Wii U Love Thread

I meant SD card. Not a single one has worked in it. None.
Ignore this message if you already know this.
There is a particular method to transferring via SD card, as just storing the data onto the card and then attempting to access them on the WiiU will simply not work.
Here is a simple video tutorial for transferring your data.


IMPORTANT: Make sure you transfer back onto your Wii any files you want to include into the transfer to the WiiU before you begin the process.
Ignore this message if you already know this.
There is a particular method to transferring via SD card, as just storing the data onto the card and then attempting to access them on the WiiU will simply not work.
Here is a simple video tutorial for transferring your data.


IMPORTANT: Make sure you transfer back onto your Wii any files you want to include into the transfer to the WiiU before you begin the process.
Yeah, you have to go through the Transfer Chanel on the Wii within the Wii U.
Yeah, you have to go through the Transfer Chanel on the Wii within the Wii U.
That's not the problem. :p No SD cards work. At all. Even tried using my DS one for the Animal Crossing channel. Still can't read it. I mean I literally go through the transfer shit, but it won't acknowledge any of the cards as being there.
Which isn't reading it, the Wii, or the WiiU?
My WIi U refuses to acknowledge that there is a functioning SD card in the slot when it comes time to use it. I have gone through about 5 of them, all of which work just fine in other devices including my 3DS.
I almost wonder if I need to get it serviced, but that means bullshitting with customer service or just using my Wii for saves I give a shit about.
Is this when you go into the actual Wii chanel on your Wii U or the main Wii U settings. The Wii U itself doesn't recognize SD cards as a valid form of memory, it's only there for the Wii functionality.

I fully realize that you probably know this, but I just want to be sure.
I do the whole lead in to the transfer then no SD cards work. I know what I am doing, and have found no one else with a similar issue when googling for it.
I mean, just for the sake of knowing if it's reading the card or not so you can narrow down if it's a software or hardware issue with the SD reader. When you go into the Wii chanel on your Wii U, and you go into the memory options, does it recognize the SD card, or no?

If it doesn't see any cards at all, it's probably unfortunately the reader on the console itself and the only resolution is to either live with it or send it in to Nintendo.

If it IS recognizing the card, it would probably point to an issue with the Wii chanel software, which means it MAY be possible to resolve the issue with a reformatting.

The same would be true of the actual Wii console. Of course, if you had to reformat your Wii console, then it defeats the entire purpose.[DOUBLEPOST=1379826573,1379826464][/DOUBLEPOST]For the record, you're missing out. It does this whole thing where the Pikmin grab your data from the old Wii console and carry it over to the Wii U console. It's adorable :p
Like I said, I'm very certain it's a system defect, as it won't work with my fully functioning 3DS memory cards when I try to use Animal Crossing Plaza as well. I should probably get it fixed just in case Nintendo ever patches in allowing SD cards to work as extra storage, I just have not felt like it yet.
So..... Wind Waker HD is AWESOME!!!!!

I just got the swift sail and holy crap. If this was in the original game, I don't think many people would have given up on the sailing portions as they did. I hate the Tingle bottles that replace the Tingle Tuner, but then again, I hate Tingle. The graphics are crisp and look great. I'm just past the second time through the Forsaken Fortress. Aiming the bow and the grappling hook with the gyroscope on the gamepad is just great.

Again, looks so damn pretty.
I'll be getting it soon. But I'm going to have to wait for the hard-copy game, or the money to get a external hard-drive and the downloadable version.
So. Mario 3D World looks fun as hell. Sonic Lost World looks pretty awesome, too. Adding Wind Waker HD, Wonderful 101 and Smash Bros to the list...I might have to cave and get the system soon.
A bit of an update:

My progress has stymied on Wind Waker because I have only been able to play at home in ten to 15 minute chunks and I went on a sidequest binge. I'd just started the second Master Sword temple last time I played. Still great, still highly recommended, especially if you never played it before.

In case anyone hasn't found out yet, to get the Swift sail, you have to get it at the Auction House which is available only at night on Windfall Island. I think you have to have at least completed the Tower of Trials before you can get it, but once you do, you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

So, seeing as my time has been limited, I've been playing Lego City Undercover. I would count this as my favorite game on the system after WWHD if not for one little thing. The load times are horrendously long and happen all the damn time.
Ended up picking one up a couple weeks ago. Only have WWHD and Mighty Switch Force (both a lot of fun), hoping my brother or I can pick up something multiplayer-y. Maybe Rayman Legends or NSMBU.
I haven't picked up Rayman Legends. After I get that, I'll pretty much have anything worth owning on the WiiU to date.
Rayman Legends is amazing on the Wii U! It's awful on the 360, but perfect with the Wii U's controls!
Donkey Kong needs to come out sooner. I can't wait for Dixie!! XD She hasn't been playable on any demos yet unfortunately, but I can't wait to pick up DK when it comes out in ...February... Dixie has always been my favorite! :3
Super Mario 3D Land also needs to come out NOW. Playing as a kitty is stupid fun , and it's super cool that they brought back the character traits from Super Mario 2! Toad is quick, Luigi has his super jump, Peach has her floaty jump... ahh it's perfect! Also, FIRE PEACH! <3

