[PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

Holy shit PvP server. I'd forgotten what it's like. I spent a couple HOURS in Outland trying to get from level 58 to 60. Ganking everywhere and - even worse - they kept killing the quest givers. meanwhile Poe was about 7 levels behind me and now I think he's a higher level. He didn't bother going to Outland right away. He did instances instead. Smart man.

Can't wait until I'm level 100. I'm coming back to this fucking area.
I didn't do that to avoid ganking, specifically, I just really hate outland, hellfire peninsula especially. Nagrand is the only shining light in that shitshow.
Characters and talents are so overtuned for BC content that you could literally bring 4 monkeys and still clear content within about 10-15 minutes.
I hate PUGs, though. Like, fucking HATE them.
Cranky is the same way. I don't get it, either. I guess some people feel like grouping up in a PUG is some sort of unofficial contract that you're obligated to be friends later, but I know I don't feel that way.

Yeah I found BC goes pretty quickly in general. For Wrath and Cata I just zone quest because dungeons are a painful slog, and MoP is a mix of both dungeons and zones, but that's because I actually really like Pandaria.
Due to how incredibly easy it is to get Heirlooms now, and even more heirloom slots (ring, neck), just having a few Heirloom decked out players in an leveling dungeon you could just sneeze at it and win. I don't fret any dungeon before max level now, they are just a nice quick boost of XP between leveling.

As for PVP, I spent a lot of money getting off my old PVP server. I started on a PVP server back in vanilla, specifically Tichondrius, and played on that server all the way up to MoP as my main Horde server. During WOTLK though, I made Alliance characters on Ghostlands at the request of my wife, which was PVE, and I found myself enjoying the freedom of not getting ganked up the ass while trying to relax. It got so bad, that I just never wanted to play on my Horde server anymore half way through MoP, leaving them stagnant, so I decided to bite the bullet and transferred all of them to Wyrmrest Accord, a PVE RP server. I once again play them just as much as my Alliance characters.


Staff member
Cross realm has hurt PvP servers a lot, it seems. When in the old days it was only the server population and you tended to have some areas where you could actually be alone for a while (Azshara was my favorite) now every place is pretty packed. Except Dalaran, which is still empty as fuck.

And there's no way in hell I'm ever traveling to the Timeless Isles.
Cross realm has hurt PvP servers a lot, it seems. When in the old days it was only the server population and you tended to have some areas where you could actually be alone for a while (Azshara was my favorite) now every place is pretty packed. Except Dalaran, which is still empty as fuck.
It depends what you mean by "hurt". You have to realize that people who promote PVP servers LIKE having a lot of people around to kill. It's the dead zones that they hate because there is no one around to have conflict with. Cross-Realm means you are always up to having PVP encounters no matter the level, which is what PVP (at least, World PVP) players want. So while it's bad for me or you, for the people that server was designed to interest, it's not hurtful, but an improvement.
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It depends what you mean by "hurt". You have to realize that people who promote PVP servers LIKE having a lot of people around to kill. It's the dead zones that they hate because there is no one around to have conflict with. Cross-Realm means you are always up to having PVP encounters no matter the level, which is what PVP (at least, World PVP) players want. So while it's bad for me or you, for the people that server was designed to interest, it's not hurtful, but an improvement.
Honestly, as trite as it is to say, if you don't want to worry about getting ganked, don't roll on a PvP server. Ganking has been around since the dawn of online games after all.


Staff member
So I was invited into a pretty decent sized guild. I had already looked at them so I said yes. The guild leader keeps talking to me like he knows me...but I don't think I know him. It's weird.
Cross server PvP is better for impersonal PvP, but lordy, the old days of interserver rivalries and recognizable faces is dead.
It depends what you mean by "hurt". You have to realize that people who promote PVP servers LIKE having a lot of people around to kill. It's the dead zones that they hate because there is no one around to have conflict with. Cross-Realm means you are always up to having PVP encounters no matter the level, which is what PVP (at least, World PVP) players want. So while it's bad for me or you, for the people that server was designed to interest, it's not hurtful, but an improvement.

