[Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree

To be fair, that only happens if you grind Smithing. The item is given according to level, so you need to be around 50 to get daedric.
Hey Sheegy Weegy, if you don't have anything nice to say about a webcomic or somebody's takeaway from a webcomic, don't post here. "Appreciation" is in the title for a reason.
What the f are you talking about? He made an off comment about the lack of comedy in a strip by attributing to it too much thought, I face palmed. I'm lost to what your point was.
Expressing the facepalm is the problem.

New thread policy: Be positive or be analytical. No outright dismissal of a webcomic or somebody's opinion or takeaway, no matter how pedantic or incorrect it might be. You can try to politely correct somebody's opinion, but just telling them they're an idiot is right out.

And I will type at anyone who violates that policy.

If you want to bash a webcomic or somebody's opinion about a webcomic, that's a different thread.

This has not been a problem in the past, just making it explicit here and now.
Expressing the facepalm is the problem.

New thread policy: Be positive or be analytical. No outright dismissal of a webcomic or somebody's opinion or takeaway, no matter how pedantic or incorrect it might be. You can try to politely correct somebody's opinion, but just telling them they're an idiot is right out.

And I will type at anyone who violates that policy.
He says right after using a derogative "nickname".
I have dumb little nicknames for over a dozen posters, none of which are inherently offensive/demeaning/belittling or see any real common use (apart from a couple), and I'm not gonna stop.

Fun fact: I have the same nickname for Chaz as I do for Charlie, since both are technically already nicknames for Charles.
Webcomics You Probably Don't Read
But Really Should
Next Town Over


Next Town Over
First Update
Author: Erin Mehlos
Updates: Saturdays
Story or One-Shot?: Story
RSS feed?: Yes

Synopsis: Next Town Over is a cat and mouse story that takes place in a fantastic American west with a few, very minor steampunk-ish elements thrown in. It follows a mysterious, incredibly hard to kill woman who uses a massive variety of guns with extraneous gears on them named Vane Black as she chases a pyrokinetic outlaw with unknown but ill-seeming intentions named John Henry Hunter all over the west. They both have a casual disregard for the massive amounts of collateral damage they cause.


It's pretty solid, overall. I especially like the use of color.

Additional notes: The comic is still very young, currently on chapter three of a planned 13, so there is not much of an archive to go through.

It's a fun little comic, with Vane and Hunter one-upping each other in some rather creative ways. There are a couple of unsolved mysteries permeating in the background, at the moment, most of them concerning Vane Black's identity and what Hunter is up to.

It's a not very deep but rather enjoyable read.