Underage teen drinking? Take away their driver's license!

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I don't believe you.
Why would I lie about that Dave.. wtf.[/QUOTE]

You've NEVER gone faster than the posted limit? Ever? I find that statement very, very difficult to believe. The posted limits in a lot of areas are insanely slow for the sake of "public safety". You've never gotten a speeding ticket. You've never jaywalked. You've never broken the law in any way, shape or form.

I love ya, makare, but I just don't buy it.[/QUOTE]

I did get a speeding ticket once but it was because they had changed the speed limit in the zone because they had built a new building nearby and I had driven the road so many times that I went by what I knew and not what was posted I guess. So I ended up going 45 in a 35. But other than I do drive the speed limit or slightly under on the interstate.

You can go screw yourself, I don't care if you believe me or not.


Staff member
Any speeding ticket you've ever had - regardless of ignorance of the law - invalidates your claim. Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law.


My claim is that people who break the law can't handle themselves. Obviously I couldnt handle myself in that situation. So I think it proves my point just fine.


Staff member
My claim is that people who break the law can't handle themselves. Obviously I couldnt handle myself in that situation. So I think it proves my point just fine.
Were you driving recklessly? Were you out of control? I'll bet not. In fact, I'll bet you were one of the safest drivers on that road that day. But you know what? The fact that you broke the law and the fact that you were in perfect control proves MY POINT that laws that are put in place without regard for logic or critical thinking cause more harm than good. Sure, the city like it because they are going to rake in the cash from people going too fast in an area where that low speed makes no sense and does not save lives. But that doesn't mean that it's good for the citizens who get screwed by it or those who end up paying for these underhanded metropolitan legally sanctioned extortion plots.


Besides the fact that they moved the sign without me knowing I dont see what the big deal is. Sure going slower in some areas is annoying but it isn't that big of a deal. I don't see it as some great offensive infringement on my rights. I am perfectly ok driving a speed limit, even the 25 mile an hour everywhere in town limit where I live now. I dont like it but it isnt something to get upset over.

And because I am now realizing that because of my opinions people seem to think that I think I am somehow perfect or some shit, well Im not. I got busted for drinking in my undergrad dorm the first year I was in college. I actually got busted WITH a drink I hadn't actually drank any of but instead of saying see EVERYONE does it, I look at that as one of the greater failings in my life because there was no reason for it. I hold everyone to the same standard I hold myself to and I fail myself often.


Staff member
But you were in control. If they'd have taken away your driver's license after that party it would have made NO SENSE.

And now I'm going to play Mass Effect.


But you were in control. If they'd have taken away your driver's license after that party it would have made NO SENSE.

And now I'm going to play Mass Effect.
I don't see myself in control in that situation. If they would have taken away my license I would have accepted it as a punishment for losing control of myself even though it would have stranded me in my college town.

I really don't say this much because I really hate it, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
I'd wager that teens who drink are less likely to drive since they know that they're in trouble regardless of how drunk they are. Thats always been my logic.
Because they don't think they should follow a stupid law, maybe?

You may think it's because they can't handle themselves, but I'm sure in some cases they surely COULD not drink, they just choose to because the law is pretty absurd. They are breaking it, but fuck it, they are not harming anyone.


ITT: Marake1 is the biggest prude on Earth.

My grandma even goes 5 mph over the speed limit.


My grandma even goes 5 mph
mph = men per hour.[/QUOTE]

I'll tolerate a lot of things, but seriously, don't talk about my grandma.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 PM ----------

I don't think you know what a prude is.

Mary Sue. John Q American. Eh, no point in talking to a huge tool anyway.[/QUOTE]

Uh huh.

Here, enjoy http://www.merriam-webster.com/


My grandma even goes 5 mph
mph = men per hour.[/QUOTE]

I'll tolerate a lot of things, but seriously, don't talk about my grandma.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 PM ----------

I don't think you know what a prude is.

Mary Sue. John Q American. Eh, no point in talking to a huge tool anyway.[/QUOTE]

Uh huh.

Here, enjoy http://www.merriam-webster.com/[/QUOTE]

Ok I'll bite.
: a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety. Are you fucking retarded? That's the exact way I've been using it to define your habits. Do they speak English in South Dakota, or have so many generations of inbreeding really made you that slow?


I fail to see how someone like myself who swears like a sailor and spends a considerable amount of time looking at porn can be priggishly attentive to propriety just because she doesn't engage in activities with no upside like speeding. But then again I know how to use words properly.


I fail to see how someone like myself who swears like a sailor and spends a considerable amount of time looking at porn can be priggishly attentive to propriety just because she doesn't engage in activities with no upside like speeding. But then again I know how to use words properly.
The law says speeding's bad you guys. That must make it true!


Give it up makare. I got into one of these discussions back in the half-pixel days. It was about pot being illegal and there is no way to get your point across here. All you are going to get is personal assaults and mockery for saying laws should be followed.

We live in a different world these days. Everyone seems to think they should be allowed to do anything they want and get away with it because "Everyone else is doing it tooooooooooooo!!!!!".

minor edit for spelling


I fail to see how someone like myself who swears like a sailor and spends a considerable amount of time looking at porn can be priggishly attentive to propriety just because she doesn't engage in activities with no upside like speeding. But then again I know how to use words properly.
The law says speeding's bad you guys. That must make it true![/QUOTE]

I never said it was bad. It is against the law and without merit. But you can just go ahead and keep reading into things whatever you want.

