Raaarggh, graargghhkt ugghhhrr brraaiinnss uuurrgghh rrrggrrrrsssaaa uuunnhhhh "we need to get weapons and explosives to access the brains we want, people, mobilize. Time for the heavy firepower "
You do that.Just a moment, I just need to re-arm myself...
*makes snow goons*
In Shego's case, it's only to hunt us for sport... at best. I doubt Sera has any nobler intentions. As for Cajun... do you have ANY idea just what goes into her gumbo!?So...Shego, Cajun, and Sera, are rounding up the guys (and a couple of fun female playthings) and herding us together for their enjoyment. Why are we supposed to care, again? I don't mind three hot women coralling me o_
Uurrgghh There's no BRAAAIIINNSS there. You can have the legs, all I want are the BRAAAIIINNSS.Also, may I point out that t his particular set of stormtrooper outfit seems to leave quite a bit of leg exposed, and it's probably a better idea to try and bite her there than higher-up.
In Shego's case, it's only to hunt us for sport... at best. I doubt Sera has any nobler intentions. As for Cajun... do you have ANY idea just what goes into her gumbo!?[/QUOTE]So...Shego, Cajun, and Sera, are rounding up the guys (and a couple of fun female playthings) and herding us together for their enjoyment. Why are we supposed to care, again? I don't mind three hot women coralling me o_
Me name ithet Andi.
Would any of you braineating buggers kindly zombify my avatar? please?
Ey dawg! Got some spare braaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn?
She's a ghost, not a zombie.We have female undead
She's a ghost, not a zombie.[/QUOTE]We have female undead