Sexism vs bullying: FIGHT!

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I'm gonna have to side with the guy on this one. This women should have just said something. She makes it out like she took some sort of brave step forward by speaking out. The brave and proper thing would have been to confront the person who was making the comments. Her actions were downright cowardly.
If they didn't know by now that this is what happens when you invite the entire Internet to your pitchforks and torches party, it's their own damn fault..
are you saying that women deserve to be threatened with rape and murder for speaking out against a sexist joke publicly? Really?[DOUBLEPOST=1363923025][/DOUBLEPOST]I also like how the OP sets up the girl as the "bully" when way more bullying tactics were used by 4chan/reddit/~the internet~ to silence and cower the woman that made someone's shitty sex jokes (more) public.
are you saying that women deserve to be threatened with rape and murder for speaking out against a sexist joke publicly? Really?[DOUBLEPOST=1363923025][/DOUBLEPOST]I also like how the OP sets up the girl as the "bully" when way more bullying tactics were used by 4chan/reddit/~the internet~ to silence and cower the woman that made someone's shitty sex jokes (more) public.
That is the "Internet shitstorm" pretty much defined these days. And it was both parties intent to unleash said monster upon the other.

What happened after that is out of anyone's control. And these people should have been around the 'net long enough to know that this is what happens. What always happens.
That is the "Internet shitstorm" pretty much defined these days. And it was both parties intent to unleash said monster upon the other.

What happened after that is out of anyone's control. And these people should have been around the 'net long enough to know that this is what happens. What always happens.
Come on, man, just say it. Say "she deserved rape threats for her actions".

Also, I don't think she intended to have the men in the situation threatened with rape or death (and I didn't see any of this). AND I don't think the men in the original situation intended anything like that either. They acted pretty... normal/neutral in the wake of it from what I saw.[DOUBLEPOST=1363923591][/DOUBLEPOST]
Cause getting someone fired isn't bullying in anyway.
If the story ended with the original incident, yeah, she's the biggest bully. But then reddit/4chan had to be awful and evil and up the ante.
This is a case of anyone involved is a tool. From the top on down there was over reaction. The woman- if you have a problem with something someone says, why not confront them instead of making it public for the world on the internet where shit can't be taken back? The guy's employer- wait, you took the word of someone you didn't know off the internet and fired a guy for hearsay? The guy- way to be the bigger man, dick brain. It would have been more humane to shit on the hood of her car in retaliation then enlisting the douche bag army to do your dirty work. The woman's work- oh for fuck's sake, you're punishing the woman because assholes on the internet have nothing to do?

Lesson- everyone is an asshole.
The guy's employer- wait, you took the word of someone you didn't know off the internet and fired a guy for hearsay?.
Again, not to quibble, but the guy's employer said something to the effect of "we conducted a thorough investigation", which says to me that they asked him, and he didn't deny it, then he was let go.

I think dismissing it as "everyone's an asshole" just kind of turns a blind eye to the really vile shit that the woman in this had to endure just for daring to speak out against perceived sexism (even if I believe she did it in a slightly misguided way!).

ALSO again backing up, I don't think the original incident was even really....sexist in nature. It was just inappropriate, and making a joke about fucking a developer could have just as well offended a guy. I know if I overheard the conversation I would have been like smh irl
Sounds like an asshole to me. She had a crayon up her ass from an earlier incident and this guy paid the price.

You know, I can tell a stranger I disapprove of what he says, or I can post that shit online and have tons of cyber-dicks fuck with him.
I can post that shit online and have tons of cyber-dicks fuck with him.
I'm not condoning what she did, I'm just saying the stupid online posse on her side... ugh, I hate dumb metaphors, but here we go-

I'm saying the online posse on her side used knives and the 4chan/anonymous/reddit cyber posse defending him used machine guns. And the difference in weapons/approach/numbers is........................ sexism
Horseshit. That's possibly the stupidest conclusion I've ever seen. Those pricks also attack Westboro Church and the Church of Scientology, two groups synonymous with bigotry and sexism. Don't fool yourself, they would have fallen over themselves to be a prick to just about anyone. Even you.
Horseshit. That's possibly the stupidest conclusion I've ever seen. Those pricks also attack Westboro Church and the Church of Scientology, two groups synonymous with bigotry and sexism. Don't fool yourself, they would have fallen over themselves to be a prick to just about anyone. Even you.
Those attacks probably use 90% less gendered language and rape threats.


Staff member
What's funny about several dozen people telling her that they wish she gets raped to death?
I wasn't talking about that part, obviously. I was talking about the start of the whole thing. Is she a victim of harassment after the initial fact? Yup. Should she have been? Nope. Should it even have gotten to that point? Nope. Should the guys have been fired for joking about a dongle? (*snicker*) Nope.
I don't think I have much difference of opinion about the initial incident! I think she was in the wrong the way she handled it. I think the guy in question was mostly right / civil in his public postings about it (albeit, I lol-ed at the choice of venue of Reddit, but his actual words weren't horrible or anything).
I wasn't talking about that part, obviously. I was talking about the start of the whole thing. Is she a victim of harassment after the initial fact? Yup. Should she have been? Nope. Should it even have gotten to that point? Nope. Should the guys have been fired for joking about a dongle? (*snicker*) Nope.
My sympathy for the woman is strongly tempered by the fact that she chose to play with fire, and then ended up horribly horribly burned.