There's a lot of games I need to buy...
Rayman Legends is amazing on the Wii U! It's awful on the 360, but perfect with the Wii U's controls!
Donkey Kong needs to come out sooner. I can't wait for Dixie!! XD She hasn't been playable on any demos yet unfortunately, but I can't wait to pick up DK when it comes out in ...February... Dixie has always been my favorite! :3
Super Mario 3D Land also needs to come out NOW. Playing as a kitty is stupid fun , and it's super cool that they brought back the character traits from Super Mario 2! Toad is quick, Luigi has his super jump, Peach has her floaty jump... ahh it's perfect! Also, FIRE PEACH! <3

There's a lot of games I need to buy...
I'm surprised they had to delay Donkey Kong; I wonder what could've been the issue for what's mainly a platformer.
Because my dad is awesome and sent us an unreasonably large chunk of spending money ... we bought the fucking thing.

I unfortunately can't give any impressions on games tonight because it took so long to get this thing set up that my wife went to bed and I'm needing to sleep as well. As for the system:

- I love the gamepad. I didn't think I would, because it looks pretty weird, but it does feel comfy in my hands and its shape is great for putting it down without letting buttons get pushed. The use of dual screens makes it feel like Nintendo really wants the DS experience to work in the living room. I don't know if it's there yet, but as a user of DS/3DS since 2007, I snapped right to what I was doing.
- Why the fuck does the Wind Waker bundle, released just a month ago, have such a huge system update?
- Why the fuck didn't they just pre-load Wind Waker onto here? I'm thinking these are just deluxe consoles with the gamepads replaced by the pretty Wind Waker golden symbols.
- I have a feeling the 32GB isn't going to last long. Can I expand the space I have with an SD card or is a Wii U specialized hard drive going to be a requirement in the future?
- For the past few months, I've been nabbing select Wii VC game codes from Club Nintendo, so I was finally able to use those. Unfortunately, only one game could be upgraded to the Wii U itself, but since it was originally free, I don't mind paying $1.50 for Super Metroid.

Question for those of you who've had this thing longer: one of my Wii VC games is Super Mario RPG. It cannot be played with the Wiimote and says it needs a classic controller. I never bothered with that thing on my Wii, instead using one of the many Gamecube controllers we have lying around, but there are no Gamecube controller ports on the Wii U. So do I need a Wii classic controller? A Wii U classic controller? Can I use the Gamepad's buttons? What are my options?

As for games, we have Wind Waker and I picked up Super Luigi Bros U because it looked like fun and my wife can play invincible Nabbit, so she'll actually enjoy a platformer with me. It'll be more fun when I can get my little cousins over. I'm download a demo of The Wonderful 101 right now. I wish there was a demo for Pikmin 3; I'd love to get a feel for how it handles with the touch screen.

And ... those are all the games out that I'm interested in. Eagerly awaiting news of Bayonetta 2, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, and maybe Super Smash Bros.

The VC has me salivating for Super Mario World and Earthbound, but we have enough for now, so I'm gonna wait on those two gems.

Are we all exchanging friend codes for this thing or is that going too far after the invasive midnight Pokemon spying that's gone on through the 3DS?
I think I'm getting to be the veteran WiiU user on the board so I'll try to address all your points.

First thing's first, welcome to your new WiiU!

Launch day, they had a huge system update as well, so that's nothing new. However, you don't even want to know how slow load times were before some of the more recent updates. They can't pre-load Wind Waker because it has to be added through your WiiU e-shop account. It would have been either that, or throw the disk in there. Which they couldn't have done because the physical disk wasn't released until after the e-shop exclusive and the bundled system that you now own was already out in stores.

The 32GB will not probably last you long, especially if you go for the E-shop games over buying physical disks, as I have.

The Wii U itself doesn't use the SD card for memory, it's mostly there for Wii compatability.

As far as hard drives go for the WiiU there, is a little catch to them. Because the USB ports on the system are only USB 2.0, you need hard drives that either have an external power source or a Y split that uses both ports (one for power, the other for data). A list of compatable hard drives can be found here. There are more that will work than are listed on the site, but those are the ones that have been tested and been deemed compatable by Nintendo themselves.

