure they'll fix it.


Staff member
What's interesting is the fan service. You know all those back stories and stuff? Those were written by fans who contributed to the Kickstarter. It's obvious the gravestone markers were contributors as well, but they aren't as in your face. Actually you can bypass all of them. Of course right now there's a big stink about one of them that people are saying is transphobic and has the SJWs up in arms. Some people just need something to bitch about.


Staff member
Found the hardest fight I've had yet. It's under my stronghold and is against a bunch of tiny critters that you can't position yourself for. It goes cutscene-BATTLE! - and there's nothing you can do about it. I've party wiped four times now. It's fun because *I* can't run between or around characters but the monsters sure can. Cheating little fucks.
Fuck, so I started a cipher which is now easily my favorite class. Such cool abilities. Unfortunately, bugs show their ugly head. Most of the cipher's aoe abilities are not represented correctly at all. Mind wave doesn't go off the enemy you're targeting and I don't see the enemy layer of the aoe at all. Just the smaller ally layer.
Started of with a Barbarian, only played for an hour-ish but I'm loving it. Cut myself off tonight so I'm not up till oh-God-why-o'clock, but I'm hoping to really dig into it tomorrow.

I liked that even in the prologue cave area there was like 4-5 side-things to do instead of just racing to the cave exit. Hopefully I'll find some more cool stuff as I go.
Some of the soul stories are;..well, bad fan fiction quality, though. Jeesh :p Haven't seen any transphobic or whatnot, though, several defending homosexuality and such which is already nice, given most times in this sort of setting tend to come with "medieval" (aka "1950's") stereotypes and gender roles.
Some of the soul stories are;..well, bad fan fiction quality, though. Jeesh :p Haven't seen any transphobic or whatnot, though, several defending homosexuality and such which is already nice, given most times in this sort of setting tend to come with "medieval" (aka "1950's") stereotypes and gender roles.
The only thing people are up in arms about is some random Tombstone joke from a backer that reads like a dirty limerick. Otherwise it's your usual Obsidian game, bugs to be found if you're looking for them (and sometimes as a nice surprise).
Man, it's been so long since I've played a game like this on something of the same time scale as other people. It's odd, and liberating, and somewhat scary sometimes, not to have a walkthrough/guide/etc there to point out "choose the benevolent options if you want to be able to do quest X" or "make sure you have at least Lore 8 on your main character to get Unique Item Y on map Z". I know, this is how they're supposed to be played :p but it's been so long for me. Even games I didn't fully play with a walkthrough, I still usually had an idea about where the story was heading, which choices were seriously subpar or necessary,...

Anyway, still enjoying it. Just wondering if it's a good idea to give my wizard mechanics instead of lore, but so far it seems to be going OK :p