Staff member
Gettin' back to the whole "anonymity/privacy" thing, if you guys sure as hell want to drive women off the internet, subject them to every Sam Jones and Tom Davis who now knows exactly who does and does not have a vagina.
Gettin' back to the whole "anonymity/privacy" thing, if you guys sure as hell want to drive women off the internet, subject them to every Sam Jones and Tom Davis who now knows exactly who does and does not have a vagina.
I miss the good ole days of the internet when men were men, women were men and children were gnu agents.

I'm sick and tired of scared pussy cats unable to take a joke about fucking without needing reassurance from their batman.I mean
Dongle is a funny word

For crying out loud i can't even talk about fagging without offending somebody or go stick a fag in my mouth without getting cancer or pick up a fag of wood without hurting myback.

Words are mutable and changeabul. Just look at what happened to aweful and awesome.
I miss the good ole days of the internet when men were men, women were men and children were gnu agents.

I'm sick and tired of scared pussy cats unable to take a joke about fucking without needing reassurance from their batman.I mean
Dongle is a funny word

For crying out loud i can't even talk about fagging without offending somebody or go stick a fag in my mouth without getting cancer or pick up a fag of wood without hurting myback.

Words are mutable and changeabul. Just look at what happened to aweful and awesome.
You sound like the type of person that would call something "niggardly" around black people and then call them the true bigots if they say anything.
[quoI spend everyday e="Charlie Don't Surf, post: 1037664, member: 247"]You sound like the type of person that would call something "niggardly" around black people and then call them the true bigots if they say anything.[/quote]

No i spend everyday as an immigrant surrounded by other immigrants. Im also the type of asshole to compliment a British woman's fanny pack. And call a car full of males a car full of boys. I'm the type of asshole who sees nothing unusual pabout patting a kid on the top of the head. Or nothing fight worthy from a thumbs up.
My sympathy for the woman is strongly tempered by the fact that she chose to play with fire, and then ended up horribly horribly burned.
So much this. It's not okay to publicly shame people as the face of all sexism in tech (that's going to make it easy to get another job), and you don't get to act shocked and indignant when the same thing is turned around back on you.
So much this. It's not okay to publicly shame people as the face of all sexism in tech (that's going to make it easy to get another job), and you don't get to act shocked and indignant when the same thing is turned around back on you.
did she threaten to rape and kill those two guys that made a sexist joke, or did I miss something
She's been harassed, he didn't do the harassing, they've both lost their jobs. Seems like everyone's a loser.
Quote="Charlie Don't Surf, post: 1037672, member: 247"]okay, now I'm confused.[DOUBLEPOST=1363951667][/DOUBLEPOST]

Fanny in England means vagina
The hmung will be hugely offended if you touch the top of their kids heads
Some black people have been offended when I was traveling with them and reffered to the car with all girls as the girls car and the car with all males as the boys car
The dai in China will traditionally kill you if you touch their ancestors pillar in the house and force you to marry their daughter if you touch a different post
If a pregnant woman in Yunan is raped and murdered the family will wrap her grave in silver chains to prevent the vengeful spirit from returning from the grave and killing her killer or else they will bury her in a red dress and give her a sword if they want it to happen.

And in America you can't call a dongle a bit of dangling tackle.

And on the internet there exists a malignant preseence that think rape he hello.

Note the red dress pregnant woman hasn't been practiced too often recently. I was traveling through humans countryside for three months back in 06 when we ended up in the cemetery in a small village and came across a grave covered in chains. A local then told the story. Don't know if true.

Cultural differences.



Staff member
I'm gonna have to side with the guy on this one. This women should have just said something. She makes it out like she took some sort of brave step forward by speaking out. The brave and proper thing would have been to confront the person who was making the comments. Her actions were downright cowardly.

I'm really bothered that people think this way. No HR manager would consider a complaint to be cowardly for not having approached the other person first. That should NEVER be a requirement. Sure, you could do it if you want, but you should have the right to be privately complain and remain anonymous if you desire. The biggest problem with defeating sexism in places where it is heavily entrenched is the chill-factor against reporting it. No one wants to be known as the killjoy.

That said: She used a public twitter with her name on it. The poor judgement she used is very apparent.
I'm really bothered that people think this way. No HR manager would consider a complaint to be cowardly for not having approached the other person first. That should NEVER be a requirement. Sure, you could do it if you want, but you should have the right to be privately complain and remain anonymous if you desire. The biggest problem with defeating sexism in places where it is heavily entrenched is the chill-factor against reporting it. No one wants to be known as the killjoy.

That said: She used a public twitter with her name on it. The poor judgement she used is very apparent.
Yup, key words being PRIVATELY COMPLAIN AND REMAIN ANONYMOUS. She threw that out the window when she acted like she was a righteous crusader.
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