As far as playing Super Mario RPG goes, if it's on the Wii virtual shop (which is and shall continue to be completely seperate from the Wii U virtual shop), you will have to get the classic controller to play it. No GC compatability on the WiiU, which is the only reason that I'm keeping my old Wii. If it is bought from the Wii U virtual shop, though, all games there can be played directly through the gamepad. Seeing as the Wii didn't even have a gamepad, there will be no support for that controller on the Wii contained in your Wii U.

As for games, Wonderful 101 is fun as hell.
Thanks Bowielee.

I don't really plan to buy most games through download, but I know that space can get eaten anyway. I have an external hard drive with Y split; I'll have to test if it's compatible. I wonder if it would let me partition part of the drive for Wii U and part for other stuff since I have back ups from PCs on there too.

Looks like the Wii classic controllers either have an incompatible plug or are wireless and expensive. I don't want to pay $20 for a controller just to play on SNES game, so I guess I'll have to wait for it to be released. At the rate they're going, I predict 2015.

I played the Wonderful 101 demo last night. It's at the top of my to-get list for Wii U.
The WiiU allows for classic Wii play, so you can play your Wii games and Wii VC titles. However you will need to go through the transfer process to get your VC games to your WiiU. (Please see above for exact info how to do this, as it's not as simple as transferring them via SD card.). So if you have Wii download codes, you can get the games on your WiiU, then transfer them over. Once you do that you can pretty much gift your wii to someone else. Any games that you download via the Wii, that end up on the WiiU virtual shop, can be purchased for a small fee (discounted from 1st purchase price) which will allow you to use them on the WiiU gamepad.
The WiiU allows for classic Wii play, so you can play your Wii games and Wii VC titles. However you will need to go through the transfer process to get your VC games to your WiiU. (Please see above for exact info how to do this, as it's not as simple as transferring them via SD card.). So if you have Wii download codes, you can get the games on your WiiU, then transfer them over. Once you do that you can pretty much gift your wii to someone else. Any games that you download via the Wii, that end up on the WiiU virtual shop, can be purchased for a small fee (discounted from 1st purchase price) which will allow you to use them on the WiiU gamepad.
We sold our Wii back when Julie lost her job two years ago, so everything on there went to its eventual new owner. I just had codes from Club Nintendo that I was saving up for eventually getting a Wii U. I put those into the Wii section, so they're already on the Wii U.

I did what you said for Super Metroid though since it's the only one of my Wii VC games that's available on the Wii U VC.

Nintendo has kind of made the controller issue difficult. The Wii U Pro doesn't work in Wii mode. However, the Wii Classic controller doesn't support all Wii U games. For the moment if I was to get a Classic it'd be for the sake of VC, as I remember now that we might want to get Pokemon Snap and I'm not sure when Nintendo will start bringing N64 VC games to the Wii U.

But probably it's all irrelevant right now because we just dropped a bunch of money for this thing so we're not going to spend any more on it right now.
The WiiU allows for classic Wii play, so you can play your Wii games and Wii VC titles. However you will need to go through the transfer process to get your VC games to your WiiU. (Please see above for exact info how to do this, as it's not as simple as transferring them via SD card.). So if you have Wii download codes, you can get the games on your WiiU, then transfer them over. Once you do that you can pretty much gift your wii to someone else. Any games that you download via the Wii, that end up on the WiiU virtual shop, can be purchased for a small fee (discounted from 1st purchase price) which will allow you to use them on the WiiU gamepad.
His problem is that some of the Wii virtual console titles required either a classic controller or a GC controller. Since the WiiU doesn't have ports for the GC controllers, he either has to buy the classic controller or wait until they are added to the WiiU shop with the WiiU gamepad compatability.[DOUBLEPOST=1382886285,1382885770][/DOUBLEPOST]Though, if you do scrape up a few extra bucks, there is this option.


Thinking about getting one myself.
His problem is that some of the Wii virtual console titles required either a classic controller or a GC controller. Since the WiiU doesn't have ports for the GC controllers, he either has to buy the classic controller or wait until they are added to the WiiU shop with the WiiU gamepad compatability.
I might just get a classic controller because it's not like I need a Wii U pro later; the gamepad works.
As far as hard drives go for the WiiU there, is a little catch to them. Because the USB ports on the system are only USB 2.0, you need hard drives that either have an external power source or a Y split that uses both ports (one for power, the other for data). A list of compatable hard drives can be found here. There are more that will work than are listed on the site, but those are the ones that have been tested and been deemed compatable by Nintendo themselves.
That's an issue with the wiiU, not usb2.0. I have several seagate drives that don't require a separate connection for power, one of the drives I even use for my wii.
I might just get a classic controller because it's not like I need a Wii U pro later; the gamepad works.
I'll most likely never get the pro controller for the WiiU. it's basically made for the cross platform titles and I certainly won't be getting those for the Wii U.