I think the only thing that actually hurts pvp is the leveling process. World pvp does not exist until you are max level. I rolled on this pvp server with Dave, and not once have I encountered an opposing faction member of similar level to myself that wanted to fight. It's nothing but max level characters flooding into lower leveling zones to one shot everyone and camp graveyards.


Staff member
Every once in a while I'm reminded about how terrible I am at PvP. Last night I got ganked by a level 96 dwarf rogue. Okay, that's fine. I was just finishing up with a level 100 foe who had me at about 1/2 health. Good on ya, Mr. Dwarf. I rezzed, hid, healed myself and then found him. I sapped him, did some burst damage to him...and then he proceeded to take me apart. It wasn't even close. Dude stun locked me like you wouldn't believe. He had an amazing amount of DoTs on me and kept stunning me so I could hardly do anything. It was embarrassing.
Continuing my 12yr streak of never installing the game on any computer I own, and never playing it anywhere.
(have to word it that way because I did help someone get it installed on their computer when it wasn't working right)

Hey now, at one point in the past I upgraded one of my computers with better components specifically so that I could finally join the horde of players out there, but after spending the money on the upgrades, some other stupid thing happened and I no longer had enough money for the subscription fee, and then a year later the patch they released had system requirements even that system couldn't meet, so I just kinda threw up my hands and said, "Well, I guess I'm not supposed to play this."

That's cool, but I mean coming into a thread for a game you've never played just to say HEY I'VE NEVER PLAYED THIS is kinda dumb.

Also WoW could run on a typewriter.
That's cool, but I mean coming into a thread for a game you've never played just to say HEY I'VE NEVER PLAYED THIS is kinda dumb.
Also WoW could run on a typewriter.
I think maybe you read that like, "Hey, bitches! I've never played your stupid game, and I doubt I'm ever gonna play your stupid game, so bask in the glow of my orc-free monitor!"
When what I said was, "I have tried several times to get into it, and events have conspired to keep me from being able to play it SO MUCH that I'm beginning to wonder if I'm deliberately being warded away from it for some reason."
Also, WoW stopped being able to run on a typewriter with the release of WotLK.



Staff member
Can confirm. I own a typewriter that can't play WoW. It does great on the Resume Simulator, though.
pre-patch is coming soon, abuse your Garrisons while you can, because the nerf will go live with the pre-patch and they will become shit for gold, I just got myself up to a total of 500k so I think I did a pretty good job.


Staff member
pre-patch is coming soon, abuse your Garrisons while you can, because the nerf will go live with the pre-patch and they will become shit for gold, I just got myself up to a total of 500k so I think I did a pretty good job.
I have about 50K gold. Not grindy enough to get more than that.

How did you get so much? Firelands?
I don't think it's happening until Legion itself, but Cata raid gold is getting nerfed by about 50%. Also, if you have any Follower armor/weapon tokens, sell them if you don't need them. The sell price is getting knocked down to coppers per piece.
pre-patch is coming soon, abuse your Garrisons while you can, because the nerf will go live with the pre-patch and they will become shit for gold, I just got myself up to a total of 500k so I think I did a pretty good job.
Sadly, I cannot get myself to care about garrisons at all. I don't know what it is about them, but they make me want to swallow my own tongue.

I didn't like the gardening in Panderia either, but it wasn't quite as bad.
How did you get so much? Firelands?
Garrisons. Do missions and open boxes for salvage. I average around 5k per week per character (I have 16 level 100s), and I don't even log on every day, maybe only three times a week.

I would actually have more, but I am focusing hard on having XP potions to level up my last few alts, plus outfit every character with 30 slot bags (both backpack and bank), and doing a few impulse buys, like paying a guild 15k to run me for the moose mount and another 20k so I have Quel'delar unlocked (since you will get all the styles in the wardrobe including the cool maces and such). I likely will stop for Legion to make sure I have enough gold for whatever new sink they may develop (probably never reach that 2 million gold spooky spider mount though, and good riddance, thing gives me the creeps)