Give it up makare. I got into one of these discussions back in the half-pixel days. it was about pot being illegal and there is no way to get your point across here. All you are going to get is personal assaults and mockery for saying laws should be followed.

We live in a different world these days. Everyone seems to think they should be aloud to do anything they want and get away with it because "Everyone else is doing it tooooooooooooo!!!!!".
It's just easier to bitch about a law and try to justify bad behavior than actually work towards changing it. The laws I have a problem with I plan to do something about besides sitting in my computer room shaking my fist and cursing the heavens.

The first thread I ever posted in on image was about the topic of underage drinking and even back than Chaz got all harglegargle about it. Im not sure why he takes people's different life perspectives so personally but he does. We have gone over this topic with a back hoe and purged it with fire and salt . I just wanted to talk about the law but no. So yeah, pointless doesn't even begin to cover it.
You guys do know that the speed limits are intentionally set too slow because they know people will break it right? So really, if you aren't speeding 5-10 mph, you're doing a poor job of driving.


You guys do know that the speed limits are intentionally set too slow because they know people will break it right? So really, if you aren't speeding 5-10 mph, you're doing a poor job of driving.

If you drive the speed limit in Philly on 76 or in Washington DC on I95, you're going to cause more accidents than if you would doing 75-80 like everyone else.

On the topic of underage drinking. Kids are going to find ways to drink no matter how many laws you impose on them. You might as well lower the drinking age so they begin to develop a sense of responsibility from a young age, instead of going balls out when 21 hits. At 18 you can vote, get full time work, smoke, buy weapons, join the military, but God help you if you have a beer.


I fail to see how someone like myself who swears like a sailor and spends a considerable amount of time looking at porn can be priggishly attentive to propriety just because she doesn't engage in activities with no upside like speeding. But then again I know how to use words properly.
The law says speeding's bad you guys. That must make it true![/QUOTE]

I never said it was bad. It is against the law and without merit. But you can just go ahead and keep reading into things whatever you want.

Give it up makare. I got into one of these discussions back in the half-pixel days. it was about pot being illegal and there is no way to get your point across here. All you are going to get is personal assaults and mockery for saying laws should be followed.

We live in a different world these days. Everyone seems to think they should be aloud to do anything they want and get away with it because "Everyone else is doing it tooooooooooooo!!!!!".
It's just easier to bitch about a law and try to justify bad behavior than actually work towards changing it. The laws I have a problem with I plan to do something about besides sitting in my computer room shaking my fist and cursing the heavens.

The first thread I ever posted in on image was about the topic of underage drinking and even back than Chaz got all harglegargle about it. Im not sure why he takes people's different life perspectives so personally but he does. We have gone over this topic with a back hoe and purged it with fire and salt . I just wanted to talk about the law but no. So yeah, pointless doesn't even begin to cover it.[/QUOTE]

Because it's dipshits like you that run up ridiculous laws in the first place.

---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------

I'll tolerate a lot of things,
lol. You tolerate nothing, dude. You whine, complain and insult someone here on a near daily basis.[/QUOTE]

Fine go ahead, it's not like your posts ever amount to anything anyway.


I know you dont think I do, and I honestly don't know why, but I think the drinking age is stupid too. But I think the "right of passage" "everyone is doing it" argument for breaking the law is complete bullshit. If you condone drinking under age you are not condoning drinking you are condoning breaking the law. What kind of message does that send?

I don't know what it is like around the country but here we are allowed to drink with our parents or have wine with dinner. That teaches responsible drinking in a situation where it is legal. I don't see the benefit to encouraging or condoning it where it is illegal.
Keep it civil folks. Argue your hearts out but lets take a step back from personal insults. That goes for Chaz and anyone else who is thinking of going there. I don't want to have to lock up a perfectly good thread. Or pull this mini-van over. Because I will. And you know what that means. No Dairy Queen. And I know you want Dairy Queen.


I know you dont think I do, and I honestly don't know why, but I think the drinking age is stupid too. But I think the "right of passage" "everyone is doing it" argument for breaking the law is complete bullshit. If you condone drinking under age you are not condoning drinking you are condoning breaking the law. What kind of message does that send?

I don't know what it is like around the country but here we are allowed to drink with our parents or have wine with dinner. That teaches responsible drinking in a situation where it is legal. I don't see the benefit to encouraging or condoning it where it is illegal.
I live in PA. It's pretty much the biggest nanny state in the US, when it comes to alcohol laws. Hell, I can't even get a beer tonight because it's Sunday.


Well, that's not my fault. Stop taking it out on me. I don't like alcohol and I generally don't drink but I also don't give a shit if other people do. I would never support the drinking age at 21 law if given a choice, I think people should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. However, I qualify that at the point where they start breaking the law. I have a deep love for law. Maybe an individual law is crap but then change it, until then it is the law and it should be respected.

However, even I fall short of my own ideals on that regard with some things but like I said, I never claimed to be perfect.
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